My World
Welcome Visitors!  I'm glad you have found my site.  I'm sure that whatever you want to know about me can be found on this site.
   Allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Katie and I am currently attending Penn State Universtiy if you know where that is located.  I am very happy on my own, but would not say no to that special someone.
   A few things about myself.  I enjoy dancing, music, reading, talking with my friends, horseback riding, walking outside, fishing, and of course like every teen sleeping.
   As I'm sure most teens know we have our issues and I am no different.  I have school, work, friends, parents, and of course boys (in my case anyways).  Although I'm afraid many adults forget these traumatic highschool experiences, I assure, I haven't, and I'm completely sympathetic.
   I hope that you enjoy my website and learn a few things!
                                   Blessed Be!!!
You never know what happens outside until you walk out the door.
   I guess I never took that very seriously.  I mean what could possibly be happening outside that I didn't know about.  Well in case you didn't notice I am interested in what people call the supernatural.
   I have always believed in things like vampires and ghosts, etc.  I just never actually knew what went on outside of my little world.
   I love learning new things about what goes on outside of the 'norm.'  Sometimes though it can be very hard to deal with what you can't understand. 
   I'm certainly not prejudiced against people who are considered different.  Heck, I could be considered different by many people.
   I just enjoy who I am and what life has to offer.  And if that means a little something that the typical person wouldn't experience then, HEY why not?
Links to Websites

Mythical Creatures
I sometimes sit and think about what life really means.  I think that every teen does that now and then.  You wonder if you're going to meet that someone special (or if you already have), or what you are going to do when you finally grow up. 
   Most of all I think we wonder what kind of people we will be.  Will we be our parents 15, 20, 30 yeas down the road.  Or, will we make our own path.  Of course we never know until we actually experience what is ahead, but we still always wonder. 
   I often wonder if I am a good person, or if I should change something about myself.  I know in general terms that I'm not exactly a bad person, but am I good?  I guess I won't know for awhile, but I still wonder.
   It is sort of like wandering around a strange room with a blind fold on when you wonder around my mind.  It can be crazy and very often confusing.  So, I hope I have not lost you in my ramblings.
Links Within the Site

Inside My Mind
Problems of the Heart
Vampires and Witches
Am I Crazy?

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