The Even Better Website
Last Update: January 14, 2008 @ 1646 hrs
   The Ceiling Fan Man II game engine is finished. I've given it to Captain Noodles so that he can base his game, Captain Noodles II, off of it. I've made some screenshots of CFM2 to post here, but I cropped them so that I don't reveal any more than I want to at the moment. I do have a demo out for it now. Download it from the link below and be cool! It's not big enough for an installer yet, so just extract it from the .zip file into its own folder and run the executable. There is now an overworld to travel from one location to another. The storyline is in development. The very first parts of the game, the first two "quests," are complete.
Note: These screenshots are ancient. The game looks a lot different that this now. The only thing that is still the same is the RMWP, Spoogles, and the roads.
New cars that you can drive!
Old advanced dialog! (Now different)
Click here to download the Spoogles Bounty Hunter demo, which is ancient SKYFALL technology by now because the last time he did any work on it was in Dec. 2004.
But you can see the
RMWP Parking Lot
Massive maps are loaded at once, allowing you to visit places like Spoogles' RMWP at your own will. Spoogles is back too, of course. Click the small pic above to enlarge the RMWP Parking Lot.
Strategically use cars as cover, also new explosions, and yes, that is a grenade launcher that CFM is holding and caused that explosion with and wasn't that a huge run-on sentence if you ever saw one?
New day/night system, time of day will play an important role in CFM2.
... This old demo version today!
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