Potbellies vs. Hogs
How exactly are they different? (Besides size, of course.)

You may have decided to purchase a pot-bellied pig as a pet.  To the undiscerning eye, baby potbellies look just like baby hogs.  It is not until maturity that you will realize that your "pot-bellied pig" is a 500 pound hog!  And, unfortunately, some people have been known to sell hogs, or cross-bred hogs and potbellies, as full-blooded, small pot-bellies.  So-how can you tell the difference?

Rule #1 - When looking at baby pigs, ask to see the pigs' parents.  If the pig is a potbelly, his parents will obviously be small.

This is a picture of a hog.  Hogs have:
-flat tummies
-curly tails or a tail with at least one kink in it
-large ears that flop over (they usually flop forward)
-longer snouts

This is a picture of a pot-belly.  Pot-bellies have:
-convex tummies (they curve downward; see picture below)
-short, perky ears
-short snouts
-straight tails (see picture below)

With these traits in mind, hopefully you will be able to pick out your next pot-bellied friend and not be conned into buying a hog.

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