1. A Tough Choice

"I'm waiting for an answer", Dad said patiently while packing papers into his briefcase.

Although I'd had a day to think about it, I still did not know what to say. "Please, Dad, I don't want to go to military school," I blurted out. "Can't you punish me instead..."

"No. You have only two options, either you and Mike are separated or you get punished together. Pick one. You have five more minutes to decide. If you don't make a choice, you'll get both consequences."

Dad left to finish packing, leaving me in the study. Mike and I had been buddies for over 10 years, and he was always getting me into trouble. Well, I sometimes started it, but was really more of a follower. Dad had threatened boarding school before, but this time he really means it. I guess we finally put on the last straw, because it wasn't really that big a deal. All we had done was pants Mike's brother, John.

If I opted for the punishment with Mike, it could last all week, as I was supposed to stay with Mike while my parents were away to a conference. They were leaving today and would not be back until next weekend -- that would be ten days, starting from today, Friday. We start back to school on Tuesday, but this weekend is the holiday weekend -- the last gasp of summer.

If I agreed to go to military school, I was getting put on a bus to go and stay with my uncle for the weekend, who'd get me enrolled when the school opened on Tuesday. I would not be back in town until next summer and would not be able to even talk to Mike until I got settled in the new school. My uncle Dave is OK and can be a bit of fun, but he is very strict. Ugh -- military school -- no privacy, and I would not fit in well. And I would know nobody there but my uncle. It would be hell, and could stay that way for nine months.

But, Dad said that Mike and I would never forget the punishment Mike's Dad had planned. He was a mean bugger when crossed, mostly because you had to push really hard before he'd get upset. It could be hell too, but it would only be for ten days. It would likely be more intense, as Mike's Dad was intent on punishment, whereas the military school would not really be punishment -- it would just feel like it.

I am at a crossroads and cannot go back. That's what Dad said. Two more years of high school. I'll be at university in another two years. Should I go now or hang on here? There was a chance Mike and I and some of our friends might end up at the same university, but that might not happen if I went away. Dad is right -- this is a big decision.

Dad walked back into the room, "Time's up. What is your choice?"

I hung my head and mumbled, "can I change my mind later?"

"No, you may not. However, if you decide to join Mike in being punished, I will let Ralph decide whether to let you go to military school, if you do change your mind. But, he will probably make sure you get a good dose before he lets you go. Now, look me in the eyes and give me your answer."

I looked up and said, "I'll go to Mike's."

"OK, remove all your clothing except your boxers. Put your clothes on the chair behind you."

I slowly got undressed, not daring to look my father in the eyes again. I stood there, not knowing what was coming next.

"Put your shoes back on and get in the car."

With that I looked my father straight in the eyes and said, "You're not serious!"

He turned his back on me and picked up his briefcase. "Never more so. You have two minutes to be in the car. Your shorts will be there even if you are not. Would you rather walk to Mike's?" He left the room.

Stunned, I put my shoes back on and went to the car. My Mom was already there. She said that they would drop me off on the way to the airport.

"Is my knapsack here with my school clothes, Mom?"

"Everything you will need is already at the Forest's."

Dad arrived and we were off. The trip was short, only a few minutes. We used to live closer, but we had moved a couple of years ago to a bigger house. Dad turned to me, saying, "behave yourself and do what you're told. If you screw up, your Uncle Dave will finish your punishment before you get settled in the new school. Kiss your mother goodbye and get in the house, they're expecting you."

I got out of the car, and kissed my mom. She said, "We'll see you next weekend. Remember that we love you." I went to the front porch and waved as they drove off. To my surprise, they both waved back.

I paused. Normally I would just walk in. This was different. I was in my underwear and shoes and about to be punished. I had nowhere else to go: no money, no clothes and no key to get back into my own house. Sigh. I pushed the doorbell and waited.

2. Demoted

The suspense was brief. John opened the door almost immediately. "Hi Jeff," he smiled broadly. "Come on in. Everyone's in the family room."

I closed the door behind me. I left my shoes by the door. I'd learned many years ago that they did not wear shoes in the house. Now in just my boxers, I followed John down the stairs. Mike was standing in the middle of the room, wearing only a pair of boxer shorts. He had his hands on his head and his eyes closed, but he opened them as I came into the room and looked sadly at me.

Ralph Forest spoke up first. "Jeff, stand next to Mike about three feet apart. Put your hands on your head." John sat on the couch, next to his friend Eric. They were the two we depantsed three days before.

"The two of you have been running wild for far too long. It's time for you to face the music and grow up. But, before we take care of that, the rest of us are going to have a bit of fun, at your expense. We are going to treat you like the spoiled children you are. Until I say otherwise, Mike and Jeff, you will be the children in this house, and you will do whatever you are told by everyone else."

Great! Instead of being hazed by kids at military school, I was going to be treated as a little brother by John and Eric. Could I stand a week of this? Me, a 16 year old, being ordered around by a pair of 12 year olds?

"Yes, I mean everyone. That includes any and all visitors to this house or anywhere else we happen to be. Eric, you will be in charge of Mike. John, you will be in charge of Jeff. John, you and Eric will cover for each other if one of you is away. Mike, do you understand?"

"Yes, Dad, I understand. I am to do whatever anyone tells me to do unless Eric says otherwise," Mike replied.

"Jeff, do you understand?"

"Yes sir. John is my big brother and I will do what he says."

"Now, boys, I think your little brothers are overdressed. They like to bully others by pulling their pants down. Why don't you tell them to ask you to pants them?" Mr Forest picked up his newspaper and started to read. Mrs. Forest continued to read her book -- she had been ignoring us all so far.

"Mikey, you have been very naughty. You're too little to be wearing those big boy shorts. Ask me nicely to take them off for you so you don't have to move your hands." Eric beamed, "and you should also ask me to give you a spanking to help you remember your place."

My jaw dropped and Mike looked mournful. "Eric, I have been a bad boy. Please help me to take my shorts off and give me a spanking."

"OK, if you insist." Eric got off the couch and ran his fingers around the inside of the waistband of Mike's shorts. He grabbed the bottom and slowly pulled them down until Mike's dark red pubic hair was on display. As he did so, his cock sprang through the fly. "Oh dear, Mikey, it looks like you've popped out. I don't know about all this hair though. I think you're too young for all of that. We may have to do something about that later."

Oh my god! Mike now looked more stunned than beaten. I'm sure I looked as horrified. We were going to be scalped by a couple of little kids, just before the start of the new school year! John laughed, a little nervously. I looked at Mike's parents -- his Mom was ignoring us and his Dad was hidden behind the newspaper.

"Jeffy, it's your turn now. Ask your big brother to take care of you and give you the spanking you need. Ask him to help you to be a good little boy." John giggled a little.

I looked over at Mike and saw Eric tug the shorts down until Mike's ass was fully exposed. He flipped Mike's cock up and watched it drop. I shuddered. "John, please help me to be a good little brother. I have been a bad boy and need your help to take off my shorts so that you can spank me."

"Yes you have been a bad boy, and I will help you to learn." John looked stern as he got up from the couch and yanked my shorts to my ankles in one go. "Lift your right foot."

I did, and was one step away from being completely naked. Stripped by someone four years younger. I flushed red and started to sweat. I was so embarrassed. At least it was in the Forest's family room and there was nobody watching.

"Now the left foot." I dutifully lifted my foot, and now I was naked. And, essentially helpless. It struck me that I may not have any clothing at all, as I did not see my knapsack in the hall. Maybe it was in Mike's room. I looked over to Mike. He was still being slowly stripped; Eric had flipped Mike's cock over the waistband, but had not lowered the boxers much further.

I gasped. John had grabbed my cock and was peeling back the foreskin. "Please, no," I whispered.

"Jeffy, I know you're only a little boy, but take your punishment like a man." John stared into my eyes and continued, "you did not pay any attention to us when you picked on us -- why should we listen to you? Stop whining or you'll be sorry."

That hurt. My best friend's kid brother was telling me that I was behaving like a wimp. I decided that if I was to have any self-respect, I had to do what he said. "I'm sorry John. I will try and do better."

Eric had finally got Mike's shorts down to his knees. He looked to John and asked, "shall we spank Mikey first?"

3. Warm Up

John thought for a minute and said "No, let's do them together." At that he grabbed me by the cock and pulled me over behind the couch and gave me a little shove. I took this to mean that I was to bend over the back of the couch. As I did so, I watched Mike shuffle along with his drawers slowly slipping down to his ankles, being dragged along by Eric the same way I was. These two were certainly enjoying their little power trip.

John goosed me, and told me to take my hands off my head and grab the front of the couch. As I did so, he shoved my legs so my feet were off the floor, and my ass was straight up. I guess that was the idea, as Eric did the same to Mike just before he pulled Mike's boxers off altogether.

Eric giggled. "We each have a set of bongos!" He gave Mike a series of rapid-fire swats.

John laughed and pinched me. "Ow!"

"We'll have to have a concert later, Eric. For now, let's give these kiddies their spankings. How be we each do fifty and then swap?"

"That's 50 per cheek?" asked Eric.

"Sure -- one cheek for each hand."

I couldn't look at Mike -- I'd looked over when Eric swatted him and John pinched me, but this was going to be tough. Two hundred swats, even from a 12-year-old, was going to bring tears to my eyes.

John counted as four hands hit four cheeks. At twenty-five, he stopped, "Hold on, Eric, my hand is getting sore. Dad?"

"There are several new fly-swatters on the kitchen counter. I figured you might need them." He turned the page on the newspaper.

"Cool, I'll get them." Eric took off to the kitchen, as I felt my cheeks being parted.

"Spread your legs as wide as you can, both of you. Time to spread things around a bit," John said before he too took off.

After a few minutes, I felt duct tape being wrapped around my right ankle. Then it was yanked, tied off against the couch leg, I guess. Hard to tell with my face buried in the front of the couch. After the left ankle was taped and tugged, John swatted my right cheek, "Shuffle over".

I heard another swat, must have been Eric hitting Mike. "You too, Mikey-baby."

Where we had not been touching before, Mike's right leg now crossed mine slightly above the knee.

"That's better," John observed. "Let's get started again. One"

The fly-swatter was painful in a different way. More of a surface burn, and it hurt more than John's hand had. I buried my face further into the couch. I was going to end up crying for sure, as I digested the fact that John had started at one, and not twenty-six.

Because the fly-swatter was smaller or easier to direct, the swats were all over. Up and down my thighs, inside and out. On the twenty-fifth swat, John got my balls, which had slipped out over the back of the couch. "Whaaaa!" I cried.

That broke the tempo. "Looks like we're finally getting their attention," I heard Eric say.

John resumed the count at twenty-six and I heard a muffled shriek from Mike. He must have had his head in the couch cushion as well.

The shots became even more random, hitting my calves as well as thighs. But every fifth shot hit my balls. I had been crying since the fortieth shot (really sixty-fifth), but managed to not make any more noise.

After the fiftieth shot, Eric shouted, "changeover." He took over the counting, starting at one.

I felt my head being lifted as the sixth shot was coming down. All I saw was Mrs Forest's skirt and a towel. She pushed the towel between my face and the couch, saying, "we don't want the couch all wet and messy, now, do we?"

I heard Eric and John laugh, but they carried on relentlessly. Eric was hitting as hard as John had, and my balls were smarting something awful. I don't think either of them hit as hard on the balls shots as on the others.

"Should we go again?" Eric asked John. I heard a moan from Mike.

"Nope -- time for some fun, I think. Let's get these little guys up so they can thank us properly."

I felt the duct tape rip out my leg hairs as it was removed, and screamed twice, once for each leg. So did Mike.

"All right, cry-babies, you can stand up now. Put your hands on your heads and turn around to thank us."

4. Half-way Measures

We have to thank them for this? For being stripped and spanked? And for having to ask them to do it? Still, military school would probably be no better. "Thank you, John and Eric, for spanking me."

"Thank you for the spanking."

Mrs. Forest stood up, saying "lunch will be in about half an hour; go outside and play until I call."

I took my hands off my head and started towards the stairs. I hadn't gone a full step when John said, "hands on head, Jeffy -- you'll be punished for that." He hit me on the back with the fly swatter, catching skin previously unhit. I moved quickly, but got three more swats before I made it to the top of the stairs and he stopped. I paused, looking back and forth between the front and back of the house.

John picked up on my confusion. "Out to the back, you're not ready for the front yet," he said with a wink and a leer.

In short order we were on the back deck. Naked and outdoors! There was a high fence around the rather large yard, but we could be seen from the neighbour's houses if we got deep enough in to the yard.

"Time to get rid of some of this hair. Stand very still or you may lose more than the hair!" Eric looked back and forth to both Mike and I as he said this.

John waved a pair of scissors in front of my face before he tugged at the hair in my right armpit and cut it off. I felt relieved when he walked over to the table and set the scissors down. Was this just a token? The relief was short-lived, as he sprayed my back and pit with shaving cream. I had no hair on my back, so I could only guess this was for effect. When that was all shaved off, cream on my front and off it came -- not much hair there, except for some short ones right around the nipple. "Go and lie front-down on the picnic table." John pointed to one of the two on the patio.

I got up on the picnic table, with some difficulty, as I didn't want to take my hands off my head again. I ended up rolling on the top after kneeling on the bench. Fortunately, the table had a thick coat of enamel on it, so there was little danger of slivers as I slithered into position. I stopped moving instantly when John hit my sore bum with his hand, "Stop wriggling like a snake and spread your legs a bit."

From where I was now, I couldn't see what John was doing -- I had a great view of the stonework of the patio with my head sticking just over the edge. If I tried to look, my arms would move with my head, so there was no way to sneak a peek. I felt vibration on my right calf that slowly moved up the leg to my ass -- must be a clipper. As the vibration moved up my right leg, I could feel something touching my left leg; figuring it to be John's hand, I move my legs wider apart. Shaving cream next, and moving up. I had a lot more hair to lose on my legs -- they were almost furry. Another swat on my bum. "You can take your hands of your head and roll over. When you've turned over, put your hands over your eyes, and spread your legs wide, Put your left foot down beyond the bench."

As I rolled over, I heard Eric give similar directions to Mike, and caught a quick glance, confirming that he's lost some hair too. This time I felt the clippers start at the top of my right leg, now fully exposed along with my crotch. I had felt the blood start to move into my cock while I was face down, and it was starting to swell up. Not enough to notice, I hoped, but much more stimulation and it would be hard to miss.

Uh Oh. The clippers were skirting the edge of my pubes and John's hand brushed my bag and cock. It rose to the extent that it wasn't sitting on my balls any more. I heard a chuckle and felt another light touch along the side of my cock, before the clippers moved down towards my foot. I was up to about 45 degrees now, and trying to think of multiplication tables. It wasn't working.

Shaving cream again, working from the foot up. John seemed to be saving my inside thigh for last. I wondered what was next after that, and it made my cock twitch. So much for multiplication tables. I must be perpendicular now.

John finished up my leg by shaving along the edge of my pubes. He seemed to be being very careful, and I started to get optimistic that I'd keep my pubes. He grabbed my sack, pulled it taught and I felt the razor scraping along the skin. I kept very still as I lost the hair on my right nut. There wasn't a lot, but there was some. "Grab your ankles, lie back and pull your feet over your head, and spread your legs as wide as you can."

I complied, looking over to see Mike doing the same, discovering that he also had a boner, that, like mine, was now digging in to my abs. I'd never seen Mike erect before, but only got a quick flash as his leg obscured my view. I looked down to see John head towards my ass with the clipper. I spread my legs even wider -- I did not want to get cut down there!

When he'd finished shaving my crack, John told me to let my legs down and hold my right arm out. I heard Eric say the same to Mike, and I looked over to his crotch again. When I realised what I was doing, I looked up to Mike's face quickly, only to discover his gaze aimed at my crotch. He flicked his eyes up, saw me looking at his eyes, and he started to blush. Mike has a very noticeable blush. I smiled, but looked away -- there's no reason I should make this any worse for Mike. It could easily have been the other way around.

John finished with the hair on my right arm, and told me to get off the table, and stand again with my hands on my head. I suddenly realised that John had shaved the right side of my body, but my left side was intact. I must look like a freak! Anyone who saw me now would know that I was shaved and what I had lost, unless I had long trousers and a long-sleeved shirt on. I would have been better off losing it all.

5. Plans and Pictures

Noticing the expression on my face, John smiled, "you've figured it out?" Judging by Mike's expression, he had realised as well that there was no way we could pass this off. Anyone who saw us half shaved like this would get a good laugh. My mind scrambled to think of how I could explain this. I could try and pass it off as the penalty for a lost bet or the result of a dare, but that would sound almost as weird as what actually happened. John and Eric would have their own version of the tale, and there's no way any story I'd concoct would be more believable.

Eric chipped in, "don't worry, this is temporary. We wanted to see whether you looked better with or without all that hair. We'll decide in a day or so, after we get some second opinions."

Figures. We are going to be on show. How many people had seen Eric and John naked? There were about twenty at the pool, plus whoever saw them after they bolted. Silly buggers -- we'd have given them their suits back in another minute or so. We're in for at least the pool crowd. As I consider the humiliation to come, my regret is broken by Mike's mom announcing that we were to go to the dining room. Her voice reminds me that I have a hard-on, and she's about to see me.

Mike and I are directed to set the table, watched by Eric and John, giving us no chance to deal with our erections. As I got involved in the set-up for lunch, my erection started to ease off. John was on me in a flash, grabbing my dick and giving it a few squeezes. "Stay at attention."

Mike's mom appeared with a tuna casserole and we all sat down for lunch. "What do you boys have planned for this afternoon?" asked Mr. Forest as he looked over to John.

"We're going to play some soccer. Don't worry, we'll take our little brothers with us and keep them out of trouble."

"Be back by five. We're having an early dinner; your Aunt Jane will be stopping by on her way to the cottage for the weekend," interjected John's mom.

"No problem." John smiled broadly as he looked over at Mike and then I. Jane had two kids, Paul, 17, and Susan, two years younger. I didn't know them very well, but all the colour left Mike's face, so I knew we were in for a rough ride.

"Did you have any plans made for the weekend, Mike?" Mike's Dad caught him off-guard.

It took a minute for Mike to get himself composed. "We were to go to the drive-in tonight with Gary and Brian, but I guess that's off. I should call him and let him know we won't be coming. And there's the party at Greg's tomorrow night. Other than that..."

"What's on at the drive-in?" Eric looked interested as he interrupted Mike.

"Frankenstein and the first Star Wars."

"Sounds good. Let's wait and see if Gary and Brian will let Eric and I come along, if that's OK, Dad." John looked hopefully at his father.

"All right with me. I'll give Gary some money so you can all have a good time. As it's your birthday tomorrow, you can have a bit of fun. I want you all back here by one, though. We have a busy day tomorrow, with your birthday party. Your mom wants to take you shopping in the morning."

Silence descended. This was a lot to take in. Soccer this afternoon, cousins at dinner, drive-in tonight, birthday party tomorrow. Mike and I were still naked and half-shorn. Would we be on display for all these people? At least my erection had subsided, but I got the sense that John now had more control over it than I did.

As he finished his lunch, Eric said, "Mikey and Jeffy will clean up. Be quick about it, and then come out to the back again."

"Thank you, Eric. I appreciate your help. We're going visiting this afternoon, and we can go right now. Remember to lock up when you go out to play soccer." John's mom said as she and her husband got up to leave.

Not wanting more swats, I started clearing up immediately, as did Mike. Eric and John left the room right after John's parents. I could hear muffled whispers, but could make nothing out. This was my opportunity to say something to Mike, but I had no idea what. I kept looking at Mike, hoping he would say something. As I was loading the dishwasher, Mike handed me the remaining items from the dining room and whispered, "sorry."

That was all he got to say, as John came in and told us we had one more minute before the fly-swatters would help us out. We were done, so put our hands on our heads and followed John out to the back. "Lie on your backs on the picnic table with your legs spread wide over the end." John motioned us over. "You can take your hands off your heads, but put them over your eyes again when you're settled."

After getting settled and blindfolding myself with my hands, I felt my pubes getting wet. This is it; I must be about to lose them. But, why wet? Why not use the scissors or the clippers? I felt the hairs being tugged, but it was more like a massage than a trimming. I felt a towel or something and the wetness was gone. Yikes, my cock was being stroked and was rising to the stimulation.

"Best keep very still guys, there are sharp things about," warned Eric. Seconds later, I felt my prick being grabbed and scraped -- here it comes -- the pubes are history. Sigh.

Huh? He stopped. That was quick. "All done. We had better get some sunscreen on -- don't want any sunburns." I felt some sort of lotion being rubbed on my right leg. After the other leg, John grabbed my right arm. I couldn't look down to see what he'd been doing to my pubes without moving my head, but I caught a flash of bright green from Mike's crotch. Oh no -- what are they up to now? Half-shaved and fluorescent pubes. To think I worried earlier about being shaved bare!

John told me to grab my legs and spread them wide, while Eric had Mike off the table and was leading him over our way. "Mikey, you can finish up with Jeffy's sunscreen. Start with his ass and work your way up. Do a good job, 'cause if Jeffy gets a burn, it'll be your fault."

John handed Mike the sunscreen, and Mike started rubbing it into my exposed ass. Despite being embarrassed for both of us, I felt my rod stiffen more and I have to admit it felt good. I really wanted some pressure on my cock, though. Mike progressed upwards to my balls and the insides of my thighs, and it all just got more intense. Mike hesitated, and John spoke up, "if you don't 'screen it, Jeffy's cock will burn. Go ahead, it's just like jacking yourself off. Don't forget to do under the foreskin, just in case. Put lots of cream on your hand and stroke away."

Oh yeah! Mike's hand on my cock was great. He decided to do the head first and peeled back my foreskin. My toes curled as he rubbed over the head. As he pulled the foreskin back over, I could start to feel the sunscreen start to burn on my slit, but Mike stroking my shaft offset this. I heard a click and a whirr, opened my eyes and saw that Eric was back, and with a Polaroid camera. Argghh -- pictures now, and of Mike whacking me off.

Mike let go of my cock. "Hey! We never took any pictures!" He looked pissed off as he stared at John.

"You're not in charge here, little Mikey. We decide what happens. Remember what happens if you don't co-operate?" John smugly retorted. "Get back to work, and do Jeffy's front, then face."

Mike deflated. All the fight went out of him and he looked fully defeated for the first time today. He applied lotion to my belly and chest. I could feel his hard cock against my legs as he got closer to do my face. Finishing with my face and ears, he looked over to John. I guess he couldn't face Eric and the camera.

John took the sunscreen, and said, "give Jeffy a kiss, Mikey. It's time for another snapshot." Resigned to his fate, Mike moved in closer, and his cock rubbed against mine as he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "He's not Aunt Jane. Full on the mouth and let's have a bit of tongue from both of you."

Click, whirr.

Eric handed the camera to John and said, "change places. Jeffy can do Mikey now." We went through the same scene in reverse, except that Mike is circumcised. They now had four pictures. As I broke off kissing Mike, Eric showed us the second picture. My heart sunk -- it looked like Mike was fucking me. I looked at Mike and it looked like he was about to cry. I felt no better myself. I was in turmoil -- my cock was ready to explode, I was humiliated beyond anything I could remember and I wanted to curl up in a corner somewhere.

"We're not done yet. You still have to do your backs. Stand up and hug each other face to face so we can get started." We complied.

"This is not a school dance. I don't want to see any space between you. Put your hands out and I'll put some sunscreen on them. Start at the neck and work your way down. Stick your hands out again when you need more sunscreen. Oh, yes, and keep kissing all the time." Eric smirked again.

We dutifully got as close as we could. Much more stimulation and I was going to cum. As it was, both Mike and I were lubricating each other. When we got down our backs to the bums, Eric spoke up again "knead those cheeks well and get that screen worked well into your cracks."

Click, whirr.

"OK. Time for some warm-up exercises. Stretches first, and then running on the spot for five minutes and followed by some jumping jacks." I reached for my cock, figuring that was one stretch I'd like to finish, and, after the pics I no longer cared if they saw me beating my meat. But, it was not to be. John continued, "leave your cocks alone. You haven't earned the right yet."

Surprisingly, John and Eric joined in the exercises, although Eric stopped and snapped a few more pictures. Amazingly, my boner was mostly gone by the time we finished, and I noticed that Mike's was as well. I was no longer quite so secretive about looking at Mike -- after what we'd been through and been photographed doing, it hardly seemed worth the bother.

John decided we'd had enough exercise, nodded at Eric, who went back into the house. He grabbed a couple of towels and tossed one to each of us. I'd not noticed them before -- Eric must have fetched them when he got the camera. As we towelled down, I was surprised to see John strip off, and even more surprised to see Eric emerge naked with a gym bag and two pairs of shoes and socks. John grabbed a towel and headed into the house with his clothes. I heard the door lock behind him. Eric told us to put the shoes and socks on as he pulled his soccer kit out of the gym bag and got dressed. We all finished about the same time.

"It's time to go play soccer. Let's go. John's meeting us out front." Eric laughed as both Mike and I covered our genitals and blushed. We'd been half-shorn, aroused and frustrated, had our pubes dyed lime green, and now we were about to meet our public.

6. Soccer Balls

"My, aren't we the shy ones?" John beamed as we came around the edge of the house clutching our crotches. It occurred to me that we probably looked about the same as John and Eric had earlier in the week, when their arms were not being held. Except -- we had some hair. Some. And it was green!

Then Eric surprised us both by bringing his hands out from behind his back with a jockstrap in each. "Jeez, you guys look so grateful to have these jockstraps, maybe we don't need any more kit for you." Duh -- he was right -- I was relieved to see that jockstrap. Walking the streets in just a jockstrap felt good right now, but would have been unthinkable yesterday. These guys were fucking with my head in a big way!

Holding up a couple of pairs of shorts, John looked at Mike. "Mikey, I'd never force one of my family out onto the street naked. At least not from home." He paused and stared at Mike before looking my way. "Jeffy, on the other hand..." He threw me some shorts and stuck his tongue out. Now I was confused again. Am I about to be the scapegoat?

As we donned the jocks and shorts, they each produced T-shirts -- a smallish one for Mike and a longer one for me that came half-way down my shorts.

"You're going to be playing soccer with us. Carry on being good sports about this and we might go a little easier on you. Embarrass us again in front of our friends and you'll regret it, big-time. Just go along for the ride, and we'll all be even on this." John looked almost hopeful or expectant, except for the 'regret it big-time'. What could he be thinking? We were at his mercy. He must want something more of us. We headed off, as I continued to puzzle over his expression.

When we got to the schoolyard soccer pitch, there were already five guys there. I vaguely recognised them as friends of John's, all about his age -- school chums, I guess. Mike and I stayed off to the side as John and Eric exchanged greetings with their friends. We couldn't hear what they were saying, but I did notice fingers pointed in our direction. Another kid turned up on the pitch and John motioned us to join the group.

John addressed the crowd, "Eric and I think we should do something a little different today. We'd like to play strip soccer, with Mike and Jeff in goal. Each time there's a goal; the goalie pays a forfeit. The winning team gets to take penalty kicks at the losing goalie. Are you all game?"

Mike and I nodded, but the others had questions. "What happens if the goalie has no clothes left?" "Why are the goalies the only ones to strip." "Do they get their clothes back after the game?"

"How about the scorer gets to spank the goalie? Of course, we have to score the goals, and the goalies will be trying to stop us." John smiled at us and we smiled back. Devious -- we were going to strip ourselves if we messed up. But, we did have a chance.

"Mike and Jeff are doing it 'cause they're good sports. It's my birthday tomorrow, and they owe me a few favours. We'll decide about the clothes later. Can we pick teams now? We have to be home before five, and we want some time for fun after the game." There were smiles and nods all around. Two teams formed quickly around Eric and John.

I was on Eric's team, meaning that John would be leading the attack on my clothing. As I took my place in net, I realised I have never played in goal before and hadn't played soccer in a few years. As stupid as those exercises made me feel, they did help me get limbered up; I was about to need all the help I could get. Would I be the only one defending my net? My team had little incentive to help other than being able to kick balls at Mike if they won. This could be a high-scoring game, because I don't think Mike has any more skill in a soccer net than I do.

As I was musing, three more kids appeared. Two were about the same age as John and one looked about ten. John called out, "we're playing strip the goalie. Do you want to be the ref, Steve?"

The youngest kid said, "cool. Any special rules?" Eric quickly repeated the rules, and Steve's companions each joined a team. Steve wasted no time, and the ball was in play.

Here it comes -- the ball was headed for my net. I managed to get in front of it and it bounced off my chest, only to come back twice as fast. I got my leg in front of it, and it went off down the field. That was a lucky escape. My team snagged the ball, and Mike was not so lucky.

Steve pointed at the scorer. "Tim, you can take something off the goalie."

Tim walked over to Mike and looked him up and down. "Hey, one of his arms is hairy and the other isn't. Take off your shirt."

Mike blushed, and started to remove his tight T-shirt. He stopped when Steve called out, "No, Tim, you take it off, not Mike."

Tim looked confused for a minute. I guess he thought Steve meant that Tim was to remove his own shirt. Mike ended the confusion by bending over at the waist and putting his arms straight out in front, saying, "ready, Tim." Watching John, I saw him smile, but this time, it looked more like a smile of pride than of nastiness. He really did want us to be good sports about this. Hmmm.

Tim pulled the shirt off Mike. It took a while, because it was so tight. Mike straightened up and Tim put both hands on Mike's chest, one on each side, confirming that the right side was hairless. "Why did you only shave half?" Tim looked puzzled.

Mike chuckled. I'm sure he wasn't sincere, but it didn't show. "Not enough time to finish the job. Do you like it?" I glanced nervously at John and Eric, but both were expressionless. This is weird -- first they humiliate us and then they want to play it down? Steve calling for everyone to get playing again broke my confusion.

The game went on for a while after this. Without a watch, I couldn't be sure how long. Mike and I each stopped a few weak shots and I began to think that we might come out of this without losing too many clothes and too much of our dignity. Moving to block a shot from John, I got out of position, John passed to one of his team-mates and I had let my first one in.

"You turn to take something off Jeff, Alex," came the call from Steve, our ref.

Alex came over and, to my surprise, grabbed the legs of my shorts and pulled them down to my knees. His grin was nasty as he told me to get on my back to let him finish the job. I got down, and put my legs up. Although this exposed my ass, I figured that I had to be co-operative, or I'd lose my dignity along with my shorts.

Alex pulled off my shorts. "Hey, Jeff's got one shaved leg." He flipped my feet towards my head, and I didn't fight him. "All the way up to his bum!" He stared and the others came over for a look.

Steve yelled out, "stop showing off, Jeff, and let's get this game going again." I stood, and my shirt fell back into place. I wasn't any more exposed than I had been with my shorts on. The next goal was going to leave one of us in just a jock. I wasn't sure how long we'd been playing, but we hadn't stopped for a break yet, so we must still be in the first half.

The ball came hurtling toward me. I quickly switched my attention back to the game and surprised myself by actually catching the ball. I had to leap to catch it, and must have given quite a show as my shirt went up with my arms. Still, better to have the shirt than not. But, I did get a bit envious of Mike, who still had his shorts.

I missed the next shot, and Steve directed Peter to remove more of my kit. Peter had a mischievous gleam and told me to lie down. Stunned, I complied, as I realised that it was not my shirt I was about to lose, but my jockstrap. Peter flipped my shirt up and gave me a swat on my rump as he told me to flip over. Eric yelled out, "no fair! You can't spank and strip. You'll have to give him a spanking, since you started."

Peter looked over to Steve, who said, "quite right. Those were the rules. You can give him nine swats, as you've already done one."

I looked over my shoulder at Peter, who looked disappointed and then shrugged. "Spread your legs," he said.

Peter kneeled between my legs, and flipped my shirt up to almost my shoulders, laying me bare except for the straps of the jock. Peter did not hit overly hard, and the spanking took little time. I'm sure I was nicely pinked. As I waited for further instructions, Peter spread my cheeks, leaned forward and blew on my crack. "That should cool you off. You can get up now."

I felt a little flushed, but otherwise no worse for the experience. I didn't know what to make of Peter blowing on my ass, but I can't say it was unpleasant. I would have to be more careful, or I would lose the jock for sure next time.

Despite my care, Peter scored on me again a few minutes later. This time he told me to hoist my shirt so he could get at my jock, and pulled it down to my calves. There was a gasp, and Peter looked up as he heard it -- straight into my crotch. He fell back on his ass and laughed. "You're green!" Damn, I had forgotten about the coloured pubes.

"Get on with it, Peter, or we'll do you next," yelled Steve. Peter told me to lay back on the grass on my back so he could finish the job. I did and he did. We both got up and play resumed. Mike fielded a few shots, as did I, but mine were mostly high and weak. Of course, I flashed everyone every time I jumped for the shots, and there was a lot of smiling from John's team. I wondered whether I'd lose the shirt next or be in for more spankings. Fortunately for me, the next goal was against Mike. That made it 3-2, so I was still behind, and lined up for whatever they had in mind for the losing goalie.

A scrawny kid called Dan had scored. He went over to Mike and yanked Mike's shorts down. Mike obediently lifted one foot and then the other. Rather than resuming the game, Steve yelled, "break for five minutes before the second half." At least we still had some covering left. Mike was a bit worse off, although I flashed a lot -- I was OK when not leaping.

I went up to John and told him I needed a pee before we started playing again. He pointed at a wood grove off to the side. I headed off and Mike came along. I whispered to Mike that this was not as awful as I thought it would be. Mike agreed, but said that it wasn't over yet, and we might be being set up for something. I thought about this, eventually agreed, but added that we may as well play along, unless he had a better idea. Mike shook his head. When we got back to the pitch, I realised that Mike and I had just had our first conversation in well over a day.

"You guys are so cool." Peter's comment brought a murmur of agreement from the others. I didn't know what to make of this; should I be proud, or was I being set up for a bigger fall? I looked to Peter and then Mike.

Peter continued, "John told us that you're letting them get even for taking their suits at the pool this week and you're going to help with his party tomorrow. Wish my brother were like you. Good luck on the swim team tryouts." That might explain the partial shave, but not the green pubes unless that was for tomorrow's party.

At that, Steve said that time was up and got the game moving again. Both Mike and I made some good saves, and it began to look like we might not lose any more. Steve called a foul on Alex, and gave Eric a penalty shot. Eric scored, and Mike lost his jock. The score was now even, 3-3, but I still had my shirt, because of the spanking.

Mike seemed unfazed by his nakedness. I began to think that everyone was being sincere and that, although they were trying to strip us, there was no attack on our dignity. Mike was a bit comical, flopping around every time he made a save. I must be the same, with this peek-a-boo T-shirt getup. The play continued, both sides trying to score, but Mike and I were in good form, considering neither of us had played soccer for a few years, and then not as goalies.

It was not to be. John made a shot that got past me, and he told me to bend over. He went around behind me, so I wasn't sure whether I was getting another spanking or losing my shirt. He flipped the shirt up in back, and paused, to prolong the suspense, but then pulled the shirt off the rest of the way. There couldn't be too much time left in the game, and I was now the losing goalie.

Surprise, surprise. Dan scored again, and Mike got ten swats. A few minutes later, another kid scored on Mike, and I heard Steve identify him as Nick. Another ten swats. Again, they were more playful than hard. After a few more minutes, Steve announced that the game was over and my team had won 5-4.

John took over again. He told Mike to face into the net and bend over. Everyone but Mike and Steve lined up -- we were each to take one kick at Mike's back end. Looks like both teams were going to get a shot, not just the winning one. Ouch. I was glad it wasn't me. John went first, and hit the target with a soft shot. Most of the shots connected, but none were very hard. I went last and missed (sort of on purpose).

John announced, "Steve didn't get to play, so we should do something to thank him for refereeing the game. What would you like, Steve?"

Steve whispered in John's ear, and John smiled. "I'm sure Jeff and Mike would be happy to." Turning to Mike and I, John continued, "Steve has no older brother, and would like to see your boners."

Mike shrugged, so I did too. What could we gain by saying 'no'? Nothing. A number of the kids looked very happy -- I guess they had no older brothers either, or their bros were more modest than Mike and I could be at the moment. Mike whispered in my ear, "let's lay on the grass, so we can close our eyes and ignore them." I nodded and got down on the ground, closing my eyes and giving my dick a few strokes to bring it to its full glory. That done, I spread my arms and legs and waited.

I heard kids milling all around me, but decided to keep my eyes closed. That was a good idea of Mike's -- it cut down on embarrassment for us and for the watchers. This was kind of erotic, being on display like this. It should have been humiliating, but I could sense more of a feeling of awe from the others, and it felt good. Very strange -- I would never have guessed that.

"Can I touch it?" Steve's nervous question broke me out of my daydream.

Keeping my eyes closed, I said, "OK." I felt small hands on my prick, giving it a squeeze and a stroke, then fumbling with my foreskin. Hmmm -- if he keeps that up, there'll be something coming out.

"Thanks, that was great!" I opened my eyes, and saw a very happy Steve. I looked over, and saw that Mike was standing up and putting on some shorts. Eric was handing me shorts and shirt. I told Steve he was welcome, and put the shorts on before standing up. Mike and I were sticking out up front, but that would go down soon enough.

The gathering was breaking up. I heard some kids say they'd see John at his party tomorrow, and others saying they were away for the weekend. Eric handed me the gym bag, saying, "should have had you carry this over, but you can carry it back. We'd better go so we're not late." He smiled at me, and it was not an evil grin this time.

As the four of us headed back, John spoke up, "thanks guys. Dad was right, that worked out. You guys aren't always shit-heads and our friends think you're cool. That makes us look good too."

Mike was the first to reply, "I'm sorry about the pool. That was mean, and you could have been a lot nastier to us. Did Dad put you up to this?"

Eric responded, "we're not telling." He winked at John. "But, you're right, it was mean, and you're not off the hook yet. Think about it, if we'd beat up on you in front of our friends, you would have looked like wusses, and that would not have done John or I any good. Besides, you two used to have fun with us, and we want that back -- not being pricks like the last few years."

Shit, he had a point. We used to all play together until Mike and I went to high school. "You're right Eric, we did have fun before. I'm sorry it stopped." I wonder why we drifted apart and then got nasty about it. It's not as if John and Eric were bad kids. Our payback wasn't over yet, but if it all went as smoothly as this, it wouldn't be too bad. I still wonder about those pictures, though.

"I've been thinking and may have a way to get Paul to stop being such a bastard. Are you two willing to help? It will be a bit embarrassing for you." John looked at me and then Mike. Ugh -- the cousins were next.

7. Cleaning up a Cousin

I shrugged, as I didn't know Paul, but Mike said, "of course, bro. You know I don't like Paul and he's always got it in for me. Besides, I don't imagine we'll be very well dressed when he and Susan are visiting, so we are in for it anyway."

"If my plan works, Paul will be dressed like you before long. And, he may not be so high and mighty in the future. Follow my lead and, if I yell 'Now!' grab him -- the two of you should be able to hold him still."

I looked to Mike, who said, "OK -- 'Now!' means grab Paul."

Looking back to John, I echoed, "got it. Will do." As there was no further conversation for a few minutes, I though I'd ask about the pubes. "Why are our pubes dyed green? What did you tell the kids at the soccer game?"

Eric grinned, "you'll find out when it happens. When we get back to the house, John and I are going to have a shower. You two go to the back yard, strip off and shave off the rest of that hair, except the green stuff. Leave that alone! Be quick about it, unless you want to stay looking half done. You get to shower after us. Everything you need is in the bag."

The stuff was in the bag!? I guess if we had not been 'good sports' we could have lost more than clothes with all those kids watching. This was too well planned out to be the work of Eric and John. That had to mean that the parents were in on it. I don't know whether that's good or bad.

We got to the house, and Mike and I went into action. We were both naked in seconds, and I'd pulled the two clippers out from the gym bag. Mike took one and started work on his arm while I went after my left leg. I was finished with the clippers first, so grabbed a razor and some shaving cream and got after my arm and leg. We were both finishing up what we could manage on our own when Eric appeared, in shorts, sandals and a T-shirt.

"Not bad. You still have crotch and ass hair to go. Mikey -- get on the table and I'll take care of it. Jeffy -- get on the other one, John will be here in a minute." At that John appeared, dressed, as was Eric.

At least this time, we did not have to do all that crap with the hands on the heads. And, the second time around on my back grabbing my legs wide did not seem quite so demeaning. It is amazing what you can get used to. I was relieved that this part might be over before the cousins appeared, and thankful that the camera had not come out of the bag. Yes, it was there.

I heard a car pull up as John was shaving the left side of my cock, now hard again, of course. John told us to get off the tables and go over to the side of the garage, and stand there with our hands on our heads. As we got in position, I heard voices headed our way and noticed that John was getting the garden hose. Looking down, I saw a drain in the patio -- we were about to get a cold shower with a garden hose! With an audience.

Yikes! I was startled out of this reverie by an icy blast on my groin. That took care of the erection and took my breath away. The hose switched to Mike and I heard him suck air hard. Back to me again, and then back to John. One more time, and it felt like my nuts and cock were trying to hide inside my body. Then a more diffuse spray and I was told to turn around. Now I was soaked all over. Eric handed each of us a bar of soap and told us to soap each other down.

I started to rub the soap on my chest and Eric grabbed my arm, "no -- you do Mikey -- he does you." Great -- another photo op? As there was no way out of it, I started soaping Mike's chest and arms, as he did mine. It was kind of sensual, but I noticed Mike was moving faster than I was. Of course -- the cousins would be here any minute! I sped up as well and moved down to his legs while he did my back. Although it felt great, we had to hurry -- I guess that's why neither of us sprung a boner even when we soaped up each other's equipment. In fact, we probably looked smaller than John and Eric. I was still cold down there, and Mike felt the same. We'd saved the faces for last, and now I had to keep my eyes closed or I'd get soap in them. I felt the soap taken from my hand and my hand guided back to the top on my head. The left one joined it; I was getting used to the drill.

As I felt the cold water hit my body again, I heard girlish tittering and "is the shower broken?" That had to be Susan and Paul. I couldn't tell, as my eyes were still closed, and I wasn't going to open them until the soap was off my face. No way I was going to cry from soap in my eyes with my hands stuck on my head where I couldn't clear my eyes.

"No, the shower's fine. These two boys have been very naughty and are being punished." Sounded like John. I wish that my face would get some of this water and I could see what was up. "Turn around."

Paul burst out laughing. "Well, tiny guy, I like your cute little green muff. You'll be a big hit at school, or should I say 'little hit'? Want me to spank the wee guy for you?" Finally, the water hit my face and I could see this cousin Mike was afraid of. And his sister, staring at us in amazement. For the moment, Paul seemed to have his attention focused on Mike.

John turned off the hose. "You leave my brother and his friend alone. They did nothing to you. Besides, I'll bet you're no bigger where it counts, Paul. Is he, Susan?"

"Leave Susan out of this, or I'll have you under the hose. Maybe I should start with you on the spanking."

"Ducking the issue, Paul. Must be you've got nothing to show." John turned his back on Paul, and told us to do some jumping jacks to dry off. Paul took a step forward, and he looked angry. As we started to flap around, John turned back and Paul stopped, glowering. "Well, Susan, is Paul as big as he claims to be?"

Susan found her tongue. "How would I know? Haven't seen him in years. This is the first time I've seen Mike's equipment in a long time. Who's his friend?"

"That's Jeffy. What's the matter, Paul, shy? She is your sister. Must be ashamed, I guess." John kept the pressure up.

Paul took another couple of steps. "She never shows me anything, why should I show her. I've got more than any of you, you little shit. If you weren't such a pip-squeak, I'd thump you now."

"Easy there, big guy. How about a bet?" Eric leaped in and drew Paul's attention from John's defiant stare. "If you're bigger than Jeffy and Mikey, you get to spank John and I, but if you aren't..."

"Piss off. I already know I'm bigger, and have no need to prove it. I can see Mike already." He gestured.

"Calm down, Paul. Leave the little guys alone. You're such a bully." I was beginning to like Susan. "Come on, let Mike and Jeff get dressed and we can all go play catch or something."

"Yeah, he is a bully. Cowards often are. If he's as big as he says, he wouldn't be so shy about proving it, would he?" John was angling for something.

"Hey, cool it, John." Eric tried to make some peace. "Paul, would you like to pose for a picture with Mikey and Jeffy?"

That caught Paul's attention. "Do I get a print?" Visions of future blackmail changed his mood quickly.

Eric grabbed the camera out of the gym bag as he said, "Sure, why not? Just go over and stand between them. They can stop jumping around now."

Paul got in between us, and Eric told him to put his arms around us. As he did, John yelled, "Now!" We grabbed his arms and twisted them behind his back, bending him back a bit, to keep him unstable. Eric snapped a picture, and then John moved quickly in, unbuttoned the fly on Paul's cut-offs and stuck his hand in. He must have grabbed Paul by the balls because Paul's expression went from surprise to pain, and I heard a little whine.

"Let him go, now, guys." As we released Paul, John looked up at him and said, "co-operate or suffer." Paul just nodded. "Stand up straight and get that T-shirt off." Paul winced, and then did as John had commanded. "Now the shoes." Paul used one foot to pry off the sneaker on the other, and repeated for the other foot. We had moved off to watch. Paul was now down to his cut-offs. "Lose the shorts now."

"Not with Susan, arghhh!" I could see real pain on Paul's face now, and a bit of sweat. His hands moved to his waist, and he undid the remaining buttons -- he had no belt. Another squeeze, I guess, and Paul slipped the shorts over his hips. He wasn't wearing any underwear! He was soon to be almost as bare as Mike and I.

As his shorts dropped below his knees, John told him to kick them off. Eric quickly collected the discarded shorts and T-shirt, and stuffed them in the gym bag. Then, he moved behind Paul, as John told him to put his hands on his head. As soon as his hands were up, John released his balls, and Eric grabbed them from behind. Eric peeked around Paul's side, smiling, and John grabbed the camera and took another shot. "You're not all that big, Paul," John quipped.

Paul blushed. Like Mike's blushes, this turned the upper half of his body a brighter shade of red. "So are you game for a bet, now, Paul? If you're bigger than Mike and Jeff, we'll let you have your clothes back and you can spank all four of us. But," John leered, "if you're not, we'll shave and spank YOU. This is your big chance to prove you are the boss."

"And if I don't bet?"

"No problem. We'll take some more pictures, and make sure they get around your school. I'm sure they'd love to see the big man conquered by a couple of grade schoolers." John started to head into the house with the photos. "You've got a couple of minutes to think it over, while I put these somewhere safe."

Susan had been quiet through all of this, but finally spoke up. "Maybe if you apologise and stop being so mean, they'll let you go."

"What do I have to apologise for? Four against one is hardly fair. And stop looking at me."

"You are sort of cute. I see one now, not four, and he does seem to have you in his hands." Susan smirked. "You've pushed all of us around for years. I think you have a lot to apologise for. Don't you?"

John came back onto the patio. "Well, Paul, have you decided?"

"I'll take the bet. I don't really have much choice, do I?"

John grabbed the camera, and nodded at Eric, who released Paul. As Eric let go, Paul lunged towards the gym bag and John snapped another picture. "Remember, Paul, we already have photos, and they're scanned now. I've loaded them onto the Internet. You'd better play the game properly, or I'll let everyone know where to see your pics."

Paul stopped, stunned. He sat down and buried his head in his hands.

"Stand up, and get that meat at attention for measuring." John handed a measuring tape to Susan. "Would you mind doing the measuring?"

"Not at all," smiled Susan. She seemed to be enjoying this.

Eric handed a tube of lotion to Paul, who had now stood. "All right you two. You'd best get going too." Eric handed us each a tube as well. It had been a while now since our cold shower, and we now had something to grab, thankfully.

After a few minutes of stroking, John asked, "are you at your max yet, Paul?" Paul nodded; his face still aimed at the patio. Susan moved in with the tape. After a bit of fumbling, she said, "5 1/2 inches."

"Ready Mikey?" Mike nodded a little nervously in response to John. Susan repeated her measurement chore, and announced, "5 1/2 inches."

Paul looked up. He was a bit more hopeful now, I guess. John asked if I was ready, and I nodded. Susan grabbed my dick, and brushed it a few times as she got her measurement. I guess she'd done the same with Mike and Paul. "5 3/4 inches."

"Looks like you lose, Paul." John chortled.

"What? No, I tied!"

"With Mike, yes, but you're short of Jeff. Do you want a re-measure?" John was beaming.

"Yes!" Paul looked a little desperate. I wasn't surprised. 'The bigger they are the harder they fall.' came to mind. Paul had been playing his extra age for all it was worth, it seemed, and was now about to pay the price.

Susan re-measured me, and announced that it was unchanged. She went back to Paul and checked again. "A little short of 5 1/2, really." She went back to Mike, and, after checking, "Mike is a tiny bit longer."

Eric gave clippers to Mike and I. "Mike, you do the right, Jeff, you take the left. Leave the bush for now. Keep those hands on your head, Paul, until they're ready for your arms." While Eric was speaking, John went to Susan and had a brief whispered conversation. Then John went back in the house, and Mary fumbled around in the gym bag, extracting Mike's shorts and shirt. She took them over by the hose, after emptying the pockets, and thoroughly soaked them.

Paul watched Susan, mystified, as she then took his clothes and hung them on the clothesline. As she finished, John reappeared with a tube. More lotion? "Lie back on the picnic table, Paul, and close your eyes. Better still, put your hands over them." We had finished with the clippers, so Paul did as he was told.

John got between Paul's legs, told him to spread them wide. Eric handed us razors and shaving cream and told us to get on with it. By the time we got over to Paul, his bush was green like ours! John got out of our way, and we tackled Paul's legs. As we moved up to his arms, John went after Paul's crotch with another razor. Eric was snapping pictures as we shaved Paul. This seemed a bit unfair, as Paul had taken the bet, but I certainly wasn't going to say anything. I had enough trouble of my own, and I figured Paul deserved whatever was coming to him.

"Grab your legs and spread them wide!" John must have finished in the crotch. We were done Paul's arms, and moved down to his legs again for the underside, as John addressed the crack. When John finished, he stepped back and waited for Mike and I to finish. As we did, he took the shaving equipment and told Mike to get on top of Paul and give him a kiss. Click. Whirr. I was told to do the same, and another photo. John grabbed Paul by the dick and told him to get off the table. He led him over to our shower spot, and told him to put his hands back on his head. We watched as the hose sprayed his genitals down to almost nothing, and then sprayed the rest of his body. Eric got another shot, and put the camera away.

Paul couldn't keep mum any longer. "Why all the pictures? You said that they were if I didn't take the bet."

"I didn't say we wouldn't, did I? Nobody else need see these, as long as you continue to behave yourself. Now do some jumping jacks and get rid of some of that excess water." John went over and got the gym bag, and motioned to Susan, and the pair went into the house.

Eric grinned, and tossed Mike and me each a pair of shorts. This was unexpected. Perhaps this was our reward for helping with Paul? In seconds, he was the only one naked, flailing around. Mike looked very pleased, as if he'd been waiting for this moment for some time. I wasn't sure what to think. The events of the day already were just too strange for me to fathom. How did John end up with so much power? What was to stop Paul from squealing on us to his parents?

As if in telepathic answer, Eric spoke. "You can stop now, Paul and catch your breath. Think hard before you tell anyone what happened here this afternoon. Remember that you took off your own clothes, and we can all testify to that. You took a bet, and lost it. I'm sure your friends would have a lot of fun with that information, not to mention your enemies. John and Susan are in talking to the 'rents now, so you'd best play along with their version of the story, which is that you got a little too involved in our fun with the hose, and got your clothes soaked. I doubt they'll notice your hair unless you mention it. If they do, you can tell them you're going to try out for swimming and wanted to get the best time you could. Susan will take care of your pubes later, as it's almost dinner time. Do what she says, or pay the price. Got it?"

Paul looked cornered. "Yes."

John reappeared with another pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt, and handed them to Paul, along with his shoes. "This will have to do for now. We have to go in for dinner. We'll get to your spanking at the cottage."

8. Dinner and ...

As we went in for dinner, I realised that we were a bit better off than at lunch time. We had shorts and we did not have to set up for dinner. Paul got a shirt and shoes as well, which was a bit galling. I suppose John was trying to keep Paul's come-uppance a secret from Paul's parents. Come to think of it, we may have the shorts only because of them and Susan.

Mike's mom is a good cook, and we had a feast of roast pork with all the trimmings, along with pie and ice cream for dessert. Paul was suitably embarrassed when Mike's dad ribbed him about getting soaked, and there were smiles all around. Paul eventually saw some humour in it, and the conversation moved on to a birthday party planned for the cottage on Monday afternoon. John was to get a second party, this time mostly for relatives plus a few cottage friends. I'd expected we might go to their cottage this weekend, and this confirmed it -- we were to leave early Sunday morning. This meant we might sill get to go to Greg's beach party tomorrow night, if we weren't grounded.

After dinner, Susan offered to help with clean up, but John said that Mike and I had already volunteered, and we would take care of it after they'd gone. Mike and I started to clear the table when the rest went into the living room. Once we got the dining room cleared, we were summoned to the front, as Paul, Susan and their parents were leaving. Paul looked a little subdued, compared to the way he'd burst on the scene a few hours before. John told Paul that he'd bring his clothes up to the cottage on Sunday. Paul thanked him, surprising Susan, who then smiled.

After they drove off, Mike's parents went to the family room, and we headed back to the kitchen. Eric held out his hand, "I'll have those shorts now." Naked again. That answered it, we got dressed for the relatives. Still, that boded well for the Monday party, and, perhaps, this evening at the drive-in movie.

John produced a couple of frilly aprons, and told us to put them on and make sure that the kitchen was spotless. We had about half an hour before Gary and Brian arrived. Plenty of time, but we hustled anyway. Maybe we could get out of these aprons and dressed before anyone saw us?

No such luck. About 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang. We were almost done, and moved even faster because we overheard talking in the hall. Finishing up, I heard John ask, "are you two almost done yet?"

I turned to say yes, and saw Gary standing there with a surprised look, flanked by John and Eric. "Y-yes. All done." I looked down, unwilling to see Gary's face any more. As I did, I saw the frilly apron, and blushed further. What a choice, this silly apron or a bare backside. Oh well, Gary had seen both, so I guess there was nothing else to hide.

Wrong! Eric said, "I'll have those aprons, then." Nope, there was another surprise coming for Gary -- our green pubes. He might not have noticed we were hairless before, but raising our arms to remove the aprons and the startling nature of our lime green bushes was sure to catch his notice. Best to put on a brave face -- it worked for the soccer game, maybe it would again. I handed over the apron, and noticed Mike doing the same. I then put my hands on my head, spread my legs a bit and looked straightforward at the three of them. I could tell that Gary was a bit confused, and didn't know whether to laugh, be angry, or embarrassed on our behalf.

"Are you two coming to the movie like that?" Gary finally broke the silence.

After a minute, when nobody spoke, I shrugged. "That's up to John and Eric." I couldn't see Mike; he was slightly behind me.

"Nah, we'd only get bugged on the way in. Jeff and Mike should go to the can and then we'll get them dressed." John motioned us to get moving.

I headed for the john on the main floor, and Mike passed me heading for the stairs. "Whoa, Mikey, go in with Jeff. You're not allowed upstairs yet," Eric called out. I paused, and stood out of the way to let Mike in before me. I could wait.

"He said together, Jeff."

Uh oh. It's not a big room, just a sink and toilet. And I needed to take a dump. Not having any choice, I followed Mike in and we closed the door. If I protested, they might make me crap in a pot in the kitchen. By now I had no doubt that any sign of resistance would be met with an extreme response. Unpleasant and surprising as things were, John and Eric did seem to be unwilling to really humiliate us if we played along. I told Mike he could go first, and he deferred to me. "It's your house."

"Not any more, I seem to have been replaced by Eric."

"It's only temporary. This can't last forever." I motioned for him to go ahead.

"I'm not so sure. They have those pictures."

"Yeah, but I don't think they'll show them unless we cross them. How'd John look if his brother came across as a fag and a wimp? They'd look like more like bullies than we did when we pantsed them. I'm sure they'll blackmail us somehow, but I think they're after something other than making us look silly." I tried to reassure Mike, but figured we didn't have a long time before they'd be after us to get back out. "You go ahead, I need to have a crap."

"So do I." Mike looked as embarrassed as I felt.

"Come on guys, we don't want to be late. You take too long and we'll have to take you in those aprons." Sounded like Eric from outside the door. Eric worried me. He had less reason to hold back than John; I could expect no compassion from either of them, not being John's kin. I sat down on the toilet.

Mike turned around so he wasn't watching. Gave me quite a view, as his ass was only inches from my face. I felt my prick starting to grow. Whoa. This would do neither of us any good. I looked away at the other wall and thought of the multiplication table. That helped, and soon I was done and wiping. Given that my ass would soon be in Mike's face, I made sure I was thorough. As he heard the flush, John turned around, and we squeezed past one another. As we did, I could tell that Mike had not been as successful with the multiplication tables. Not wanting to end up the same way, I turned my back and changed my focus to examining the grout on the tile wall. I guess the flush had bought us a bit of a reprieve, as I heard no more from outside the toilet. After a few minutes I heard Mike flush, and the water running in the sink. Oops, I'd forgotten to wash my hands. Looking sheepish, I turned and Mike handed me the soap, saying, "thanks." We opened the door after drying off, to find only Gary in the hallway.

"They went to get you clothes. What's up? Is this revenge for what you did to them at the pool the other day?"

Mike responded, "yes, and more . . . Our parents are in on it too. We have to do whatever those two want."

"That sucks. I'd get a good whipping and it'd be over. You know that they're coming with us? Your dad gave me a hundred bucks! That'll pay for everything. He said that we didn't need to rush right back either, so we can go for a burger after." Gary looked very pleased. I could relate; none of us had a lot of spending money.

Before either of us could reply, John appeared with shorts and T-shirts. "Bend over, arms out front."

Fun time again. We weren't allowed to dress ourselves. John was really making us look silly in front of Gary. As I bent over, I realised it wasn't all that bad, as Gary knew we had no choice. He got whipped; we got belittled. Not that much difference, when you get down to it. It was better that Gary knew why we were being shamed, he could relate.

Shirts on, John told us to sit down and stick our legs out. He put our shorts on, up to our knees. Eric had reappeared, and followed him with sneakers on our feet. I felt silly sitting with my hands on my head (figured I'd keep them there unless told I could remove them), cock on display, feet stretched out, with Gary looking on with a kind of amazement. Eric told us to get up as he finished lacing my last sneaker. As John was puling our shorts up (no underwear again, and these were loose shorts with elastic waistbands), Gary spoke, "there's only the five of us. Brian got dragged off by his family for the weekend. Hey, I got the convertible!"

As we headed out, I felt a shiver run up and down my spine. The convertible was an old two-door Chevy that Gary's father had restored, first with Gary's older brother (now at college) and then with Gary. We were about to go out in public in this open top antique with two kids who had control over our clothing and could tell us what to do! I had a feeling I was not going to enjoy the movie or the night out. Were we to be the evening's entertainment?

9. Movies au naturel

John held open the passenger door. It was a two-door, and he motioned for Mike and I to get in the back. Figures. We're the little kids for the moment. Still, it is John's birthday weekend, and, we might have volunteered to take the back seat had we been given the choice. But, we would have taken the front for the drive and switched for the movies. Eric said we could sit normally. Good, no more hands on heads shit.

Gary put the radio on, and told John to find whatever he liked, because it was his birthday weekend. That distracted John -- made him feel more important. Good for John, but also good for Mike and me. If John was happy, he might not be as hard on us. I liked Gary before, and was beginning to see that he was a much nicer and more thoughtful guy than I'd thought. I began to relax and enjoy the ride.

When we stopped at a traffic light, I noticed Gary lean over and whisper in John's ear. John then did the same to Eric. Both John and Eric looked quite pleased and looked at Gary, saying together, "yes, please!" Time to get nervous again.

Gary said, "in a few minutes." The light changed and he drove on.

I looked at Mike, and he looked at me. We were both a bit apprehensive. Gary had been cool up to now. Was he about to join forces with our tormentors? It didn't seem in character for Gary, but today had been a lot of shocks already, and I no longer knew what to expect.

I saw Gary reach down, and then he handed something to John. John turned around and handed me a joint and a lighter! Whew! So that's what the whispering was about. "We have our own up here. Hurry up with the lighter."

I wasted no time, and returned the lighter to John. I relaxed even more when I saw John pass a lit joint to Eric, and then another to Gary, along with the lighter. Maybe we were going to have fun after all. It was news to me that John and Eric even knew about such things, but I guess I had not paid much attention to either to them for a while. As I passed the joint to Mike, I saw him hesitate before he took it from me. Hmmm. What could be bad about this? If we were smoking up and not John and Eric, I could see it meant trouble. There was a risk that John and Eric might do something ridiculous if stoned, but it would be easier to take if we were too. With any luck, they'd be too wrecked to do anything but watch the movie for a while.

Gary only took a few puffs, and gave the reefer back to John, who looked at him, puzzled. After he released his breath, Gary told him to keep it -- he was driving. John looked even more pleased. He and Eric now each had their own joints.

As I got more stoned, I began to think over the events of the day. True, I had been spanked, shaved and dyed by these two. I'd also been in compromising photos with Mike, and stripped naked before a bunch of John's friends at the soccer game, not to mention the boners on display at the end. Oddly, the soccer game had not seemed that bad, as we seemed to come out of it as heroes. I was a it embarrassed about how we'd been on display in front of Susan, but she seemed to be more interested in her brother's downfall, and we might be in her good books for having helped. Being exposed in front of Gary should have been horrible, but he didn't seem to react negatively -- if anything he was sympathetic. On the whole, other than the spanking, we had not really been given that rough a time. But, we were almost hairless. That and the photos meant to me that we had more to come, and it may not all be as easy to take.

The shaving might not be so bad, if we lost these stupid green hairs over our pricks. We could claim that it was for swimming. Some people might think we were a bit over eager, but that was bearable. That left the photos. No, there was something more. Mike and I had been forced to be more, uh, intimate, than we ever had before. Sure, we'd seen each other naked before, when changing and even skinny dipping a few times. But, I'd never seen him (or anyone else) with an erection, not had anyone seen mine. And, we'd done more than see each other; we had touched each other's boners and even had them rub against one another. And, mine had now been seen by fourteen others -- twelve at the soccer game and the two cousins. That bit in the crapper was a bother too -- Mike got another boner and I almost did.

As much as I didn't want to think about it, I started to realise that I found Mike sexy. This scared me a bit. I'd been to a few dances, and had kissed and hugged my dates, but that was as far as I'd gone. That kiss with Mike before the soccer game was a lot more intense than any I'd had before. As my dick started to inflate, I realised I'd have to get serious with a girl damn quick, or I'd be headed for trouble I didn't want. Mike too -- I could tell he was having a similar reaction from his glances earlier and his chubby in the john. I looked over at him as he passed the joint back, and noticed his shorts were tenting too. He dropped his hands over his crotch quickly as he saw where I was looking. Oops -- caught!

I finished off the joint and decided I'd better think about something else. Being stoned, it was easy to switch to the scenery.

Soon after John and Eric finished their smoking, we were at the drive-in. Gary paid and got us a good spot. He told us to stay put and he'd get some drinks for us. It had not been that long since dinner, so we didn't want anything to eat yet. We were each off in our own little universes while Gary was gone, and the car was quiet. We only had a few minutes before the first movie, and dusk was upon us. Gary returned with our drinks, and silence still held us all. Gary lit himself another joint, but kept it to himself, and the movie started. We'd all seen Star Wars before, of course, but seeing it stoned at the drive-in, under the stars in a convertible was a gas. I got lost in the movie.

Being a drive-in, the movie stopped for an intermission about half way through. Gary asked if we wanted something to eat and more drinks. Eric said, "sure. Mike and I'll get it this time." He opened the door, pulled the seat forward, and but Mike clambered over the side. Gary handed Eric some money, and they took off. Soon after they left, Todd turned up beside the car. Todd is not one of my favourite people. He seemed to get along OK with Gary, but then everyone did. John and Eric may think that Mike and I are bullies, but we're quite tame compared to Todd. I've seen him give lots of kids a hard time. I'd been lucky so far and had not been one of his victims yet, but still was wary around him.

"Who're you baby-sitting tonight, Gary?" Todd pointed at John.

"Ignore Todd, John. He's bratty to everyone." Turning to Todd, Gary continued, "that's John, Mike's brother. It's his birthday tomorrow, and we invited him along. There's lots of room in the car."

"Yeah, cool car. Surprised your dad let you take it out. Where is Mike? I see his sidekick." Todd sneered at me with his eyes. I knew he didn't like me any more than I did him.

John replied, "he's gone with Eric to get something to eat and some more drinks."

"Who's talking to you, squirt?" Todd looked around for the phantom conversationalist, for effect. "Who's this Eric? Another toddler?"

I was starting to get upset with Todd and a bit worried about how John would react. I'd seen what he'd done to his cousin Paul and I knew John felt he was on a roll. "If you can't behave, Todd, you should go back to your own car." Gary tried to take control. "John's entitled to have a bit of fun on his birthday. Eric's a friend of John's, if you must know."

"Don't get your panties in a knot. If you want to hang out with twirps, it's none of my business. I was looking for Brian. I thought he was coming with you tonight."

"Who are you calling a twirp, you brainless jock?" John had enough of Todd and went on the offensive.

Gary butted in before Todd could fire back, "Brian got drafted by his family for a trip this weekend."

Todd would not back off though, "who are you calling a brainless jock, you little shit?"

"Leave my brother alone, Todd. Pick on someone more your own speed." Mike had returned with Eric close behind.

"I can defend myself, Mike. Stay out of it."

Todd looked amused; "you talk big for such a little guy. What makes you think you can take me on?"

"Mike and Jeff do what I say. Size is not an issue. Power is based on brains, not brawn. If your brains weren't all in your jock, you'd know that."

'You're full of shit. Aren't you the little kid that they pantsed this week?"

"Stand up, Jeff, and lean over the back of the seat." John stared at me, and I did as he said. He pulled my T-shirt off, and dropped it on the floor in front of him. "Stand up now. Hands on Head. Put that stuff down, Mike, and get back in the car."

Todd stood there, stunned into silence for a change. Mike put what he was carrying on the hood of the Chevy, as did Eric. John spoke again, "Eric, Mike can leave the shorts behind."

Eric yanked Mike's shorts down, and pulled them off his feet as Mike climbed over the side, back into his spot. "You can both sit down, now. Need more proof, Toddy?"

Todd got an evil look in his eyes. "OK, you win. You do have control over these two. Will they do anything you say?"

"Yep. Why, you want a blow job?"

Todd's eyes widened, "you're kidding!"

"Not at all. Five bucks. But not here. Come back after the second movie and we'll go somewhere more private. If you bring condoms and more cash, you can have more than a blow job."

"You're on! I'll tell Frank I'm going back with you guys. Movie's about to start again. See you later." Todd took off.

Eric gave Mike his shorts and told him to put them back on. John passed me back my shirt. As Eric started passing out the food and drink, Gary voiced all of our concerns, "what are you doing, John? Todd's a real prick. He'll make Mike and Jeff's lives hell if you do this."

"Jeff, tell Gary what we did to Paul." So that's what he was up to! I laughed, relieved to know that, while I might have to put up with a bit more, it would be small compared to what Todd was about to get. I filled Gary in, and he had a good laugh over it as well. Mike told Gary a bit about the history with Paul, and I realised that Paul had deserved everything he got, and whatever else they had planned for him. Gary passed out some more joints, and we settled back to watch the end of the movie.

John said, "Jeff and I'll go for this round." Gary stepped out of the car, followed by John, and then I got out of the back. The trip to the snack bar was uneventful. I was a little embarrassed that John handled the purchase, but what the hell, I was dressed. It could have been worse. Also, I carried most of the stuff, as had Mike on his trip, so it perhaps wasn't all that odd looking. There were no visitors to the car this break, and we all got settled, waiting for Frankenstein to start.

"Do you think Todd saw my pubes?" Mike looked a little worried.

"No, your T-shirt is long enough to cover them. He would have seen you had nothing on under the shorts. But, he will see it all when he comes back." John looked at Mike carefully. "You know we'll nail him harder than we did Paul? He'll never bother either of you again. Hell, he might actually become a nice person."

"I doubt that," Gary interjected. "But he might be less of a prick if you get something on him. What do you have in mind? And, are you coming after me next?"

"Gary, you're a good guy. We won't do anything to you." John smiled. "Unless you want us to. We have a tape recorder and a camera. I'm going to try and trick Todd out of his clothes, and we'll take it from there. But, Mike and Jeff will give Todd what we promised. Trust me, Todd will get worse."

I could hold back no longer, "why are you going after Todd? Just because he's a bully? Have you become some kind of avenger?"

Eric scowled, "take off your shorts, Jeff, and pass them up. Maybe that will teach you to behave yourself. You'll find out what we're up to when we decide to tell you, and not before. If you don't learn your lesson, we'll let you do a tour of the lot before we leave."

Me and my big mouth! Passing Eric my shorts, I had little hope of getting them back for a while. I'd best not rock the boat at all, or I'd be prancing around the lot naked. Who knows, they might send me off home on foot this way. The T-shirt was long enough to cover my genitals as long as I was sitting, but it was clear, if you looked, that I was naked other than shirt and shoes. Nonetheless, I think I was onto something. We were not the only targets of John's game, whatever it was. Misery likes company, and I think we were due for more.

Gary passed out some more joints and we settled back to watch the movie. I don't know whether it was the exposure or being stoned, but I got another boner, and this one would not go away. Oh well, it's dark. The T-shirt offered no disguise, but it did provide some cover. I felt like someone was watching, and saw Mike staring at my crotch so intently he didn't see me catch him. I shot a quick glance at his before watching the movie, and noticed he was just as erect. I'm not sure why, but I eased forward a bit, which made the T-shirt ride up, exposing my balls and the bottom of my shaft. I got stiffer, partly from my balls being out and partly from the friction from the T-shirt.

I tried to get interested in the movie, but was just too horny. I wanted to jack off right then and there, but figured that would get me in more trouble. I decided that maybe I should have a nap. I nestled into the corner, putting me on about a 45-degree angle to Mike, and put my head on my arm, and brought the other one up over my face. This raised my T-shirt up above my hip, laying everything bare. I tried to have a snooze. I didn't really succeed, but I had a kind of erotic daydream. Nothing with any sort of plot, but I could feel moisture on my dick, so I must have been leaking a bit. I was turned on, and stoned.

John broke me out of my day dreaming. "You can have these back now." I looked up to see all four of them staring at me, with John offering me the shorts.

"Uh. Must have dozed off," I groggily responded. I was slowly becoming aware again, and realised I was still quite boned, and there was dampness on my belly and shirt. I took the shorts from John, straightened up and leaned over, stopping the show.

"Any one for more refreshments? I'll go this time," Gary offered.

I checked my drink and it was still almost full. I'd missed most of the first half of the movie. "I'm OK for a drink, but I'd like some peanuts." Gary collected our requests and went off.

"Try and stay awake for the second half, Jeffy. We don't want to ruin your sleep tonight. Better still, you and Mike make sure you keep each other awake. Mike looked a bit dopey too," Eric commanded.

Gary returned, and the rest of the movie went without event. Mike and I both paid attention to the movie, and my cock slowly returned to rest.

As the final credits were rolling, Todd appeared, grinning like a Cheshire cat, "I'm here and horny. Let's go!"

Eric said, "hop in the back Todd."

Todd looked darkly at Eric, thought better of it, and got in the back, clambering over Mike to plunk down in the middle. Gary started the car. We were off to another show, this time starring the back seat. I smiled inwardly, knowing that, although I was due for more degradation, Todd was in for more. I'd never have to worry about him again. There's no way he could win; there were five of us arrayed against him. The sucker, he was still beaming, think he'd was about to get one up on both Mike and me, and get blowjobs to boot.

John asked, "did you bring any condoms?"

10. Posing in the Park

Damn. I'd forgotten about the condoms. Eric told Todd that he could get more than a blowjob if he brought some and enough money. I didn't trust Eric. I had to hope that Gary and John would prevent him from going off the deep end with us. But, it was John that asked about the condoms.

Todd finally answered, "no, dammit. The machine in the john was empty or broken. Wasted my money."

Eric turned around. "So you have lots of money with you?"

"Not that much. I have almost $20."

"That's enough for three blowjobs, and maybe something extra."

Todd got interested. "What extra? Wait, I don't want three; one from each of them is enough."

I was watching Eric closely. So were Mike and Todd. John and Gary were acting as if nothing unusual was happening, seemingly ignoring us completely. They must have worked something out while I was dozing. Eric was grinning. I had seen that grin before, when they were nailing Mike's cousin Paul. Of course, Todd hadn't, and probably thought the maliciousness was directed at Mike and I.

"We can work something out. You want them to kiss your feet? Maybe lick your pits?"

Todd's eyes lit up. I could tell this even in the darkness of the car.

"They'll do that?"

"Sure, they'll even kiss your ass if you want."

"Great!" Todd was beaming, then suddenly frowned. "Do I have enough money?"

"Maybe. Let me talk to John. I'm sure we can work something out. How much money do you have exactly?" After Eric asked this, he turned around to talk to John.

Todd counted his money, then called out "Eighteen dollars and fifty-three cents."

John turned around this time, with three more joints and a lighter. "Have these to get in the mood while we discuss this."

Todd took the three joints and the lighter. The prick wasn't going to let us have any, I could tell. I felt my anger rising, and then realised that he'd fallen into the trap I had worried about on the way here. He'd be the only one stoned. This could get very interesting.

Todd was on the second joint when Eric turned around. He smirked when he saw that John had barely begun the second joint and still held the third. I noticed him jab John on the shoulder, and John turned around too.

Eric spoke first, "we think we can give you a package deal, if you'll help us out a little."

Todd stopped smoking, and suspiciously asked, "help you how?"

John replied, "my little brother and his playmate need another spanking. We did it earlier and need a rest. Interested?"

"Yeah!" Todd's enthusiastic reply slowly shifted to caginess. "What's in it for me?"

I had to suppress a giggle. Todd was already wrecked, and he had another joint and a half to go. Knowing the greedy pig, he'd smoke it all, and hope to bargain for more.

"If you'll do the spanking, you get everything twice. Package deal. They'll kiss your feet, lick your pits, ass, anything you want washed. All that on top of the blowjobs. Do we have a deal?" Eric's eagerness was priceless. He was eager, of course; he was getting back at us, and hooking Todd in to whatever scheme he had.

Todd decided to play hard to get. "I dunno. Toss in some more of this fine weed and maybe." Todd wasn't much of an actor at the best of times, and he was stoned. I could tell he'd back down in a second if they pushed.

Eric did a hand-off to John. John paused, for effect, I think, and said, "I guess we could, if we can take some pictures. It would be good to have these two get their asses whupped on film. Might come in handy later." He winked at Todd, trying to imply that Todd was in on a conspiracy.

Todd studied John and Eric before looking over at me and then Mike. I didn't have to pretend that much to look shocked, nor did Mike. That was all it took.

"You've got a deal!" To clinch it, Todd lit his third joint.

"Since we have a deal, and we're almost at the park, it's time for the liddle boys to get ready for their spanking. Hand over the duds." Eric leered at us.

Here we go again. I don't seem to stay dressed for long. I took off my shoes first, and then got inspired. My shorts were next; hoping that Todd might not notice my technicolour pubes. Todd was looking back and forth at Mike and I, from his seat in the middle. I noticed that Eric had been watching me and did the same. T-shirts next, and we were naked.

Because of the lighting and Todd's joints, I don't think he noticed our lack of hair or the funny pubes. But he was enjoying himself. Mike and I had our hands on our crotches. I wondered if John or Eric would order us to put our arms up again, but they turned around with our clothes.

"Getting chilly, Mike? Don't worry, I'll warm you up in a few minutes."

Mike looked the other way. Seeing this, so did I. Because of this I didn't see John turn around, but I heard him ask Todd whether he was ready for his pits to be cleaned.

"Sure, why not?" That got my attention, and I watched Todd remove his shirt. John held out his hand, and Todd gave it to him.

"Lean back and let them get to work. Let me know when you've had enough and I'll get you another joint."

I didn't like this one bit. The only consolation was the hope that John, Eric and Gary knew what they were doing and Todd would suffer worse. They'd not done badly so far: Todd was out of his shirt, stoned, and thought he was king shit. I leaned over and started licking.

Yuck. Deodorant doesn't taste good and I got hair on my tongue. I had to pluck it off my tongue with one of my hands. Todd didn't even notice. He was staring into space.

Hair gone, I licked around the pit, broadening the surface.

The car pulled to a stop. So, I did too. The front seat emptied; Mike and I went over the sides. Todd just sat there. Mike and I stood there, looking stupid with our hands on our crotches.

Gary spoke, startling me. "Come on Todd, we haven't got all night."

I had no idea what time it was. I was glad somebody knew. Todd reacted to that and got out of the car.

Before Todd had a chance to say anything, Eric asked him if he wanted another joint before he spanked us?

Silly question. Of course he did. John led us all over to a picnic table near a light. Here it comes, visibility. Mike and I continued to cover ourselves, even though we were walking behind Todd.

John asked, "want them to kiss your feet while you finish that joint?"

"Uh, yeah, sure." Todd was in dreamland.

Eric brandished his camera. "Kiss the shoes first, and then take them off and kiss the socks."

We went about our task, with Eric taking more photos. While we were removing the shoes, John gave Todd yet another joint. As if he needed it now.

Eric let us suck on the socks for a few minutes and then told us to remove them. I reached forward with my hands, but John said, "no hands."

Todd giggled at that. He was enjoying himself. Eric got some more shots of us washing Todd's now naked feet.

Hmm, Todd was down to his watch, ring and shorts. He was slowly being stripped.

Todd finished his fifth joint. John spoke, "Jeffy, get over Todd's knees for your spanking."

Damn, they weren't kidding. Reluctantly, I complied. I was pleasantly surprised that Todd was so distracted that the first whack had almost no force.

"Hit him harder, we want to hear him squeal."

Nice one, Eric. But, hey, if he wanted a squeal, I could do that. I looked at Mike, who was looking at me, and I winked. The next one was harder, but not much, but I obliged with a 'whaaa'. Eric got a photo, of course.

John said, "that's better. Eight more and Jeff and Mike can swap."

My bum was likely getting pink, but this was not so bad. After what we started with in the afternoon, this was a cakewalk. And only ten! Mike and I swapped, and I was back on foot duty. Just for fun I decided to lick his legs as well. I might as well get him in the mood. I figured the shorts had to be next to go, and I wanted to help.

"Thanks Todd, Eric and I appreciate you helping out like that. You must be ready for a blowjob now. Who do you want to go first?"

"Um, Mike, I guess. Is that OK?"

"Sure thing. Jeff can kiss your ass while he does. Do you want them to take your shorts off with their tongues, or would you rather do it yourself?"

I was impressed. John had put that so that it looked like Todd had a choice, but unless he backed out now, he'd be naked like us. Well, almost -- he still had hair.

"I'll do it." He stood and dropped them to the ground, briefs at the same time. He sat again. There was no denying it -- his cock was hard. He was ready.

"Why not get comfortable, Todd and lie down on the table? Then Jeff can do his job too. Do you need some help?"

"No, I can do it."

Todd moved slowly. One more joint and he probably couldn't have. As it was, having his shorts at his knees made it more difficult. By the time he got on the table, they'd dropped to his ankles. Mike grimaced and started licking Todd's cock tentatively. I got around to the end of the table, but had a problem -- Todd had his legs down and I couldn't get to his ass.

"Lift his legs up, you dork," John prompted.

Todd was so occupied with what was happening to his rod, he didn't notice me slip his remaining clothes off his feet when I moved them up to the table and spread his legs, knees bent. John grabbed the clothing and sneaked off. I sighed and puckered up, getting down to my task. Eric got some more photos. Good thing he was quick about it, because Todd erupted soon.

Poor Mike, he got some of that gunk in his mouth. He spit it out on the ground. He was lucky enough to escape being splattered by the next spurts, which left a puddle on Todd's belly.

John had reappeared. "How about another joint Todd, before your next blowjob?"

I think that Todd's grunt meant yes. John took it that way, lighting another and putting it between Todd's lips. Eric told Mike and I we could have a break. I watched as John handled the joint for Todd.

Getting bored with that, I noticed that Gary was missing. Looking around, I discovered the car was gone!

11. This is No Picnic

Eric responded to my startled look by putting his finger to his lips, in a 'shhh' motion. When I looked around at Mike, he had seen Eric's gesture, but it didn't look like he'd noticed the car missing. Seeing that John and Todd were busy and not looking our way, I pointed to where the car had been, for Mike. Mike got a little wild-eyed, but kept his silence.

I had to make sure Mike knew, so he didn't foil whatever Gary, Eric and John were up to. While I didn't exactly know what that was, it did seem silly not to play along. They had nailed Mike's cousin, Paul, and it looked like Todd was in deep too. His clothes were no where to be seen, unless there were in that gym bag Eric had.

But, our clothes weren't in sight either. Could it be that all three of us would be going home naked? What was it that John had said earlier when we were leaving for the soccer game this afternoon? Something about not forcing one of his family naked onto the street, but then he qualified it by saying 'not from home'. Damn, maybe he was saving that for later. It was a long way to their house from this park -- a couple of miles.

My head was fuzzy. I was now regretting smoking those joints. Either that or I wanted more. It looked like Todd was almost finished his. I doubt he even knew where he was anymore.

This pause was giving me my first chance to think, muddled as it might be. When Todd finished, I was going to have to do as Mike had done, and suck his cock. That was a lot worse than kissing Todd's furry rump. Hmmm, I wonder. It might not be furry too much longer. Now there's a thought! Todd, the villain, tamed by a pair of twelve-year-olds. Hehe.

But, then, I had been too. Yet, they did have the help of my parents and Mike's. Todd did it to himself. Hang on, I guess Mike and I did too; if we hadn't been mean to John and Eric, none of the last day would have happened. We weren't really all that different, picking on the younger, the weaker. Todd hadn't nailed us before because we hadn't been weak enough for him to really give it a shot.

That was a very uncomfortable thought - that we weren't really any better than Todd. Todd was more aggressive about it, had more victims, but when you came right down to it, that was about the only difference. That sucked.

Damn, I would be the one sucking in a minute or so. Mike already had. Before today, I'd never really seen a stiffy up close, and now I was going to be licking one like a lollipop. I had to. Mike already did, so I had to do it to. I would rather be sucking on Mike's if I had to suck a cock.

I didn't get much of a chance to pursue that train of thought. John spoke up. "Mike, you didn't finish the job properly. Get over here and clean up."

Mike looked around hurriedly. I think he was looking for something to use to wipe it up. But that was not what John meant. "With your tongue, Mikey."

"No... I can't." Mike looked ill, defiant and confused all at once. Todd's happy grin drooped a little.

Eric stood, put his hands on his hips and stared Mike down. "Yes, you can. And you will. You know what will happen if you refuse. Jeffy will be on the next bus. He'll be a big hit at his new school, especially after the pictures get there. It'll be your fault, and everyone will know it."

I stood up. This was too much. "I'll do it. Leave Mike alone."

"Sit down, Jeffy. Your turn will come. Mike has to do this." John was firm. My anger had erased the fuzziness from my brain; there was no way we deserved this sort of treatment. I walked towards the picnic table and Todd.

I was startled to hear Mike call for me to stop. "Don't Jeff. I'll do what they want. You don't know..."

John cut him off, sternly. "Mike! Enough."

Now I was really confused. I sat down where I was. Mike knew something about this that I didn't. Whatever it was, it was worse than both of us becoming cocksuckers. I hoped that they hadn't forgotten about teaching Todd a lesson. Looking at the ground below me, the flash surprised me. Looking up, I could see it surprised Todd too, because John and Mike couldn't have been in the picture.

"Hey. What was that for?" Todd was stoned, but, despite slurring his words a little, he was not completely gone.

John put his hand on Todd's shoulder after stepping closer again. "We need before and after pictures too. Relax." He motioned Mike to do the deed.

Eric got a couple of close-up shots while Mike lapped it up and another after he was done. Todd was getting hard again. Showtime for me -- I stood up again. There really was no option but to do what they wanted until I could find out what was behind all of this, and hope that it would all work out for the best. As I wandered over to the table, I thought again about where Gary could have gone with the car.

John waited until I'd licked Todd's mushroom head before he tapped me on the shoulder and told me to get up on the table. I looked up in time to catch him wink. He winked? What did that mean? It had to be positive -- maybe we were back on the 'get Todd' programme again. I got onto the table carefully, but with a little more enthusiasm. This was embarrassing: my goodies would be right in Todd's face, and I'd end up staring Mike in the eyes as I gave Todd his blowjob.

Todd had risen to the occasion. That made my job a little easier. I had no doubt I'd have to swallow the lot. There was no way I wanted another scene like we'd just had. I wanted this to be over quickly -- Todd was going to get a blowjob for the books.

As I expected, Mike and I made eye contact. He looked forlorn. I couldn't smile (my mouth was busy), so I tried John's trick and winked. It worked! Mike brightened right away -- he must have remembered that Todd's downfall was next on the programme.

John whispered something in Mike's ear. Mike closed his eyes and then licked Todd's crack. Todd spread his legs, and Mike delved deeper. I felt a tongue on my balls. It had to be Todd!

The combination of Mike's rear assault, my attempt to deep throat him, the musk from my groin, and all that dope must have turned Todd into a sex animal. It felt good, and I started to harden up too. I repositioned a little, and sure enough, Todd moved to my cock. Through this, Eric took more photos, but I didn't care anymore. I was actually disappointed when Todd erupted into my throat. He stopped licking. So did Mike.

I carefully got off the table. Mike backed away too, after lowering Todd's legs so he was sprawled over the table, almost spread-eagled. Of course, Eric took another photo. He must have had a lot of film.

Mike didn't have a boner. I did and it was throbbing. The situation made me blush, and I turned away from the others.

Silence reigned for a few minutes. Long enough for me to regain control of my breathing and my senses. But not my hard-on. This was getting maddening -- I kept getting boners but couldn't finish the job. Not knowing what was up next was not helping either.

"Todd. Did you get your money's worth?" John's question made me turn around again.

Todd opened his eyes. "Yeah. That was great. Mike and Jeff are great cocksuckers." He grinned.

"You're not so bad yourself, judging by Jeff. Although I'm sure he would have liked you to finish the job," retorted Eric.

"Huh?" Todd sat up abruptly. Realising he was naked, his hands went over his crotch. "Where are my clothes?"

"They're in the car. Gary said he'd take care of them." Eric smiled as he said this. "See you around. Time for us to go." He motioned to the rest of us to come along, and started to walk away.

Todd looked frantically around when he realised that the car wasn't where he'd seen it last. I turned and followed Eric; it was follow the leader time for me. Eric knew where Gary had gone and I didn't.

12. Departures

"Wait! Where's Gary? You can't leave me like this." Todd was off the table and following us. I looked over my shoulder and noticed he was still covering his crotch with his hands.

Eric stopped. We all turned around. "Sure we can. You got what you wanted. Don't know why you're so modest all of a sudden. We've seen it all, and have pictures to prove it. Why don't you just go home now?"

"It's miles from here. So's your house. You have to give me my clothes back; I didn't trade them." Todd looked desperate. "You'll never show those pictures -- they have Jeff and Mike in them."

"We haven't got your clothes. Gary has them. As for the pictures, they make good promo shots for our new business. Besides, you're a solo star in some of them. Now, go on home or look for Gary. We have to get home before it gets too late."

"Can't I stay with you? You must have some way to get these two home without getting caught." Todd paused, then continued, "you're meeting Gary somewhere. Please let me tag along."

"What's in it for us? We don't owe you anything. Tell you what -- you can come with us if we ALL agree to let you. You'll have to convince Mike and Jeff as well."

I must seem like a soft touch, because Todd tried me first. "Please Jeff, say OK."

"Why should I? I had to give you a blowjob after licking your pits and kissing your ass. And you spanked me. You're just a bully. You didn't even finish the blowjob you started." I have to admit, it was great saying that.

"If I finish, will you agree?"

I looked at my rampant cock and back at Todd. "On one condition. I get to spank you sometime later. Deal?"

Todd didn't answer verbally, but got on his knees and started sucking my cock. I put my hands on his head and he grasped my butt. I didn't take long, but it was enough time for Eric to snap a few more. As Todd got back to his feet, I noticed that Mike's cock had grown.

Todd took a closer look at Mike's crotch and back at mine. "Am I seeing things or do you two have green pubes?"

"Yes we do. Don't worry about it. You have my vote. One down and three to go, Todd." I flicked my head towards Mike.

Mike saved Todd the bother of asking. "Same deal as Jeff offered, Todd."

Todd made quick work of Mike too. When done, he asked Eric if he could join us now.

"Not so fast. Mike and Jeff are happy now. You have to do something for John and I too."

"What do you want? The same thing?"

"Nope. You may have noticed that Jeffy and Mikey have no hair except their pubes. Be at John's house on Monday night at seven, looking the same -- no hair below the neck except for a green patch above your cock. You'll need to find someone to help you with the shaving, but Gary might, if you ask him nicely."

"I can't do that. What about gym? There must be something else."

"Suit yourself. Have fun getting home, Todd." Eric turned his back on Todd and started walking again. I shrugged at Todd and followed Eric.

"No, wait. I'll do it."

Eric turned back. "All right. You have my vote now. But be sure to live up to your bargain, or some of these pictures will get around."

Todd nodded. He knew he was beaten.

"Now all you have to do is convince John."

"All I want is a list of the guys you've bullied in the last two years. Bring it with you on Monday. Don't miss anyone, or you'll suffer for it."

Interesting. John was up to something. Shit, I knew that already. Wish I knew what it was. Of course, Todd agreed. After going this far, he didn't have much choice. I felt a little sorry for Todd. I put my arm over his shoulder when we followed Eric and John across the park. After a few steps, Mike added his arm to mine and we walked three abreast. It did seem to cheer Todd up a bit.

Getting to the edge of the park, we all three took a deep breath. Then I spotted Gary and the convertible. What a relief!

Gary was amused. It must have been the way Mike, Todd and I all had our arms over each other's shoulders. He held up bags of what looked like food. "I thought you lot might be hungry. I see Todd's still with you."

Todd quietly asked, "do you have my clothes, Gary?"

"No. But they're safe. Here's the key." Gary held out a locker key. As Todd took the key, Gary explained, "I didn't know whether you'd be back with these guys, so I put them in a locker at the bus station. If you hadn't shown up, I'd have left it in your mailbox."

Todd slumped to the ground, crying. Wow! These guys meant business. John gave me a shove, and pointed to the back seat. I took the hint and leapt in. We all did, except Todd. Gary doled out burgers and drinks.

"I got an extra burger and drink for you, Todd, in case you came along. Do you want it?"

Todd looked up and asked, "why? What did I do to deserve this?"

John was about to respond, but Gary stopped him with a hand wave. "I'm surprised you have to ask. You've been terrorising all sorts of other people. How does it feel to be on the receiving end?"

"It stinks."

"Good. Now maybe you'll think twice before being such a prick." Gary started the car.

"Please. Please don't leave me here like this."

"What's in it for me? Isn't that your normal comeback?"

"Whatever you want. I give up. You win. You all win."

"It's not about winning, Todd. If you're good to others, they'll be good to you. If you want a ride, get in the car. We have to get a move on."

Todd wasted no time. He had to climb over me to get back in the middle, but did it without stepping on anything sensitive. Gary gave him a his refreshments and we set off. We were all surprised to see Gary pull up across from the bus station.

Cripes. Three of us were naked and it was a convertible. Eric passed a T-shirt back and told Mike to put it on and get out of the car. Mike did as he was told, but was looking around nervously. So was I -- there was nobody in sight.

While Eric gave Mike some shoes, John turned and spoke to Todd. "Do you want to get your clothes yourself, or would you like Mike to get them for you?"

Todd looked at Mike, then back at John. "Please let Mike have some shorts first, or else I should do it myself."

The answer pleased everyone, especially Mike who gratefully accepted the shorts Eric held out. Mike reached for the key.

Todd handed it over. "Thanks, Mike, I appreciate it."

When Mike returned with the clothes, Eric held out his hand. Mike handed them over, looking at Todd with some concern. Todd shrugged -- he was along for the ride now too. While Mike got back in the car, John handed me my clothes and told me to get dressed. This left Todd the only one naked as we drove along.

Arriving at back at the Forest's, Eric said, "everyone out."

Even Gary got out of the car. Todd was back to covering his groin again. John said, "one more photo, Todd. Get between Mike and Jeff, the way you walked through the park. Up on the lawn, so we can get the house in the background."

Eric had to tell the three of us to smile a few times before we looked cheery enough for him to snap the picture. Todd was relieved to get his clothes back, finally. He was smiling on his own and waved goodbye as Gary drove the two of them off. Perhaps Gary would help with his shaving -- we'd find out on Monday, I guess.

John shattered the peace of the moment by announcing, "you two were bad tonight and still need to be punished. Around to the back and strip."

13. A Ticklish Situation

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