The time has come,

It's for the best I know it,

Who would've guessed that you and I...

Somehow, someday,

We'd have to say goodbye

~"The Time has Come" from the Pokemon soundtrack~

The Sekkai isn't gone, nor is it around anymore.  It will now stay as it is, frozen forever.  There will be no more updates and we do this with a heavy heart.

Cat: This started off as such a great project for the three of us, but sadly our team has sort of split up.  Ryuu hasn't been doing much with it and she even told us awhile back that this was not a major part of her life.  She has not spoken to us, really, since.  As for Reno and I, we have started a new online manga which will hopefully be up soon, for all of you to enjoy.  I would just like to thank all those who supported this site, drew pictures for us, or just enjoyed what we had of it.  I'm really sorry it had to end like this, without even reaching a year.

Reno: And so it's with a heavy heart that we give a fond farewell to all of our Celestial Sekkai minions.  Thank you for supporting us when this site first began and to all of you who have stuck around we hope that you'll enjoy Midnight Solstice.

Even though the Sekkai is frozen forever, all the Celestial Senshi, Stellar Guardians, and Villians remain the copywrite of myself, Reno, and Ryuu.  All pictures belong to their rightful artist, so please do not take them.

Thank you to everyone who liked our site and senshi.


Cat and Reno

Proceed to the Sekkai

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