2 Veterans Way                47 Hillside Dr. N.

                    Elliot Lake, ON               Elliot Lake, ON

                    P5A 1Z6                          P5A 1X5

                    Ph. (705) 848-30009         (705) 848-6975

Fax. (705) 848-6524     

Partners in Community Policing


Senior’s Issues Office







Know who you are letting into your home.



You wouldn’t just let any person look through your bank accounts and have access to your finances, then why would you allow a total stranger into your home and pay them whatever price they ask to do a job without asking any questions.


The Seniors Issues Office wants to remind Seniors about the importance of getting quotes in writing as well as getting more than one quote for work you are having done in your home.  There are a lot of dishonest people out there willing to separate you from your hard earned money without a blink of an eye.


With Spring in the air, many person’s thoughts turn to spring cleanup and home renovations and in most cases this means hiring someone to do the work for you. With a little knowledge and doing your homework this shouldn’t be a daunting task.  The key is to ask questions and to do a little research.  Remember you are paying these people and they will be working in your home so you have every right to be cautious. You are basically hiring someone to do work for you so in fact you are his or her employer so you need to find out as much about them as possible.


If you are hiring a contractor make sure they have the proper liability insurance and are registered with the Workers Compensation Board. Ask to see

proof of this. A conscientious contractor will be happy to show you proof of their insurance.  Also ask for proof of company registration and ask if the employees are bonded or have had Criminal Records checks.  This last item may not be necessary but could give you piece of mind knowing that trusted people are working in your home.


Make sure the contractor is willing to give you a written warranty on all work performed and ask for written receipts for all deposits and payments you make.


A written contract is a necessity. Make sure to get everything in writing.  If there are changes from the original contract be sure to rewrite the contract.  If there is financing involved make sure your contract matches that which is being presented to the bank.  Never sign off on the work being done before it has been actually completed.


If a contractor or sales person requests you sign something as a formality “READ IT OVER!” A “Satisfaction Acknowledgement” is exactly that.  You only sign it when you are satisfied with the work once it has been completed.  Some contractors or salespersons may try to get you to sign a Satisfaction Acknowledgment prior to work being completed or even started.  This is done so that they can get their money from the bank before they have even completed your work.  This may happen when you are financing directly through the contractor.  Once they have their money for your job you have no further recourse should they not complete the work or they do a poor job.  So make sure you know and understand what you are signing and ask for a copy immediately.


Also be wary of contractors that offer you financing through their company and offer to finance more money than the job is worth. For example the cost of your work to be done is $8000.00 and they offer to finance $10,000.00 and give you the rest of the money do to with as you wish.  This could be considered fraud on not only the contractors end but yours as well.  The bank finances the contractor to do work and not to give their customers a line of credit above and beyond the work to be done.  Be very careful about this!


Ask for references for similar work that they have done previously and call these references. Ask the references if you if it is all right to come and see the work the contractor completed for them so you know you are talking to actual people who have work done by the contractor.  Remember you are trusting your home to these people make sure you are going to be satisfied with the work. 


Make sure all building codes are adhered to. Make sure all permits have been properly applied for and received prior to the commencement of the job.


Check with your local building supply stores and find out who they would recommend for the job you are having done.


I know this all sounds like a lot of work but it was also a lot of work for you to earn the money you are going to paying these people so you should be sure you are going to satisfied.


Watch for salespeople who put other contractors work down or tell you their price is more expensive because they do a higher quality of work or their materials are of better quality than are available to their competitor.  Some contractors and their sales people will say just about anything to get your money.  Don’t be pressured tell the sales people you plan to get other quotes and never get forced into anything.


Watch for “Special Seasonal Deals” these may be available all the time but are touted as a “Limited Time” deal. And this may be no deal at all if they are offering you discounts on items you don’t even want or need!


So remember whether you are hiring someone to clean your home or to build you a brand new home check out their qualifications and hire someone you feel comfortable with after completing your homework.  You worked hard for your money and you deserve to get the best value for it.


For more information call the Seniors Issues Office at (705) 848-3009. You can also check out the following websites for more information:




The Canadian Homebuilders Association at:



The Ministry of Consumer & Business Services at:




John Gagnon

Seniors Issues Officer

East Algoma OPP

Elliot Lake Detachment








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