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Irrashaimase, minna-san!

I make my journey through eternity
I keep the memory of you and me inside
We don't say goodbye
With all my love for you
And what else we may do
We don't say...goodbye...

- "Immortality", Celine Dion

Misty and Karina here. Welcome to Immortality, the official fanlisting for Koenma Daioh and Botan of the manga/anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, approved by The Anime!!!!

Sept. 3, 2006

This is just to tell you that we shall be updating the list soon with the new members (4 new members: Supreme Baka, Jeddy, Jason, and Brigid) this weekend (specifically on Saturday, Sept 9, 2006), when we have time to encode the members' page. Please wait until then...we're really sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks again for joining! ^___^ We might be giving something special to our 100th member...maybe a requested drabble or something. We'll keep you posted until then. ^^


Members: 94
Belgium (1)
Brazil (2)
Canada (2)
Chile (1)
England (2)
Hungary (1)
Mexico (1)
Peru (2)
Philippines (11)
Romania (1)
Spain (2)
USA (67)

We'd still appreciate it if you could give us your comments here. Banners and other contributions would also be truly appreciated.

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Layout made by Suzumi.
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