Rachels tears is a moving book that explains the life of Rachel Joy scott, as a student, a friend, a daughter, and as a servent of God. 

In the book, written by her mother and father, Darrel Scott and Beth Nimmo, they enclose her written journals to God that she wrote before her death.  In here you see how she foreshawdows on the Columbine massacare by calling the hallways    
" the halls of tragedy.".  Then about a year before her death she wrote in her Journal "This will be my last year Lord.  I have gotten what I can, thank you." It explains how she was killed, what some of the things the killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, was like and reactions before the school shootings.  It reflexes on the people who was close to Rachel and how they felt about her death.

Moving book with good values about a girl who loved God so much that she died for him.  after reading this book you start thinking about where you are and why you don't have that kind of love with God.
"What if you were to die today?  What would happen to you?  Where would you go?  Tommorrow is not a promise, but a chance.  It may not be there for you.  After death then what?  Where will you spend your Eternity?  Will you have an eternal life with your loving Father, pr woll you be ripped from the arms of your savior Jesus Christ.  ETERNITY IS IN YOUR HANDS. . . CHANGE IT!" ---Rachel Joy Scott
About Rachel
13 Vicitims
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