COURSE OUTLINE

1. Course: MATH 3312 Analysis II
2. Instructor: Charles Edmunds   Office: Evaristus 379      Website: http://geocities.com/ce3927
3. Timetable: Lecture   T,Th 10:30 � 11:45
4. Prerequisite:  MATH 3311
5. Text : Bartle and Sherbert
6. Marking:  Homework ...................  ...................... 25% (approx.)
                   Midterm.................................... ........... 25% (approx.)
                     Final exam .....................  ..................... 45% (approx.)
                     Instructor's Evaluation .....   .................... 5% (approx.)              
7. Marking Policies:

Homework Policy: Homework will be assigned with a �due date�. You may always hand your homework for a mark one class after that date, but no later.  Once a homework is handed back, the student may revise the homework assignment and hand it back in, no later than one week after receiving the homework back the first time. The revised homework will be marked again and the student will receive the average of the original mark and the mark on the revised homework. If a homework is not revised, the original mark stands.

Midterm Mark Policy: If you mark on the final exam is higher than your mark on the midterm, I will raise your midterm mark to the average of the two marks.

8. Content: We continue a rigorous study of differential and integral calculus of the real line. 

9. Statements:
Statement on the use of language:
Correct use of language is one of the criteria included in the evalua�tion of all written assignments.

Statement on Plagiarism and Cheating:
Students are reminded that the University regulations on Plagiar�ism and Cheating will be strictly enforced. These regulations are posted on depart�mental bulletin boards and information is also avail�able from your professor.

Professor's Statement on "from sources or in a manner disal�lowed":  
All materials presented for evaluation, including homework, papers, quizzes, tests, and examinations, must be solely the work of the student presenting these materials. If books, notes, or calcu�lators are to be allowed for use in an examination, the professor will announce this prior to the exam and com�ment, in writing, on the exam paper that this is the case.
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