Welcome to my "What I did Yesterday" Pictures

I got a digital camera! That means I can take pictures anytime I want now and have them ready and uploaded in minutes! W00t. This is my first outing with the digital camera, and I'd say the pics came out pretty good. These were taken the evening of July 12, 2001, on the South River and Chesapeake Bay, on our powerboat, Pandora III.

The Bay Bridge, connecting the Eastern and Western shores of Maryland, as seen from the Bay.

Thomas Point Lighthouse

My girlfriend, Christina, with a nice sunwash in the background. Yeah, it's an artsy-fartsy picture.

Looking into the wake of the boat at sunset...

Now looking out the side of the boat at sunset, note the spray coming up on the bottom.

Same thing a bit later at slower speed.

Ahhh. Now here's a good one, this is a very good picture of Christina, now my current wallpaper on my computer at work!

Captain Henry P. Dursin, my father, at the helm!

...Because you can never have too many pictures of Christina!

Ugh, it's me! Not a very good picture... with the shadows covering half of my face like that I look like Stephen King... or Raistlin!

Taken from the dock, some lovely clouds just as the sun has gone down.

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Last Updated: July 13, 2001 @ 06:53 EST
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