//20:15 .. 1-Aug-2002 - Big Brother Official Site
It's Time To Go, Warwick

His aim was to stay in the Celebrity BB house until the very end, but a cheeky prank went wrong and, before he knew it, the bleach-blond mullet maverick found himself out of the house.


Warwick Capper was unpopular with the girls from the moment he ran through the BB house gates on Tuesday night. Sara-Marie was offended by his slapping her on the bottom and seemed displeased with his lack of respect for her as unofficial landlady of the house. With Kimberley, on the other hand, it just seemed a case of instant dislike.

For his part, Warwick did little to defuse the tension. Shortly after slapping an unimpressed Sara-Marie on the rear, he told the house veteran, �I�m the boss. I�m taking over. Keep quiet.� As for Kimberley, he wrote in yesterday�s online diary, �Kimberley stays up all night and sleeps all day and she�s really grumpy for the first six hours of the day. I�m trying to stay clear of her so I don�t punch her out.�

The ill-feeling came to a head around one am on Thursday morning. Warwick had gone to bed, but most of the other housemates were still in the living room, watching Kyle and Dylan as they impersonated Warwick and Anthony, respectively, for an online auctions infomercial. The infomercial came to an abrupt end when Warwick emerged from his bedroom to go to the toilet. Seeing Warwick, Kyle quickly dropped his far-from-flattering impersonation, bolting to the other bedroom, leaving the others with guilty looks on their faces.

It is not clear whether Warwick was aware that he was being sent-up, but perhaps retaliation is the only way of explaining what happened next. He walked towards the bathroom, turned at the doorway and exposed himself to the other housemates. He then went to the toilet and returned to bed, falling fast asleep.

While he dozed, Sara-Marie and Kimberley were expressing their disgust at his exhibitionist stunt. Sara-Marie said she could not bear to sleep in the same room as Warwick and referred to him, among other things, as a �pig�. Kimberley escalated the issue by going into the diary room to make an official complaint about the incident. "I'm having real problems with Warwick," she announced. "He just dropped his pants and flashed his penis... Nobody appreciated it, and nobody thought it was funny." Big Brother informed Kimberley that her complaint would be taken onboard.

The brouhaha continued for sometime, with Sara-Marie and Kimberley continually repeating that Warwick should be removed from the house. While Kyle and Dylan were careful not to disagree with the girls, they appeared to have a much more light-hearted reading of events. Kyle was willing to blame Warwick�s unwelcome unveiling as a �football player thing�, while Dylan saw it as just another �part of the social BB experiment.�

Eventually the house settled and the housemates got some shut-eye. At around 7:30am, Big Brother requested a diary room rendezvous with Warwick. Once in the diary room, a still half-asleep Warwick was told it was time for him to leave the house. He was asked to pack his bags and prepare to leave through the front gates.

Approximately 15 minutes later, Big Brother announced over the loud speaker that it was time for Warwick to go, before Bob Downe�s now standard 20-second countdown commenced.

As Warwick walked through the living room, Sara-Marie, who had been sleeping in �the nest� with Dylan and Kimberley, expressed shock at the way he was given his marching orders. When Warwick was safely out of the house, Kimberley and Dylan then quickly awoke from faux-slumber and waved goodbye as he disappeared through the gates, with Kimberley uttering a mournful, "Don't go."
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