Ray gets arrested for being in contempt of court, when he bursts out "All right, what the hell is going on, here?", and later can't produce his case notes on the investigastion in question. Fraser comes to his rescue, enlisting the help of Lewis and Guardino to arrest him for stealing Milk Duds. While in prison, the two help a convict, Mr. Torrenz, avoid serious injury when they tangle with the wrong crowd.


"Yes, Sir."

"This has to do with Vecchio, doesn't it?"

"That would be a safe assumption, Sir. Yes."

"You've seen him?"

"Yes Sir, and he claims to have had an altercation...with a floor."

"Any particular type of floor?"

"Interlocking linoleum I believe."

"Oh, yeah, yeah. They can be very tricky."
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