Veal- the other white meat? Or just baby cattle that has been tied down all it's life for tender meat.
The Incredible Edible Egg??
Got Milk? Got Steroids?!
The western world is taught that meat and dairy products are essential to the human diet for protein. We are told vegetarianism isn't healthy and at least some animal products should be consumed.  Despite the fact that meat and dairy include hormones, steroids, antibiotics, carcinogens, and countless other chemicals which are very harmful to the human body, people still continue to believe they are best for them.  Let's look at why these myths seem to prevail:
     Presently, over half of the nation's farmland is owned by non-farmers, businessmen who bought out small time farmers and forced them into retirement, uemployment lines, or a Wal-mart job.  Only FOUR corporations control at least one half of the sales of the entire food industry! (Gary Null, The Vegetarian Handbook, 1996).  With this in mind, it is no wonder there is great advertising (even in schools and health practices) for meat and dairy products.  Naturally they don't want too many healthy people running around, then the drug companies wouldn't make a profit.  Here's another thing to remember: One half of antibiotic drug sales go to livestock. 
     In 1977, Jimmy Carter sponsored a meatless dinner at the White House.  He was immediately sent a telegram from the President of the American National Cattlemen's Association.  "The last thing we need is the President of the United States advocating a vegetarian diet for American," he wrote.  Such an endorsement "could do great harm to the largest segment of American agriculture, the beef cattle industry," (Gary Null, The Vegetarian Handbook).  Did somebody say FUCK McDonald's? That's heresy in our culture.

Now let's look at some common misconceptions of the human diet:
1). Animal products are our only source of protein.  FALSE. Grains, legumes, and soy products like tofu and tempeh can provide an adequate amount of protein.  Additionally, they are better absorbed and utilized by the body, especially if the foods are in the right combinations.
2). If you go on a vegetarian diet, you will become protein deficient-weak, sick, and anemic. FALSE.  Many civilizations, such as the Japanese and the Hindus, have known for thousands of years that meat and dairy products are not needed.  Animal products remain in the digestive system for hours sapping energy from the body just to digest it.  That's why many people feel tired and sluggish after eating meat and dairy products.  They also tend to putrefy in the intestines and send toxins throughout the body.
3). Meat promotes virility and sexual potency.  FALSE.  It seems to promote napping, as well as prostrate cancer, gout, liver and kidney failure, and heart disease.
4). We cannot get too much protein; any excess will be stored in the muscles.  FALSE. Excess protein is now believed to cause an increase in the rate that protein is replaced in the body.  This could lead to cell damage and a speed up of the aging process. Also, protein metabolism creates a by-product called urea filtered through the kidneys.  Excess urea can lead to kidney stress, damage and failure.
5). Animal proteins is low in calories and will keep you slim; carbohydrates are fattening.  FALSE. A 16-ounce steak is 1,500 calories.  Animal protein is high in calories because it is usually accompanied with lots of fat.  Carbohydrates (not refined carbohydrates and sugars) are much lower in calories and fat, and also full of fiber.
6). The human was made to eat meat.  FALSE. Physiologically, the human was made a vegetarian.  We have a long digestive tract that is 22 feet long.  Carnivores have very short intestinal tracts so meat lies in their bodies for a short time.  But with our long intestines, meat can stay in the body for 3-4 days, during which it decomposes and putrefies, sending toxins throughout.  This may be one of the major causes of colon and prostrate problems.  (That's why fiber is good for those with these problems because it cleanses the intestines).
7). Animal products are our only source of Vitamin B12.  FALSE. Vitamin B12 is made from micro-organisms so its not found in fruits and vegetables normally.  But it is present in fermented foods like miso, soy sauce, and tempeh.  (Gary Null,
The Vegetarian Handbook, 1996).

Here are some famous people I bet you never learned were actually vegetarians! (That wouldn't sit right with the major meat and dairy industry organizations that promote their consumptions in the school systems).
Pythagoras                         George Orwell                   Voltaire
Socrates                             H.G. Wells                        Henry David Thoreau
Plato                                  Rene Descartes                  Bob Dylan
Shakespeare                        Leo Tolstoy                      Paul McCartney
Sir Francis Bacon                Leonardo Da Vinci             George Harrison
Gandhi                               Sir Isaac Newton                John Denver
Ben Franklin                       Charles Darwin                 

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