Southern High School
Clubs and Organizations

These pictures depict the goals and achievements that Southern's Clubs and Organizations have accomplished.  If you have any pictures that you want to see know what to do...Yeah, that's right, just e-mail Sahara the picture. Hehe!  Take Care y'all.....
Advanced Placement English Club
Resolution No. 61 Presentation @ the Public Hearing Room, Guam Legislature
STANDING: Samantha Duffy, Chris Sahagon's Auntie, Jeremy Naval, Lourditha Millern, Joshua Artero, Vince Aguon's Mom, Rudolfo Agustin's Dad, Rudolfo's Mom, Rodney Pama (Charlene Pama's Brother), Senator Tina Muna-Barnes, Clarissa Lam Yuen, Clarina Grigley's Mom, Doris Gamboa (Joe Gamboa's Mom), Debbie Fernandez, Regina Gamboa, Edna Flores (Clarissa Lam Yuen's Mom)
SITTING: Sahara Defensor, Vince Aguon, Senator Carmen Fernandez, Teacher/Advisor Jaime Anderson, Principal Johnny Rivera, Marie Olivares' Mom, Jermaine & Joe Gamboa
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