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<< You have completed the Now What?!? questionnaire. >>

If you recall the information covered here ... and refer to the Readings and recommended websites when you need further clarification ... you'll be on your way to ensuring a good credit history and an informed student loan repayment strategy. Now's the time to start being credit wise ... and it'll pay back tenfold in future years.


Wanna talk to other student about CSLP? If you'd like to talk to other Canadian University 101 students and student loan experts online on their experiences with the Canada Student Loan program, join the CSLP Community of Practice! For more information and to join the discussion, visit

Wanna talk to us about this site? If you have feedback on improving this interactive quiz, join our online student advisory panel! For more information, email [email protected]

Please note: As this is a pilot project, future versions of Now what?!? will include a French language component, a version for part-time loan recipients, an expanded question set and increased options for selecting specific topic areas of interest.

Thank you, and Good Luck!

Last modified: 11/09/2003
Important Notices
National Student Loans Service Centre

Canada Student Loans Program

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