:+:Welcome To Celestial Warriors:+:
Hey guys,this is the webby of our guild :+:Celestial Warriors:+:.I just started learning how to do this on my own so i might suck but just u wait this webby will be great soon.This is the second updateXP

Word From Your Guild Leader:
Time for second update so heres the dealXP.Well i made it to job 50 preist^^.Well after i get most of the preist skills i will come and help u guys dont slack-.-.Iam gonna push the guild soon.If i catch any of you botting iam kill u>:).Now the guild is still slacking haha.

Hunting Trips:
Hunting trips are gonna happen now muahha now that iam a preist all second jobs we will be attacking mvps MUHAHAHA after we get stronger or now also can but we most likely dieXP.

Items needed:
Hehe i collect headgears so any of u get headgears plz try and sell it to me.If u got steel,wooden blocks transparent cloth, worn out prisoner unifroms ummm dragon scales i think royal jelly plz sell to meXPi want make headgears useless but i like look0.o.

Items given:
Heres a list of what i have given to the rest of the members so work hard and i would give some items to u too^^.I have given iron cane,plate armour,bastard sword plus 6 and helm to member Clestial Kinght.Arrows and a lvl 2 bow plus 6 to arrow breaker.Items are given if u reached your target or if u fufiled my task given to u.Eg pretend murder to sub guild leader Drake Strife for making logo.

Last Words:
For the new members ok if u leave the guild if u think its not up to u or etc haha but now its slacking when i push u guys and u cant take it its ok to leave too cause like time my guild master did the same to me.

Special event!!!! /omg haha!!!"
Photo taking session will be coming soon0.o.
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