I finally did it!  I graduated!  Can you believe that?  Oh, well.  It was an all right graduation.  It could have been better, but you know what?  As long as I got my diploma, I'm happy.

I wish you were there during graduation.  I hope these pictures suffice for now.  Have fun looking at them and wishing you were there to share the moment with all of us.  Take Care!  Love ya and Miss Ya!

Here is Mr. Rivera as he shakes my hand and awards me with the "Principal's Award."  Doesn't it look as lite as paper or a feather?  Guess again!  It weighs a ton!  LOL!  It's heavy!
Here I am going down the line...First I shook Mr. Rivera's hand (above).  Then was Rosa Palomo, Chairman of the Education Policy Board; Dr. Nerissa Bretania - Shafer, Interim Superintendent of Education; Mr. Kenneth Chargualaf, Association Superintendent of Secondary Education; Mr. Romeo Hernandez, Vice Chairman of the Education Policy Board (I'm standing next to him); and Jenni Anne Flores, member of the Education Policy Board.  It's so cool to actually know the people you're shaking hands with.  I feel bad for the students who didn't know who they were touching!  LOL!
20 June 2003
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
University of Guam Field House

Awards I Received That Night:

1. University of Guam Merit Scholarship

2. Congressional Award
(U.S. Congress Special Recognition)

3. Principal's Award
(for Exceptional, Dedicated and Meritorious Service
And Sacrifice To Southern High School)
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