Teenage Pregnancies and Sex
-Thirty-nine percent of ninth-graders and 65 percent of twelfth-graders have engaged in intercourse.
-Just over 8 percent of high-school students in 1999 said they'd had sex by age 13.
-One in four Sexually active teenagers will contract at least one STD.
-Four in ten girls become pregnant at least once before the age of 20.
-Just 25 percent of sexually experienced 15-to-17 year olds had ever been tested for HIV in 1998; 29 percent for other STDs.
-Fifty-eight percent of sexually active high-schoolers reported using a condom the last time they had sex.
-Three out of five americans living with HIV were infected as teens.
-3 million people contract Chlamydia each year. 40 percent of cases occur in 15-to-19 year olds.
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