"Rejoice in all the good things the Lord
your God has given you and your household"

Deuteronomy 26:11

Thanksgivings means a lot to my family. Every year at
Thanksgiving we always get together for a family meal.
My daughter lives out of the state so that can be a
little difficult at times. This year we will have an early
Thanksgiving dinner. She is coming in 2 weeks early. The
rest of the family loves this because that means we will
have two dinners this year. My father-in-law and brother-
in-law has shared this feast with us for the last fifteen
years. Since my mother-in-law passed away. My next door
neighbor who has no family near also shares this meal
with us. We have a house full. I start cooking a week ahead.
Some food I freeze and others I just refigerate. The Dinner
Prayer is normally said by the youngest person present. Two
years ago my 3 year old grandson thanked God for Rush
Limbaugh. I thought we would fall out of our chairs. PawPaw
likes to listen to Rush. After much laughter we enjoyed our dinner.

Below you will find two recipes that is a must for all our
Thanksgivings and Christmas Dinners. On my Christmas pages
I'll put a few more that my family must have for the Holidays.

A little history of Thanksgiving is on the last page. I
included The First Thanksgiving Proclamation.

Thanksgiving Pages
Sweet Potato Pie/Praline Topping
Shrimp & Merliton Dressing
The First Thanksgiving Proclamation

I received this award from Steel Magnolias
Webring Thank you, I am honored.

Rats2U.com is where I found
my graphics, tubes and music.

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