Welcome to my Pictures of Christina!

Here ye shall have the honor and privledge of viewing portraits of the most important person in my life, my girlfriend Christina. View upon her beauty, her smile, her infinate kindness, and know that laughter and good still inhabit our world. I shall add more pictures as I get them.

This first picture was taken Monday, October 30, 2000 in New York City. That's our friend the ox-tail eating TC (TopCat Chen), the always lovely Christina, and the often gloomy me! It was rather cold out that day... we went with TC to watch the parade of the New York Yankees after they won the world series. Alas, this is also the last time I wore that Frostburg cap, my favorite. Sometime that day the hat was misplaced never to be seen again. Oh well... I still have the cutie (no, NOT you TC!) so all is well.

What is this? It must be one of the Sidhe she glows so! Amazingly no, a fine close-up of my bonnie lass as she lounges beside the demonstration field at Marietta Mansion, the home of the Marching Though Time event.

Ahhh. This one is a favorite. I've made a version of this one the background for my Windows at work and at home. Christina, holding the hand of her brave Scottish warrior... or holding me up from all the whiskey we Scots drink, one of the two!

Same scene, closer in to view the absolute cuteness which is Christina!

This is another good one, Christina with her plaid wrapped up as a cloak to keep the morning chill away. Though how a chill could survive in pressence of that smile i'll never know!

Christina and meself sitting by the fire waiting for a delicious Highland 'sup of meat and whole oats gruel... yummy!

Just a shot of the bonnie lass with a good look of her period garb.

Me very own father and Christina togethor.

Shhhhh! She's sleeeeeping. Note the sign and be amazed by her authentic Highland napping technique!

I think this is just a neat picture of her taken on our power boat, Pandora III, on July 12.

Another one from Pandora taken with my new digital camera... really good picture quality! Of course, it would be hard for a picture of her to look bad anyways!

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