
*NOTE* Times are in London Time.
Inner Weyr :: Residency :: Lower Caverns :: Lands

Inner Weyr
Feeding Grounds
An area inside the Weyr where the wherries roam for dragons to munch on. Flights start here, so are posted here.
Dining Hall
A great room that serves as a place for the Weyr's residents to eat during breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all those in between meals.
Hatching Sands
Eggheavy, and not to mention moody dragons and flitts come here to lay their eggs. The sands are hot all-year round, helping to harden any Clutches and burn the feet of those caught unawares.
Weyr Lake
The natural Lake is the centerpiece for much of everyday Weyr activity. Laundry, dragon bathing, and even recreational sports as swimming are just a few of the aquatic uses.
The main area in the Weyr that leads to the entrances of the Hatching Sands, Dining Hall, Barracks, etc. Incoming dragons land in here.
Humans and dragons (save for the Sr. and Jr. Queens, of course) are not perfect. Injuries, sicknesses, and freak accidents happen, and when they do, those victims come here. The Healers, both dragon and human, work here to heal and cure those who need it.

Where the dragonriders live. Empty weyrs have barely anything in them: a bed, stone couch, a dresser, and a dining set.
Candidate Barracks
These rooms are where the Candidates are shoved until they leave or Impress. Each room has two bunk beds and four chests, and those pretty much take up all the space in each room.
Leaders' Weyrs
Much like the regular weyrs, the only differences are that they have their own bathroom suites, and more space. The Weyrwomen, Weyrlingmaster, Candidatemaster, Wingleaders and Wingseconds live in these weyrs.
Weyrling Barracks
Those lucky enough to Impress come to these barracks. Larger than the ones the Candidates have, each room holds two beds, two stone couches, and two trunks.
Living Quarters
Like how the dragonriders have weyrs, all the Weyrfolk have the living caverns. The rooms vary in size, depending on rank and such.

Lower Caverns
Bathing Room
A large room filled with steaming water; this is a nice place to take a bath, relax, or clear your sinuses. Warning: you may not be alone in here...
Records Room
In the cooled Lower Caverns, all Weyr records and some Harper ones are kept. Also, the sole computer of the Weyr is stored here to keep it safe. The Headwoman keeps close tabs on it, so don't be caught tinkering!
Wine Cellar
The cellar is always kept dark and cool, to better preserve the wine. The only fine carpentry is the racks for storing the bottles of wine that line the entire room. Celestyn has a very good collection of vintages, both red and white. In addition, considering the remote location and the abundance of aphrodisiac to be had, the wine cellar is also an ideal place for a little tryst.
The food is made here. Pretty obvious. Watch out though for the Weyr's top ranking non-dragonriding female- The Headwoman *insert scary music and lightning flash*
Storage Rooms
Where all the food, supplies, medicines, and other stuff is stored. Really, do you need more of a description?

The wide plains just west of the Weyr are filled with long grasses that sway with the continual winds. Large beasts roam about the Plains, grazing. Hence, dragons love this area.
Decidous forests line the coast and extend into lands for miles. If you don't have a good sense of direction, then getting lost is all too easy.
A wide beach with white sand. The waves are tall during peak hours, and low tide leaves many shells and other findings over the packed sands.
This sparsely tree speckled plain is only a few miles of escape from the overwhelming forest of surroundings. On the north side, the steep face of a mountain is decked in deciduous woods that have prevailed in recent years. Thick, lush grass is kind to both human and dragon. The sun and socializing draw people in, creating frequent usage.
There is a large dam here that is bordering on a hundred years old, which supplies the power for the attempt at air conditioning. The crags in the make-shift concrete need to be replaced, as well as the some of the main structure, and the Crafters are in a constant debate about how to go about doing it. Just north is good fishing and swimming in the fresh, cool waters.
This is where the fresh waters of the River meet the salty ones of the Bay in a collision that sparks trickles of both aqueous life. A delta prevents swimmers from enjoying the water, though small boats can easily navigate through. Just along the coast of this is very fertile waters that create a mini-tropical haven for redfruits and other delicious snacks.
Celestyn, Graphic, Layout � Cirque. All rights reserved.
Layout image � Kirasanta. Brushes from Blinding Light. Inspiration from Ichabod1799.
Pern, DRoP � Anne McCaffrey

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