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What is CelestArt?

CelestArt is a place for me, Ian Hetu, to showcase some of my own anime styled creations. I like to think of CA as an anime fan art site, however I do not limit our artwork to anime inspired by a series or movie.

What does the word CelestArt mean?

CelestArt is a combination of two words: art and celestial. In short it means something like heavenly artwork. Not that my art necessarily depicts heaven, in fact many of my characters are fairly sad looking. However, I found the name to be unique and apt enough for use, and so I used it.

Who is Ian Hetu?

Ian Hetu (me) is the artist and creator of this site. I am high school student in a small town near Portland, Or. I am in no way a professional, though I have won some awards and contracts.

What do all the categories (ColorArt, Tutorials, etc. ) mean?

ColorArt – This is artwork that has been colored, either by hand or by use of a computer art program i.e. PhotoShop.

Sketches – Artwork that is simply a sketch on paper, then scanned in.

About CA – Well, you know what this is if you are reading this, right? So I don’t really need to explain it to you.

Tutorials – Here is a section of the site devoted to teaching people how to draw. It had various how-to essays on things like facial features, coloring, scanning, etc. (Note: this section is still under construction.)

Links – My list of links to cool sites, not all of them are art related, however. You can also find CelestArt link buttons and banners there, along with all the webrings that CA belongs to.

Forum - The CelestArt message board. Go post something!

How can I post my artwork here on CA?

Unfortunately you can't. I barley have enough time to post my own artwork. Gift art is welcome however, just don't expect it to be published.

What is the "Comments?" under all of the pictures mean?

Those are links to specific threads in the forum where that particular piece of artwork is discussed and critiqued. It is basically an organized way to tell me where I screwed up, or what I did well. So why don’t you go post your opinion of your favorite pictures now?

CelestArt™ © 2001 Ian Hetu. All rights reserved.
All images and code © Ian Hetu unless otherwise noted and may not be used without his permission.

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