Vampires, ghosts, werewolves and other shape shifters.... I love them all, and that's what I write about--the paranormal. Every now and then, I'll whip out a straight contemporary, but the paranormal fascinates me like nothing else. There's something inherently erotic about these creatures, and so my stories tend to delve into darker passions. I hope you enjoy my characters and their struggles to control that dark side of themselves.


PS: I love to hear from my readers. You can email me here.


LORDS OF MAGIC: In the mists of our world exists another ... a world of magic ... a world of the fay.

Six kingdoms there are, three of light, three of dark. And each is ruled by a powerful prince, uncrowned until joined in marriage. They each keep the careful balance that allows them to live in secret, protected. But no fay child has been born in centuries--their race is dying, and the virility of the princes must be restored, for too long have they lived untouched. An ancient counsel has told them how to save the fay ... but to do that, they must surrender themselves to the one thing each has resisted for millenia--soul sharing with a fairy queen.

For ten long years, the dark fay prince, Frost Tamann, has searched for his chosen. The chase that has left him hollow inside has finally ended, for at the Mystery Ball, he has found the woman who crushed his heart so long ago.

Tonight, she will feel the agony of unquenched desire ... the burn of ice ... the brand of his mouth.

He will see her beg before he takes her, and never will she flee him again.

Rating: Contains graphic, explicit sex and potentially offensive language and sexual situations.

Erotic Paranormal Romance/ Short Story

Cover artwork by Eliza Black

Click here to buy it now.





(c) copyright 2003, Celeste Anwar


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