Sunday in Maple Ridge

This is my husband's former high school, Garibaldi Secondary, in Maple Ridge, British Columbia. He and I and our best friend Noel visited the town where they and our other roommate Phil grew up, and I managed to get a few pictures of where he went to school.

This is Hugo standing in front of what was the entrance to Garibaldi when he was a student there. Apparently a lot has changed at Garibaldi Secondary in the past eleven years.

This is Hugo in front of one of the elementary schools my husband went to as a child, Thornhill Elementary School. It was at a Field Day in 1980, when they were in the fifth grade, that Hugo and Noel met for the very first time. Twenty years later, they are still the best of friends.

This is the field where Hugo and Noel met during a 100-meter dash competition between Thornhill (Hugo's school) and Albion Elementary (Noel's school). -wife's proud grin- Thornhill won the 100-meter dash.

This is the second of the elementary schools Hugo went to, eventually catching up with his friend from the Thornhill vs. Albion Field Day, Noel Allan. Although in the States, Albion would be considered a 'middle school', since it included seventh grade.

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