Research:        The Complete Ropes Course Manual

     The book, The Complete Ropes Course Manual, was about the complete experience of a ropes course. Even though our topic is rope bridging, ropes courses basically have the same ideas behind them as rope-bridges. This idea is to instill unity in a group by teamwork and knowledge. Rope courses provide a challenge to the mind and also to the body. The rope course puts emphasis on groups and not the individual.
     There are many different types of rope courses. Low rope courses have ropes that may be just a foot or two above the ground. While high rope courses have ropes that are probably twenty to thirty feet about the ground. Some rope courses may go higher than 20 or 30 feet.There are also different kinds of rope bridges. One, two, and three rope-bridges, are just to name a few.  Each person that is participating in the high ropes course, should wear an approved rock climbing helmet. Also the belayer and reppeller should use a leather-plamed glove on the break hand. All ropes should have a breaking strength of atleast 5,000 pounds when new.
      We found this book not to be very useful when it comes to building rope-bridges. Some of the information was useful, such as the regulations. Mainly, we found that other people's web-pages were the best to use for information.
Some of our favorite links are:
Physical Difference
The Gaelic Wolf Scouting Page
Adventure Rope
and for our very most favorite web site, click here
Click picture for rope link
Chris and Jesse work long and hard on this project.  Everything on this web-page they did together.  Jesse taught Chris how to build a rope-bridge and how to tie important securing knots.  Chris and Jesse built a sucessful rope-bridge together. We basically decided what we wanted on our web page together and did the library research together. Also, we picked out the pictures and links on our web page together.  We have 100% togetherness!  However, we must say thank you to the Erwin High School R.O.T.C.'s Raider team for helping us build our rope-bridge.
Jesse  ======> <====== Chris
Way to Go Team!!!!!!
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