Sowing Wild Oats, Ch. 11 (M/MM,Coll,NS) The story so far: Rick & Rob, straight college seniors, decide to have a weekend of adventure before graduating in to the corporate world. Starting with a nude tennis game and leaving a challenge for a similar doubles game the next evening, they make their way to another college. After a prank at the sauna they streak a donut shop on the way to sleep and food at a gay artist's home. Hans, the artist, convinces them to pose in exchange for refuge and to avoid possible apprehension by the police. Ch. 11: Picture This Hans was carrying another camera, and took a full roll of film, getting Rob and Rick to pose their mud-caked bodies in different positions. He noticed that they maintained their erections throughout the quick photo session. He ended off with a second full frontal Polaroid. "OK Rob, all done -- go get cleaned up and Rick can explain what this is all about." Rob needed no further invitation and was gone. Hans sat on the couch. Rick remained standing, as he was still covered in mud. "Rob and I were talking about how we'd never done anything wild. We graduate this year and may never get another chance. Our dads and Rob's uncle seemed to be telling us to sow our wild oats now, as we may never get another chance. So, I decided tonight that I'd lock myself out of my room naked, except for my tennis shoes and racket and challenge Rob to put his clothes up as the stake. I won. I locked all our tennis stuff and Rob's clothes in his room, and slipped the key to George, challenging him to a doubles game tonight with similar stakes. So, we're naked until our roommates get back on Sunday night, and locked out, unless we beat George and Ron tonight and decide to cut it short." Rick blurted this out carefully watching Hans to see how he would react. Hans tapped his chin, "so that's why you're naked. I think I understand." Pausing to digest what he'd heard, he asked, "how did you come to end up on my doorstep covered in mud?" "We got nervous about being discovered at our own college, so decided to hang out at Samuels' sauna while we figured out what to do. Everyone we know is away for the weekend or in a dorm. The dorms are too risky - we'd likely become a laughing stock and we want adventure, not ridicule. We were getting tired and hungry -- had not thought about either. We could only think of you and Vanya as possible solutions, and Vanya is too unpredictable -- she could be worse than the dorm. To get here we had to get past the donut shop, and, being naked, we figured some mud would disguise who we are in case we got spotted." Rick looked expectantly at Hans. Hans laughed. "You two are nuts. I hope you plan your businesses better. Why the erections? You say you're straight, yet you're in my livingroom with a chubby, and, there's no mud on that." Rick blushed, although it was hard to tell under the mud. "Um, it has nothing to do with you. It's the excitement. The thrill. The reason there's no mud is that we figured nobody was likely to recognise that part of our body, and it added to the fun. To be honest, we didn't want to have boners when we got here, but we did, and it's not going away with you staring at it." Rick looked Hans in the eyes, but then looked away. "We didn't plan this very well. If we had, it wouldn't be much of an adventure; it would be another project. We had to throw ourselves to the fates and plan enough so that we don't get into anything dangerous. If we'd thought about where we were headed, rather than the journey, we would have been completely covered in mud." He sighed. Rob came back into the room, looking very buff and scrubbed. He was drying his hair with a towel, but was otherwise still naked. "That was great, Hans. You don't know how good it feels to get that mud off." He smiled. "Any chance of some grub?" Hans noticed that Rob was no longer erect, but felt a stirring in his own loins. Rob looked even better without clothes or mud. "How about some soup and sandwiches?" "Great," said Rick as he headed off for his turn in the shower. "Sounds good to me. Have you got a vacuum?" Rob pointed at the dirt on the livingroom floor where they'd been standing. "I'll clean up here and then come and help in the kitchen, if that's OK." "In the closet at the end of the hall." Hans waited until Rob turned before standing and adjusting his crotch. The thought of Rob as a naked houseboy was really turning him on. He headed for the kitchen, lest he scare these two away by being too overtly interested. The vacuuming took only a couple of minutes. They had not been moving around much while muddy. Rob replaced the vacuum and headed to the kitchen. Holding the towel up, he asked, "where do I put this?" Hans replied, "the hamper is in the bathroom." As Rob disappeared into the bathroom, Hans sat down at the table, figuring that the table would be good as camouflage. It also gave him a better view, and he figured Rob would be putting on quite a show. Rob reappeared, now quite unconcerned by his nudity. He felt clean and comfortable. He had been naked for about 6 hours, so it was starting to be less of a bother. "What can I do?" Hans got him to fetch various things he'd forgotten in his haste to hide behind the table, and assembled three large meat, cheese and veggie sandwiches in long rolls. He was enjoying the view as Rob got things from lower and upper cupboards and paused to stir the soup. As Hans finished up, Rick appeared, drying his hair. "Shall we eat? I set bowls for the soup on the counter beside the stove, Rob, if you'd like to serve it out. Rick, I'll have some milk from the fridge. I've put glasses and cutlery on the table already. Grab whatever you and want to drink." "The hamper's in the bathroom, and I'll have milk too." Rob brought over the soup bowls. As they all sat down, Rob asked, "who is Erik and where is he?" "Erik's my boyfriend. He'll be back around lunchtime. He was delivering some paintings for me." Rick asked hesitantly, "I noticed you have no hair on your body. Does Erik shave it off?" "Oh yes, we like it better that way. Erik sometimes shaves his, sometimes not. I'm always this way, since Erik and I got together. It makes it easier to clean up if I spill paint." Hans grinned. Rob laughed and inhaled some of his milk. This broke Rick up as well, and the ice was truly broken. "What further adventures do you two have planned? I am intrigued." "We have a tennis game at ten tonight against George and Ron. The stakes are their clothes and the losers' body hair." Rick carried on despite Rob's wide eyed stare, "the body hair is negotiable, and is really up to George and Ron. In fact, I don't know whether they'll go along with the stakes or not. I left George a note, and we'll find out at ten tonight. We also expect two middle-aged ladies to come and watch us play, but George and Ron don't now about them. Other than that, we have nothing planned except some sleep. I'm open to suggestions - do you have anything you'd recommend?" Noting Rob's continued look of amazement, Hans smiled, "you are full of surprises. Nobody seems to know the full story except you." "Relax, Rob, we all have to agree on the stakes before we start playing. If you're dead set against the shaving, it won't happen. Hans, no, I set a few things in motion, but that's all. I have no more secrets to emerge. Rob has as much say in what we do as I do. As will George and Ron if they decide to join the fun." Rob relaxed a bit, but said, "you keep pushing the edges of my comfort zones, Rick. I think we'll get to a few of yours this weekend too." A grin formed on Rob's face. Rick winced. "That's the general idea. That's why we have to share in picking the adventures. If only one of us does it, the one who does the picking doesn't really have as much of an adventure." He yawned. "Is there somewhere we can get some sleep?" "You can have my and Erik's bed. There are clean sheets in the bedroom cupboard. I'll sleep on the couch, so I can intercept Erik if he turns up early. Do you mind if I do some sketches of you while you sleep? I'll wait until you're asleep so I don't keep you up. You can go ahead, I'll clean up here." "OK with me. We can talk about the paintings when we get up. You're sure you don't mind us using your bed?" Rob responded and Rick nodded. "No problem. There's only the one bed and only one couch. I doubt either of you want to share the bed with me, and Erik wouldn't like that much either." Hans smiled at them both. "Please leave the top sheet off. I'll cover you up when I'm finished sketching." Hans sat at the table and watched as these two very desirable bodies left the kitchen. It was only a few weeks ago that they had last refused to pose for him, and he'd not asked for nude poses at the time. Now two of the cream of the crop were naked in his apartment and fully relaxed, to the point where the two of them would sleep in the same bed and not mind that he watched. As he thought about the tennis game he'd missed seeing, it was too much and his shorts filled - he'd cum without any stimulation other than the very idea of it all. That hadn't happened in years. After cleaning up the kitchen, he stripped off and had a quick shower himself. He didn't bother to get dressed again, but opted for a large bath sheet, doing that only in case they woke up while he was sketching them. Grabbing a sketch pad, he crept softly into the bedroom. The pair of them were sound asleep, both face down, touching only at the elbows. They had obligingly left one of the lights on and the upper sheet off. Hans sketched for a while, but started to get sleepy himself. Figuring that the noise from the camera would not wake them, he started to take a few more shots. The camera noise must have filtered through the veil of sleep, as Rob turned on his side. Hans stopped snapping, but was relieved that he had not wakened Rob. Rob, still restless, draped an arm over Rick, and Rick rolled to his side, pressing his back into Rob. The two of them were now spooned together. Hans waited a few minutes, and then snapped a few more photos, before gently covering them with a sheet and turning off the light. Hans was now awake again, and decided to develop the film right away. After making some contact prints, he yawned and decided he'd better get some rest too. The pictures were hardly high art, but they would do for Hans' purposes. Still wrapped in his bath sheet, he crashed on the couch. ... continued in Ch. 12: Out and About NOTE: Comments are appreciated (including critiques) to or ICQ#32364537