Cate Lewis

Learning Analysis Essay
6 November 2007
There are many types of learning styles, and most people don't know how to learn according to their learning style.� The VARK and HBDI learning analysis tests can help people learn in a way they learn best.� When an instructor doesn't teach according to your learning style, the assessments tell you how to adapt to your style.
According to the HBDI survey, I am a strong thinking learner, while my score was low in the feeling area.� My innovating and doing scores were the same and in the middle.� As a thinking learner, I like to ponder facts and theories.� I also learn well from lectures and visual aids and also like textbook readings and enjoy doing library research on my own.� I like to analyze and dissect for logical answers, and I like to take time to reflect on what I have learned.� As a feeling learner, I like to make personal connections and to have emotional support from warm and caring instructors and prefer to be in a safe atmosphere.� I value my feeling as well as my thoughts and like to share my experiences with others.� As a doing and innovating learner, I learn well with factual and practical information and with models or examples.� I also like hands-on work and taking action and observing the outcomes.� I like to find new possibilities and learn from instructors who encourage discoveries by the student.� I like to use my intuition and creativity and have flexible rules.� As a thinking learner, I study the definitions in reading class for our new vocabulary words.� My reading teacher uses the overhead for visual aids, while my writing professor brings papers from former students to show what he is expecting from me.� Our journal entries in study skills class are a time of reflection, and allow me to relate the reading to my personal life.� As a feeling learner a quiet and safe learning environment are not as important to me as learning the information is.� I also don't need to have a personal connection with my professors, and I like to just learn what is being taught.� As a doing and innovating learner, I created an interview profile on music therapy.� The journal entries from the study skills text are supposed to be spontaneous and creative for myself and a way to express the way I am feeling.� Also the website in study skills is a way to express my goals in life and to let others know what I am working for.
According to the VARK assessment, I am a strong visual and kinesthetic learner, while my scores are low in the area of reading and writing, as well as aural learning modes.� As a visual learner, I learn well from pictures, charts and posters, videos, and slideshows.� I like to write exam answers and practice turning the visual aids back into words.� As a kinesthetic learner, I like to do hands-on activities.� As a reading and writing learner, I like read headings, handouts, and textbooks, and usually read them over several times.� I also like to look up things in the dictionary and glossary.� As an aural learner I attend every class, and participate in discussions and tutorials.� I like to describe to myself what I see on the overheads and slideshows, and when I leave class, I try to recall the information off of the notes.� As a kinesthetic and visual learner, in reading class, I use the computer as an interactive way to learn the vocabulary.� Also I like to make flashcards to help recall the definitions for the new vocabulary.� The website is a way for me to show what my future will be like when I finish my degree.� In reading class, I also highlight my notes and like to write in a variety of colors.� In study skills, I watched a video about becoming a creator and having a positive outlook on life, which gave visual ways of seeing how to act as one.� As an aural learner, I have attended every class this semester.� When I join in on discussions in small groups, I am still learning from my classmates.� When I review my notes or textbook readings, I read them aloud to help understand what I have read.� As a reading and writing learner, I use the dictionary and glossary to look up new words to understand their meanings.� When I use the flashcards to prepare for the vocabulary tests, I use them as a way of repetition to help "drill" it into my head.� Using lists and outlines breaks down the large topics into main ideas and details, which I have been learning in reading class.
According to the VARK assessment my reading professor teaches with a multimodal style.� As a visual way of learning, she uses the overhead to show the main topics of her lectures, while she talks to us aloud.� The class lectures are an aural way of learning the new information.� I use the internet, to learn our vocabulary words, which is an interactive kinesthetic way of learning.� Also, when I was learning about main ideas, she put the class into small groups and we had to find the main idea of several passages together; this is a kinesthetic and reading learning style.
According to the VARK assessment my writing professor is also a multimodal teacher.� He uses a visual teaching style when he puts our papers on the Smart Board for editing.� Also, the Smart Board editing is a great kinesthetic learning style.� We are interacting and working together as a class, and learning from each other.� When we do editing workshops, in small groups, we use kinesthetic learning.� Also, we learn from reading and writing learning modes when we are editing our papers.� In the small groups we learn from each other with an aural learning style.� When he gives a lecture, he uses only aural learning.
Since I don't learn as well naturally from a read/write learning style, according to the VARK assessment, I should make lists and headings.� I would also benefit by reading definitions in the glossary or dictionary.� I should an pay close attention to handouts and textbook readings before and after the lectures.� When I take notes, I copy almost verbatim what is on the board, so I should turn my notes into an aural lecture to myself.�
Also since I scored low as an aural learner, according to the VARK assessment.� I should make sure I attend all the classes and study groups and be an active person to understand the information.� During the classes and study groups, I need to take a tape recorder so that later on, when I am studying, I can listen to the lectures again.� I can expand my notes by talking to others and reading the textbook.
Now that I have taken the assessments, I can attend school and get my money's worth out of the classes.� It's your turn to take the assessment, are you ready?� Once you take the assessment you can better your life, just like I did.
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