Disclaimer & Rules for Celeb Skin


None of the journals are written by actual celebrities.
All are maintained by writers and are only a game.
We mean no libel, harm, misrepresentation, malice or copyright infringement.
This is a fantasy, purely fictional in nature.

Please read all of the rules. If you do not follow the rules, you will be removed from the community.

1. The community is a closed community, but as long as you follow rules, we'll let you in! Just leave a comment in Justin's journal.

2. Get a journal that will be used only for this community and its associated communities. Otherwise it gets too confusing. If you join multiple communities you will be removed. Please also be sure to add the community as a friend.

3. No duplicates. Join as someone who isn't taken. You can play as many characters as you would like, but they need to be active!

4. Add a link to the disclaimer site on your journal.

5. Get an AIM name. Chats will be via AIM in this community! Please keep the OOC chat in IMs, not in chat rooms. Justin will be happy to send you an AIM list.

6. Please limit your posts in the community journal. We're trying to keep it as clean as possible. So, only maintainer posts, introductory posts, and OOC issues should posted in the community journal. Also, post in your journals. Journals that are inactive for 1 week will be removed from the community and replaced. Please type coherently. Please type in complete sentences or something like them. Don't type in giant paragraphs because they are so difficult to read!  Please do not post surveys and quizzes. If you feel that you absolutely have to, use the cut tag! Do not post numerous pictures either. It's just common courtesy. Please do not post ads for other RPGs in the community, whether it is in the community journal or a character journal. Really, that's just rude.

7. And the question on everyone's mind: slash is allowed. We're a slash friendly community.

8 . Be realistic, please. It's roleplay, but let it have some basis in reality.

Note: Even though we're trying to play realistically, if your character is in a relationship in real life that you don't want to have in the game, you don't have to have it!

9. If you have an OOC conflict, keep it there. Don't bring it IC. If you need help resolving an issue, contact the maintainer.

Taken Characters

Maintainer:  Justin Timberlake


Avril Lavigne

Christina Aguilera

Christopher Kirkpatrick

Eliza Dushku

JC chasez

Lance Bass

Mandy Moore

Pierre Bouvier

Reese Witherspoon

Sarah Geller

Tara Reid






Hosted by www.Geocities.ws