?It is in the region of ignorance, that tyranny begins.
                       -Ben Franklin
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who believe they are free.
-Johann V.W. Goethe (Illuminati Poet)
We are the lucky ones.  We can sit in our warm houses and use the internet and eat good meals.  We are citizens of the richest country in the world.  Yes, we are rich, but we are impoverished as well.  We are impoverished in our free thinking, our political scenery, and in our education.  The average young adult does not vote, nor cares about anything going on the world... BUT WE HAVE TO!!! Did you know that our own country's foreign policies are destroying third world countries (and second and first).  America's policy makers are killing millions of people, FUNDING terrorism (YES, our own govt. funds the terrorists!),and bringing drugs into the United States.  This may seem outrageous to you, but its true.  The truth is hidden from us Americans.  We are misinformed! We have a limited freedom.  There is a lot of information out there on the web, and in reality as well.
If you went down to Central America and talked to people down there, you may get to see a side of the world you have never seen before. There's just too much to say, if you are willing to listen and look around, please do so.  It seems our culture actually sways curiousity away from "politics," but its OUR country.  NOT THERE'S!! Keep your mind open.  Don't let what every generation has done before:  leave decision making to the ones in charge, because they SHOULD NOT be in charge! We should be!
Click on the links below and read some more about the "real world"  Sorry if its not the MTV version!!!!!!!!!!
Hear some news about the real world without any political or corporate agendas distorting the facts. 
<<<Click here.
I always thought the government brought drugs into this country.  Read about the CIA involvement in the "war on drugs" and one man's fight to get it into the media. >>
Drug laws create criminals.  Get informed about the controversial issue of marijuana.
Read about anarchy.  It does not mean chaos or communism. >
<<A site about social change.  I think Noam Chomsky started this site.
Here's a cool page.. Adbusters.>>>
And here's my compuserve homepage.  Scroll down to EXPOSING THE EMPIRE!>>>>>
<<< Go back to Fantastic Death Abyss.
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