Frustrating: a Poem

It is frustrating,
How you wake up with a hen's cry,
With a band playing serenade marching in your ears,
To crawl up and down the hills just to brandish a bamboo stick in the air

It is frustrating,
When you drag your body up and down back to devour cereals of hunger and wisdom,
And find a table where the dreaded court executer sits, sublime, ready to hang you up with the rope of accusations,
And you know already there is no other route to digest.

It is frustrating,
Going to classes;
"oh the Korean project real important by tomorrow!"
"Oh, oh, the Lighthouse test real hard, and a million words by the day after tomorrow!"
This and that, these and those.
And when you finish the buildings of homework,
oh dear, the finals dawn upon you right now

It is frustrating,
Listening to the deputy headmaster saying,
"oh get some more sleep, you have the fate of the fatherland upon your shoulder!"
and we say,
"thank you, thank you, thank you very much, your highness,
you've got that kindness we always can count on

Oh, but what can we do,
For this is the world of the respectful, sparkling eyes of millions
Coming all the way up the mountains just to get a glimpse of what we do,
And worship their mouths dry how such a wonderful world this is

Oh, what can you do,
When you get to be a universal star,
Whenever it is, wherever you go,
Just being what you are

Oh what can we all do,
But to shut the insolent mouth
Hide the truth
And be the leaders of the earth!

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