(Part SEVEN and EIGHT was put up at 1:15 26/12/2000)

Part 1

Acerus de Mand approached her in the darkness of the night. He found the fare was often more delicious at these times. More colourful, erotic, and the nip of fear or fury just added a flare to a meal such as this. Small fare was even better. Children, young adults of the lower London area that were on the streets at this hour were not missed upon their deaths. Their bodies were never searched for, and thankfully so, because they would never be found. There was scum all over this earth, hell, he was doing the world a favor disposing of them as he was, he thought as he looked around.

He saw her crouched in the corner of an alley. London was famous for them. Dark, damp, one could smell the filth and garbage littered with molds and diseases. She struggled to hold her knife and not fall asleep. If one wanted to live, one did not sleep until midday. Even then, a light sleep was all one could accomplish.

He walked over to her and she immediately stood. She barely was over five feet in height. He noticed she had the sweetest eyes and such bright red orange hair, tucked well beneath her cap, but still a few dirty tendrils escaped. He looked deep into her eyes and held her tranced before he started to speak. �Put down the dagger. You recognize me immediately as someone you can trust.�

She shook her head �Nae, I cannae say I do.�

He frowned. His mind control always worked. Why not on her? �Yes, you do.�

�Ye cannae�r trust a bloody sodded lord such as ye, down here in the slum o�London.� She retorted, thinking this had to be the most obvious thing in the world.

�Maybe I�m searching for you.�

�So ye can kill me? I donnae think ye understan�. I say no.� she snorted her reply.

�What if I told you, Little miss, I was vampire.�

�I be sayin� ye a liar and donnae be callin� me lil� miss.� She said smugly.

�I would say I�m not.� He replied with a grin.

�Prove it.� She countered, even more smug that the first time, if possible.

�Give me your arm.�

�Me dagger rests on yer neck. Try anythin� and ye be without a �ead. I be not afraid to try it!� she said raising the dagger at his nod and offering her arm to him.

She yelled at the tear of flesh on her wrist. It was an alley of London though and even the constables dared not go here unless required. No one would care what sounds they heard. He just drank eagerly at her blood, lapping at the trickles he missed as they ran down her hand.

He hadn�t realized how hungry he was until that moment. He drank until the dagger fell from her other hand and dazed, she started to sway. Quickly he licked the wound closed and caught her just before she fell to the ground. He put the dagger in his own shealth in his boot and frowned. She looked all but ten years old! He hadn�t meant to kill her at all. She had too much spirit and will to live considering her surroundings. He couldn�t pull her into hypnotism. Usually only those destined for vampirism could accomplish that. He touched her cheek. It was cool. In fact, too cool for a mortal child. Acerus curled her close to him and disappeared into the mist and fog of factories and another damp morning. He didn�t even know her name. But fair was fair, she didn�t know his either. He looked up at his house and frowned. It was not a place to take a little girl. But she had spunk, she could survive it. He was quite sure, even from their short encounter that she could endure anything.

Part 2

He walked inside with purposeful stride. His staff had retired not long ago, for the lit candle at the door had indeed been lighted very recently. He picked up the candle carefully, trying to manage the girl and not drop it on her. He walked quickly up the stairs, his ability to see in the dark extrodinary, with or without the candles help. He walked to the closest guest chamber and set her down on the large chair that rested just inside. Setting the candle down on the nightstand he yanked off the ancient bedspread and left to get a blanket.

By his return, she�d only shifted lightly. He almost smiled as he watched her simple because she looked as if she could use the sleep. There were dark smudge-like circles under her eyes from lack of sleep and she seemed deep asleep in a contentness that would have gripped his heart and tugged a little. He laid the blanket over the bed and looked to her again before turning down the sheets.

Her clothes were dirty and grubby. Breeches, that of which a boy would wear and an overly large shirt with old worn boots was all she was attired in. He approached her and undid the boots. Sliding them from her feet he noticed how small and dainty her feet were. It had to be because she was a child! Next to come off was the shirt he barely wanted to touch as he removed. Quickly he disovered this was no child, but a young woman who so boldly challenged him with soft blue eyes that held grand amounts of strife and pain. What was he going to do with a woman?! Oh, it didn�t matter, he thought, He�d not known what he was going to do with the child either. His own blue eyes scanned her and quickly removed her from the filthy breeches. As for her skin and wild red hair, pulled now from the grubby cap, well, she�d have to bathe when she awoke. And he�d burn the sheets then. No matter, he never liked the silk of them anyway.

Part Three

Morning arrived before he knew it and he was forced to dissapear to his lair. The day would pass uneventuful except the maids noticing there was a female in the house and having to rish out to find a dress for her to wear once she awoke. And one that would follow under their lords orders.

Acerus was up at preciously five minutes after twilight as he had been for six hundred years. He raked a hand of olive complextion through his midnight black hair and dressed quickly. Within a moment, he was in her room. Whomever said vampires always wore only black was direfully mistaken he considered ironically as he again studied his girl. His hand brushed against her cheek, the midnight blue of the sweaters wool causing her to stir.

Groaning softly she opened her eyes. She was staring directly at black pants. She had to be dreaming. She blinked a few times to clear her vision and instantly felt the silk against her skin. �Wot are ye �ere for?� she questioned softly, her throat dry from sleep and no food or water.

�You are in my house, Miss�� he prodded gently.

�Farrah Amondique. I must be thankin� ye fer ye� hospitality while ye made me do whatever ye did after ye be slashkin� me wrist.� She bit out sarcastically.

�Now, Miss Amondique, you set up the challenge yourself.� He grinned. She rolled her eyed at his childish behavious. �A bath and a bit of dinner, Miss Amondique? Before we discuss your new English lessons and the rules of the house, that is.�

�I cannae stay �ere�

�Oh, but you must. You must learn. What is out there for you except more sleepness nights?�

She thought a moment. The alleys were only a prolonged death. At least if he was a murderer, it would be over quickly. Besides, maybe he could figure out why she had a beautiful locket she�d supposedly had since birth. She sighed defeat. �Aye, I be stayin� �ere but not until I be knowin� yere name.�

�I am the Viscount Acerus de Mand�

�Donnae be expecting I be callin� ye milord or sir or nun of that rubbish, hm?�

�I will call you Farrah and you are free to call me Acerus.�

She grinned. �No a bloody pain in the arse who puts challenged on girls in Londons alleyways in the night?�

She was teasing him! He grinned back at his good fortune. He�d not had someone tease him in years. �No, you will scare my staff.�

�Oh, me humblest apologies to the bloody lord of the castle.�

�You need a bath. You�ll find a dress, freshly pressed in the wardrobe over there and they should be bringing your bath up�� he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

�By and By, It�s �ere� she grinned. He opened the door, allowing the servants to look at the girl and set up a bath by the fireplace. It�d been a long time since she�d had a fire on a cold night. If she was lucky she could find a tavern or inn in which to serve drinks in exchange for a room. It wasn�t warm- but it was quite better than nothing.

A young girl, who introduced herself as Jasmine stepped in after the bath was filled. The girl was no older than thirteen. Jasmine told her she was to be her ladies maid. Well after she explained what that was, she warned Farrah�s nod of approval. What an adventure staying at this household would be, no matter how long it was.

Part Four

Exactly one and a half months had passed and none too quietly either!

Farrah had learned to ride a horse, both sidesaddle and astride. Of course, the latter wasn�t proper for someone like her, but that didn�t stop her at all from learning it. And Acerus wouldn�t have stopped her even if he didn�t like it, for he could not deny her. A French modiste had come for three weeks to the house, teaching her whatwas in fashion among the ton, despite her arguments it would never matter. The modiste had told Farrah that she�d teach the girl carriage hopping if it pleased the Viscount. Farrah�s eyes lit up at a possibility and the modiste quickly regretted mentioned something as foolish as carriage hopping.

Farrah had only seen Acerus once when he agreed to share a small glass of red wine with her. Mostly they�d just stared at each other and then, being summoned by his butler for business, he�d been forced to leave.

Jasmine approached Farrah the afternoon of May twenty-first. Farrah was sitting in the library, struggling through a primer. Farrah looked at Jasmine. Now Farrah was worried because Jasmine looked worried, and Jasmine was getting more scared seeing Farrah�s immediate reaction to her.

�Milord says you�re to leave on the morrow.� Jasmine said softly.

�What? But 'e�s just bought me all 'ese new things! 'ey�ll get stolen!� she frowned. She�d quickly adapted to the Viscounts solitary life and now, despite what she origionally thought, she was reluctant to leave.

�No, No. You�re going to a school� she filled in. Farrah was flooded with relief and then swamped with new worry. She didn�t know anything. She�d just started teaching herself to read this week. She couldn�t write yet. She knew fashion and horses and how to lounge half a day in perfect silk sheets. She didn�t even speak right yet. Not completely at least. Suddenly that was Acerus� fault. He was never around to teach her. She was fifteen. This was too old for school! Most girls would be married by now. She couldn�t. �Acerus!� her mind pleaded, �come to me!�

He heard her voice in his sleep. He wished he could come to her, but he couldn�t pull himself from his sleep this bright in the afternoon. However, it was just after twilight when Acerus slipped into the library where she still sat diligently with the primer. She had not touched her dinner and it was cold over on another of the tables. He sighed softly as he looked to the food, knowing she needed it.

�Farrah, love, why didn�t you eat dinner.� He said softly, kneeling beside her.

�I can�t Acerus. I canae be take the extra time to eat when I still haven all the basics to be learnin' quickly before school.�

�Love, no one will put you down at this school. This is a very private school, Cheri, and no one will ever tease or taunt or look different at you,� Acerus said. Farrah looked to Acerus, there were tears in her eyes. He enfolded her close to him while she just clung to him, remembering his scent and his feel. The fleeting thought went by her that they fit perfect together. Her head rested to his shoulder gently and no words passed between them in the time, at least fifteen minutes, that passed. Gently, as she stared into his blue eyes and him into hers, his mouth saught hers as well. Softly their lips met in a deeply tender and serene kiss. It was almost a minute before they broke it, about the same time. They stared at amazement at each other before a dark scowl passed across Acerus face and he turned and left without another word. Farrah had no words that could make him stay.

Part Five

�In the morrow�, as he�d put it, Farrah was indeed off. She was upset that Acerus wasn�t there to say goodbye and good luck but because of the kiss, she almost didn�t expect him too. �The kiss,� she thought as she touched her fingers to her lips, �had been exquisite. It was a glimpse of heaven, a promise of what was to be fulfilled.� Just because Acerus didn�t know that yet, it was quite all right. She�d go to the school and she�d become educated to be the sort of wife he would want. She would be able to run the household, have social affairs, and speak. Oh lord, that was her first goal. She had only to hear Acerus talk to send her back to her studies. That, and it got her mind off how she wished to flee to his arms as a haven of safety. Maybe it wasn�t so much what he said, as his voice, the rich mellowed sound, she wanted to be his. She let her eyes slip closed as the carriage clambered on, trying to make up from lack of sleep last night.

Acerus, no matter how much he tried, could not block her thoughts from his mind. He almost wished he�d explained why she�d never be his�almost. He liked the idea of owning the girls heart, even if he did break it. She was too young to know what she wanted anyway. She was still a half-witted, na�ve schoolgirl. No matter she hadn�t even been to school year. She was�what was he doing! Now all his sentences were starting with her. For a half-witted na�ve schoolgirl she sure had nipped herself into his permanent thoughts, his mind�his soul�his heart. Well, not actually his heart, as he had none, but if he had one, she would have been in it. Acerus just had to face the facts, he was what he was. He sighed as he could just imagine what Farrah would say to that. It would be something along the lines of, �Oh Acerus, You are what you make yourself. Just because you don�t get no,� he�d only figured the double negative use there, �heart, doesn�t mean you�re any less for me to love.� LOVE! POSH! What did love have to do with ANY of it! Where did that thought come from? She was not his problem anymore. The cost of the expensive school was not much of a cut from his amassing fortune. This many years on earth generally helped one grow rich quick. He�d think of her no more, he promised himself and just pay her dowry and marry her off quick. Yes, that�s it that was the key to get her out of every conscious thought.

Part Six- Five Years Later

Farrah was pleased as she sat in the carriage, anxiously awaiting her trip back to the castle. Acerus� castle, nonetheless! The paid companion sat across from her and neither said a word. Farrah wished she�d speak just so she didn�t have to think about seeing Acerus. He�d written precisely twice a year, around the new year and near the middle of summer. The news was of the staff, the house, and well wishes to her. Never anything was personally said except the basic �How are you?� question, and then it was always a single word answer. Good. It never changed. She�d saved all ten letters of his, even if they were not all that important. She�d sent letters four times a year to him. What she�d learned and more recently, the gossip, news, and whatever she could think of. At this point she was just thrilled to be able to write, so she wanted to as often as possible.

The carriage jarred to a stop outside the inn that would serve for the night. The driver scrambled down to help Farrah and her companion out. They were only 15 miles or so from home, if that�s what you could call it, but the horses were exhausted, neighing and whimpering in the darkened solice. The driver got the rooms while a dinner would be brought out for the women.

Farrah heard the game of cards continuously going on in the gentlemen�s room just kitty-corner from the dining room. Out of curiousity she touched her pocket, counting out the coins. She smiled secretly and her companion frowned at her. Either her companion didn�t like smiling people, or just didn�t like Farrah. Farrah had the hint, it was the latter.

Dinner came and went and Farrah and her companion retired for the night. Well�her companion retired. Farrah just waited until she was asleep and slipped back downstairs for a card game or two. She�d discovered at the school that she was quite skilled at the game and she was sure she could win at least a few coins from these men considering they were half drunk.

Farrah proceeded to seat herself at the only open table. The men were varied, as were their looks to her. One very near reminded her of Acerus except he was smiling and laughing with the other men and she couldn�t imagine Acerus� scowl on those handsome features. He stumbled over his own name, David, just as the others did. Each couldn�t believe the beautiful lady with bright hair, ivory dress and baby blue eyes. Whether or not she was a trollop didn�t matter at the moment, because she was stunning. After the first hand though, Farrah had them studying their cards close though and even a few of the men admitted she was good. Farrah knew her facial expressions tricked everyone into thinking she had bad hands when in fact, she held aces in her soft hands. David seemed entranced with her, even though he didn�t know her name. Within and hour and a half, she�d won twice as much as she�d came with. It was almost eleven though and she was getting tired.

David was still half staring at the girl. He�d lost most of his money to her and it was most certinaly time to leave. He needed to hunt, to scent of blood was strong and the more he realized it, the more his fangs responded. Her. He must possess her.

Part Seven

She looked up to the man, David, as the others dissembled to other games with their few coins left. He offered his hand and softly asked for the honour to escort her back to her room. Graciously, she accepted and took his arm that he very gentlemanly offered.

They walked in silence to her room. She turned to thank him and was paused. Surely she�d never see a man this well built and handsome looking. His eyes were so blue- like Acrerus�. She mentally sighed his name. She deeply loved Acerus, but this man aroused such odd and wickedly delightful sensations.

Before Acerus, or David as he�d called himself this evening, had spared a moment, he kissed the beautiful girl in front of him. Her lips were sweet and longing for something she seemed to be finding in his kisses. After a minute and her complete surrender, he trailed his kisses down over her cheek to her neck. Soft little whimpers arose from her throat and while she was caught up in one, his teeth pierced her neck in something far more erotic than she had ever felt before.

Acerus had drank not but a few drops when the favour took him back to a time of poverty and a young alley girl. This was her. This flower before him was his girl. He drank more, savouring each ounce of the sweet liquid he could until he had what he needed. It made him feel strangely good to know she would have given it to him even if it wasn�t such a new and delightfully wicked feeling for her.

He looked to her, met her gaze, locked it. After he closed the wound he stood up straight, glancing to her appreciatively. It was a moment before she spoke. �I am Farrah. But I have a feeling you already knew that.�

�Yes, my dear, I knew. Just as you know me.�

�No, I don�t think�� she spoke with a pause.

�Think, Farrah. We do not belong here. We belong where only the devil dares enter.�

�A�Acerus?� she said softly.

He nodded. �Right here before you.� He said as his mouth descended upon hers for a possessively quick kiss that he couldn�t have stopped if her companion herself had come out and yelled at him.

This he knew for a fact for as the kiss started to break, the companions voice came through to his mind. He opened his eyes and looked to her as the companion stood scowling at him. Gently he brushed his hand over Farrah�s cheek and her eyes fluttered open, looking to him before the companion. Farrah blushed slightly at her scowling face, knowledgeable of the foolish things Farrah had done. She looked back to Acerus quickly, who was returning the frown and she decided there that enough was enough. She broke away quickly, slamming the door to her room.

�Farrah!� Acerus cried softly as she disappeared.

Part Eight

There wasn�t another word until next evening. The group had left very late from the inn, after a partial day of relaxing. Calmly, Farrah�s delicate hands tapped upon the castles door. She knew it was completely improper but at the same time, she didn�t care. She was home, whatever that word was supposed to mean. Seemed propriety wasn�t at the highest accord that day at all because Acerus himself opened the door, staring at her.

�Acerus� she said softly, barely a breath of air and little movement in her lips. The sight of him again, after last night made her want to sink into his arms, curl against his chest, and let him support her as he nuzzled close to her hair, breathing in her scent�

�Farrah?� she heard and looked to Acerus.

�Yes?� she smiled to his bewildered look.

�Have you paid attention to a word I�ve said?� What are you dreaming, my sweet?

�No, I�m sorry. I was just thinking on something.� About how desireful you look and how much I�d love you to gather me close.

�Oh? What About?� he questioned with a slight smirk. I�ve got you now. Answer me so you can�t hate me later if I have to kiss you now.

�The books I�m having delivered to update your library.� She recovered quickly. Note to self: Order books to update Acerus�s library, now that you�ve said that.

�Thank you, Farrah. Please come in. Will your�companion be staying for the evening?� Do I have to put up with her while I plan your delicate seduction, even if I can�t have you for more than the time it takes me to marry you off?

�No, she has decided to return back directly from here. As soon as the trunks are off the carriage, she will be off.� I am yours, my dearest.

Why does she look so desireful? Why are her eyes clouded with passion? She hates me. She ran from me last night. He couldn�t think of a thing to say. �Can I get you a drink?� real slick, Acerus. Where in the hell did that line come from?

�Yes. White wine. Do you have that?� of course he has wine. Everyone has wine.

�Is red okay?� why didn�t I think to buy white. My princess wouldn�t be like me, I should have known that.

�Perfect. Does this seem at all awkward to you?� Please let him say yes. Please, please, please!

�Completely.� He said as he handed her the glass of red wine and took a glass of a deeper coloured wine for herself. He sat on the loveseat, not sure about that instinct and gestured for her to join him. Without hesitatation, she did so.

�What wine is that?� she murmured absently, studying the crimson colour of the liquid in his glass.

�Would you like to try it?� Of course she won�t try it! You should have just answered her and let her run.

�Oh, Can I? Please?� Was that too brazen? He nodded at her words, smiling slightly and lifted the glass to her lips, watching her mouth drink in the wine. �Oh that�s delicious. What is it called?�

�Blood wine.� 4�3�2�1�Why isn�t she running like the others?

�Blood wine?� she said with a laugh. �Why would someone drink blood and wine mixed?�

�Because, Farrah, as you said, it is delicious.� He said, toasting her glass as he finished the glass. �Shall I meet you for a dinner in, half an hour, lets say? Perhaps we�ll swim. You wrote that you enjoyed that, and there is a lovely little pool for it around the property.�

�It will be very dark by then��

He spoke as he stood at the door to leave. �It will make it all the more entertaining my sweet Farrah. Think of it, the meal in the moonlight that shimmers off the water. It will be exotic and appetizing. And we both know how good you are at being both of those.� And with that, he left.

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