<BGSOUND SRC="poemsprayerspromises.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
It  seems I was born in a deep, dark hole,
With a pinpoint of light shining in
From hundreds of miles up high.
All my life I have lived trying to reach
The point from whence the light comes.
It has been a long hard struggle
Several times I've almost succeeded--
Only to trip or lose my footing---
To fell way back to the bottom.
Many times I've wanted to call it quits,
But the tiny light beckons me on,
Offering hope and promise---
So I climb again.
I'm tired and I'm weary,
But I know in my heart
If I ever reach the entrance--
Here's a big, beautiful world outside,
Just waiting to warm and embrace me,
To offer life as it should be
Without heartaches, problems, or pain.
After all these years
I know heaven must be there.
God will take me in His arms---
Everything will be worth the struggle below.
Because He will make it so.
At my most desperate moments
I know in my heart that
Someday I'll reach the top.
       " My Life "
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