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[... Photo hi ka nei hrih lo, mizoram pic ka dah ringawt! CEDTI Aizawl lampang photo dahtur nei in awm chuan min lo hrilh teh u ]

..Hello! Welcome to CEDTI Aizawl Unofficial website. This site contains informations about CEDTI Aizawl. Well.. I started building this page partly as a hobby..so dont expect it to be very informative!..but I did try my best to make it saticfactory for everyone. Im a student of CEDTI Aizawl, when I found that CEDTI Aizawl does not have a website.. i decided to make one for those who wants informations regarding CEDTI Aizawl and for the students' net community, hope you like it! :-) Its still in its developing stage.. Please remember this site is not an 'official' one! Any complaints or suggessions should be forwarded to me only, and CEDTI Aizawl will not be responsible for any false informations (..if there is one!) Click on the 'cedti' link above if you want informations regarding CEDTI Aizawl .

I put some informations on CEDTI Aizawl, and some photos of the students, some study materials and my favorite links etc.. I hope you find what you are expecting here.. All suggestions are welcomed! If you feel there is something missing in this site, please tell me at-- [email protected] or you can post in my Message Board.

When I was about to give my DOEACC O Level examinations, I search the net trying to find some study materials.. old DOEACC exam questions, some tutorials etc.., but my search ended in vain. So I said to myself there should be many students trying to find some study materials on the net, why does not anyone (by anyone, i mean doeacc society :P) put it on the net!. I suppose they are waiting for me.. Anyway, here are some 'old qoestions' of DOEACC O Level Examinations.. (you will find it on 'Study Materials' link)

Please tell me your opinion about this site.. I will not update it until somebody tell me his/her opinion about it!! :)


::: Click Here to go to CEDTI New Delhi Website ::::: Click Here to go to DOEACC Society Website :::

--[website designed and maintained by: sudden ]--


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