Open My Eyes { Complete }
Hosted by

Open My Eyes

Fear is like a tree
That grows inside of me silently
And you could be my blood
And be a part of me secretly

I saw her walking towards me through the crowd that enveloped me, suffocating me even. Her face was all I could see and it scared me. As she neared Aki my heart began to beat a little faster. Silently I hopped she'd come and meet me. I watched as she smiled up at Aki, laughing at something he said to her. She then reached out for his arm, and I could see her give it a light squeeze as she smiled at him.

There was nothing unique about her. She was short and petite, but under her clothes I could tell there were feminine curves in all the right places. Her hair was brown and past just below her shoulders. From the side, her face looked to be oval a little with a high forehead. She wasn't super model gorgeous, but I didn't really care about that even to what people might think. She looked normal. And I longed for normal.

Suddenly Pauli came over to them and she shook his hand, smiling at him. Turning to the side I could see her face clearly now and when she smiled, really smiled, she was beautiful. "Lauri, can I have an autograph?" I stumbled out of my thoughts and turned to face a girl in front of me.

"Sure," I said and took the CD jacket from her hands. I signed it and handed it back to her. "Would you like a picture?"
"I would," the girl said and I motioned for our photographer to take a picture. "I wish I could stay and talk to you but I have to go. My ride's waiting."
"I wish you could stay too but thanks for coming to the show and thanks for being a fan," I said as she gazed at me and then smiled.
"Thank you for making music, Lauri. You have no idea how much it means to me and how much it's helped me." I had heard it all before and even though I appreciated the fans, sometimes hearing it all the time became annoying.
"You're welcome," I said. "And thank you."
"Maybe we'll meet again someday," she said as she began walking away.

Hate is like a ghost
That lives inside of me, I plead
For you to be my guide
To be a feeder of my need

I turned back to Aki and Pauli noticing that the girl I had been staring at had left. Frantic, I began scanning the room for her. "You seem like you aren't having fun," I heard someone say. My eyes focused on the voice and my heart jumped in my throat. It was her.
"They're fun, but sometimes it can be a bit boring," I said as I looked her over. I hopped I didn't look like an idiot.
"I was kinda scared to come over and talk to you," she confessed.
"Why's that?" I asked in a semi-husky voice. I didn't mean for it to come out like that, but this girl was having an effect on me.
"I can read right through you Lauri. I can feel your anguish and pain. You love what you do but yet, you feel alone and vulnerable."

Her statement blew me away. The girl didn't know me and I didn't know her. But she came out and said exactly how I was feeling. Was she psychic? She couldn't be. Impossible.

Open my eyes, let me see you
And blow this blinding darkness away
Open my eyes, let me find you
Give me a sign

"Why do you say that?" I asked. She looked around the room and rested a hand on my arm.
"Come," she said and we began to walk out of the room unnoticed surprisingly.

Rushing down the hall we stopped at my dressing room and I opened the door. I was unsure of what was going to happen but too intrigued to stop it. She closed the door behind her as I took a seat on the couch. She stood for a few moments not saying anything as she just looked at me. It made me nervous so I reached in my pocket for my cigarettes pulling one out and lighting it.

"Please don't do that," she said crossing her arms over her chest. "My Grandfather died of Cancer back in 1998. I don't want you to die the same way he did."
"It's a habit," I said as I exhaled smoke through my nose. "A dirty one, but I can't stop." She slowly walked over to the couch and took a seat.
"That's how my Grandfather felt. He started when he was fourteen and died at the age of sixty-three. The Cancer ate away at his bones. He was almost like a skeleton by the time he passed," she said. I could tell her was fighting back tears.
"Smoking hits a nerve in you, doesn't it?" I asked as I stubbed out the butt in the nearby ashtray. "When you're in my presence I'll make sure not to do it." And I smiled to let her know I was serious.
"Kiitos," she said in my native language.
"You know Finnish?" I asked amazed.
"No. I can only say thank you and hello," she giggled. I chuckled with her and all too soon it became silent between us.
"So tell me�why did you take me in here?" I asked.
"You want to know why I said what I said back there?" she asked.
"It freaked me out a little so yeah I would."
"It's kinda difficult and a lot of people think I'm psycho when I tell them things like this but for some reason I think you'll understand," she said and gave me a small, nervous smile. "Empathy is something that I'm naturally gifted at. But it goes beyond anything normal. If I really care about someone, it gets stronger. I can also feel the dead. For example when my Grandfather passed, he came to me in my dreams to give a message to my Grandmother. He wouldn't leave me alone until I did," she said not looking into my eyes. "I feel your pain Lauri. In watching you on TV or on the internet, through your lyrics, I feel it. I know it. And I'm drawn to you; somehow I want to make you know that you're not alone and that I know what it's like." I began to open my mouth but she stopped me. "I know I'm only a fan, and this isn't a line to get able to get closer to you, but I just wanted to let you know that there is someone out there who knows."
"I don't know what to say. I mean, I don't even know your name," I said.
"Jayde," she said. She stuck her hand out for me to shake but instead I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms around her. Feeling her nervously hug me back gave me the comfort I needed at that moment.
"It's nice to meet you," I said still holing onto her. She pulled away slightly and looked at me, into my eyes.
"I always told myself that if I looked into your eyes I'd be taken away. You have beautiful eyes Lauri," she said and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I blushed.
"I'm not really good with compliments," I said truthfully. It made me feel strange.
"I'm not good with them either," she laughed. "Though I don't get much to know what kind of effect they have on people."
"Don't say that. I'm sure you're lying to me," I said.
"Not really," she said and I gasped. Who wouldn't give this girl a compliment?
"Well here's one for you. I find your freckles to be really cute."
"You don't mean it," she said and turned her face away. Reaching out I captured her chin in my hand and turned her face to me.
"If I didn't, would I do this?" I asked as I brought my face closer to hers and rubbed my nose on hers in a friendly Eskimo kiss. She giggled as she pulled away.
"I guess not," she said blushing and turning away from me again.
"You're as shy as I am you know that?" I asked.
"But if I come out of my shell I'm outgoing," she finished.
"Maybe we're not so different after all," I said as we began to randomly talk about things.

Time passed slowly as it seemed to me, but when a security guard came to tell me it was nearly four in the morning and that my new friend would have to be leaving soon did I know time had passed too quickly.

Jayde was interesting and she was opening up to me about a lot of her life, and some of her past. By talking to her I could feel that she'd had troubled relationships in her past and I wanted to know about them. She seemed reluctant to tell me anything that had to do about them and I didn't want to press the issue more. I knew that whatever it was, it was painful and it scarred her.

"Tell me something. Do you have a boyfriend?"
"I don't, no. But I did that lasted a year and a half. He broke my heart literally and I've never quite been the same. And then there was one after him who just wasn't right in the head," she said. "But you don't care about them do you? It's about the music."
"I guess. But if you need to talk about it, I'll listen," I said.
"I'm here for you not for me," she said.
"We're here for each other," I reminded her. She smiled and I felt myself letting go a little.

Take the world and fold me in
Free the soul behind the sin
The endless dark will be the death of my senses

"I guess I should get going," Jayde said as she stood up on her feet. "It's really early in the morning and I'm sure you want to sleep some," she said and stuck her hand out to shake mine. I didn't move and she retracted her hand back to her side. "I had a wonderful time getting to know the real you."
"Same here. You make things feel less chaotic," I said in agreement. "But I don't want this night to end," I said standing up to tower over her small frame.
"But it has to," she said softly. "As much as I don't want to leave you I have to." She began to turn to leave the room.

Watching her begin to walk away from me I gave into my emotions and chased after her, grabbing her arm, spinning her around. She slammed into my body with both hands resting on my chest. She stared up at me with confusion written over her face as I stared down at her. She was only a mere fan but holding her the way I was felt right and I had the urge to never let her go.
"I can't let you leave. Not yet," I said barely above a whisper.
"But you have to," Jayde said matching my tone. I took a sharp breath in and sighed.
"You understand me. You feel what I feel, right?" She nodded. "Well if that were so, you could feel what I'm thinking right now," I said as we continued to hold our gaze.
"I don't know where you're going with this�" she trailed off as I placed a finger on her lips.
"I feel like you really get it. You get what I write, what I feel, what I dream about. You see me," I said with a ragged breath. "And that scares me and makes me feel whole at the same time," I finished. I tore my gaze away from her and blushed. I felt vulnerable sharing my personal feelings with this woman tucked under my arms.
"I still don't understand what you're getting at. Yes I get it, but what more can I do? I'm only a fan Lauri. I think you're getting caught up in the moment," Jayde said. I looked back at her. I could tell she was uncertain about my thoughts.
"My song, Open My Eyes was written in a time where I wanted to find solace in someone�but not just anyone. I'm scared but I want to find my soulmate," I said.
"What are you saying?" I looked down at the girl in my arms and pressed her tighter to my body.

Take my love and hold it in
Kill the beast under my skin
The endless dark will be the death of my senses

"I think you were the one I wrote that song about. I feel like we connected. I want you to be the one who opens my eyes and blows this blinding darkness away," I said as she pulled away from my embrace. For a moment I thought she was going to leave me there just like most of my exes had. But then she did something I wasn't expecting to happen that evening.
"Open my eyes, let me see you�" She began singing to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and moved in closer to me, swaying us from side to side to the music in our head.
"And blow this blinding darkness away�" I joined in with her.
"Open my eyes, let me find you�" She sang softly.
"Give me a sign�" I trailed as I faded out.
"I think I love you," she said barely above a whisper. "Ever since I saw you for the first time you've picked away at my heart little by little. I'm so scared, but I've never been so emotionally connected to someone in my life." I could see tears forming in her eyes. Brushing them away with the pad of my thumb I leaned down and whispered in her ear.
"I think I may learn to love you too," I said with a trembling voice as the words spilled out of my mouth. "I can't say that those three words yet, but I can imagine them coming true someday."
"Is this real?" She asked. "I mean seriously. Am I here and are you saying these things to me?"
"Honey, I'm as real as they come and I'll be here when you wake up in the morning," I said and picked her up into my arms. "You're coming back to the hotel with me. We've got a lot to talk about," I said and began moving to the door.
"I'm so glad I met you," Jayde said as I stopped walking. I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at her.
"I'm glad you've opened my eyes," I said. "And I don't plan on letting my eyes close ever again." My knees buckled slightly as we head moved closer to mine. Slowly she licked her lips and brought her forehead to rest against mine.
"I hope you're not lying to me," she said softly as she pressed her lips to mine in the most passionate kiss I've ever experienced in my life. Slipping from my grasp she lowered to a stand on the floor as I brought my hands up to cradle her face in my hands as our kiss intensified. After lacking oxygen she pulled away from my mouth slightly and said, "Because I will never lie to you." 1