Nothing excites me more than the thought of homemade biscuits and gravy. There is a container of bacon drippings in my refrigerator at all times. I speak a language unknown to most of the USA. I am never in a hurry for any reason and find time and reason to speak to everyone. A running vine called Kudzu is almost every where that I look. Where am I?

I am in the Tennessee Valley, one of the many wonderful areas of the Southern United States.

I thrive on four seasons a year with a spring so green that I feel like I am in a jungle, with a summer so humid that I can lose weight without trying and a fall so beautiful in it's myriad of colors that it can take my breath away and make me cry. The people in my part of the world are for the most part very kind and considerate. Did you ever hear the term, "southern hospitality", it truly exists.

My name is Linda. I am thirty-??? years old with two sons aged nineteen and eighteen and one daughter aged two years. WHAT A GAP!!!!! I met my husband Daniel on-line. We have been married for three years. I was held captive in Arizona for over a year. It's not that Arizona is not beautiful in a very dry sort of way. It just was not my beloved south. I never knew that the southern accent was so difficult to understand.

Who would of thought that the world was in such a hurry? Why are people out there so indifferent to each other? It is great to be home!!!! Life is just not right without 'possums and kudzu hanging around.

I have many on-line interests. One of my very favorites is contests and sweepstakes. And yes I have won!!!!!! To win is to get a lift. It's wonderful. I will be more than happy to attempt to answer any sweeping questions. And I am always willing to talk about and explain the South, (which truly is different than the rest of the states), and our attitudes and customs to anyone that might be interested.

Linda Janice Moore (Green)
AKA Missy

You may now kiss the bride

Rebekah Estelle Elisabeth Moore

Come see the rest of our pics!

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