Beautiful Life { Complete }
Hosted by

Beautiful Life

She stared at him as he ran around the stage. It was almost like a magnet was pulling her towards him. Gazing up her heart stopped when he stopped in front of her, singing to the crowd below him. Kneeling down he reached his hand out and began touching his fans hands, showing them appreciation. Briefly she saw him take a glance at her as he looked in her direction. For a second she thought she noticed him take a double take, but she became nervous when he reached out and grabbed onto her hand. He smiled warmly at her for a second before letting go of her hand, lifting himself back up to bounce around the stage more to continue the show.

She knew this was her destiny.

After the show she weaved through the crowd backstage, briefly gripping people's shoulders as she moved around them. Stopping as she came to the door marked "The Rasmus," she took a deep breath and opened the door. Four guys stood up immediately upon her entrance.
"Hi," they said in unison. Shyly she waved.
"Hey," she said softly. Her eyes gazed over each band member, but rested on only one of the men. He noticed and stepped forward. Coming forward herself, she met him in the middle.
"I noticed you in the crowd," he said. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
"Yes," she breathed. He reached out and touched her shoulder.
"I've been dying to touch you," he whispered in her ear as he pulled her to him. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having him near her.
"Same here," she whispered back. She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. "I've got a secret to tell you," she said and gave a small smile. "What's that?" he asked and smiled back.
"I'm pregnant," she confessed. Her eyes danced between his, searching for any emotion. She heard the others gasp behind them as they too waited his response. "Yeah?" he asked.
"Yeah," she repeated.
She watched his face as the realization hit him. Smiling to her, she heard the others begin to clap, cheer, and laugh as he picked her up and started spinning her around in circles. She squealed happily as she was back in his arms feeling the feelings that only he gave her, feelings that she thought had escaped her for nearly six months.
"I love you," he said as he placed her back on the ground. "I thought you looked bigger but I didn't want to be rude and say something in fear of getting smacked," he giggled. She took his face in her hands and kissed him passionately. She heard Aki and Pauli wolf whistle.
"And I love you too Lauri," she said. Turning around to face the others she was suddenly wrapped in a huge group hug. "It's been too long," she sighed into her friend's shoulders.
"But now that you're here and we're together again � I'm never letting you go," Lauri said and kissed his wife Kayla on the lips once again.

Somehow he knew this was what a beautiful life should be like. 1