Celestial Farms
Sire/ Dam List
Unfortunately, at this time, Celestial Farms has taken their internet Sire/ Dam list offline.  This is due to the few unscrupulous people that have taken it upon themselves to engage in practices of unauthorized breeding.  It has amazed me, to say the least, to come across horses that I had never heard of, sired or produced by my animals!  Unfortunately, there is no way of insuring against "sire piracy,"  so until further notice, we will engage in only "hard copy" breeding.  I take pride in offering my stallions and mares to my comerades, and I enjoy watching thier progeny show and win.  It saddens me to know that some people in this hobby are too lazy to wait 3 days for regular mail, or too cheap to pay 10 cents for a stud fee, or 33 cents for a stamp.  I am sorry to inconvienience the responsible hobbyists out there.
To recieve a copy of our updated s/d list, please send an SASE to:

Arianne Ferguson
Celestial Farms
11835 Tiger Rd.
Tell City, IN. 47586
I am always adding to my herd, and I have all but exhausted the supply of bloodlines from the studs I currently use.  If you stand quality stock at your establishment, I need you!  Please send an updated s/d list to the address listed above.  Thanks!
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