Chuck's (Nov 2007)
Scripture speaks of a trumpet being blown, that heralds in the coming of God's Kingdom. I have wondered about this trumpet, and what it could be...

What if the Scriptural Trumpet of God, is RADIO ????

The first Radio Sound Broadcast took place in 1906, on Christmas Eve.
Reginald Aubrey Fessenden played "O HOLY NIGHT" on his violin. He also played Handel's "Largo", and closed by saying "Merry Christmas!"

This Christmas, RADIO will be 101 years old!
O holy Night (midi)
Christmas music
Joel: The Trumpet
Zechariah: The Trumpet
Matthew: The Trumpet
1 corinthians: The Trumpet
Revelations : The Trumpet
Revelations : The Trumpet
Revelations : The Trumpet
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