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How to complete this quiz

41. Find your background readings. Either find the hard copies sent to you in the Welcome Kit or print off copies from the previous page.

42. Read the background readings. Easy enough!

43. Keep your background reading handy when you are answering the quiz. This isn't going to be marked! There is so much information to learn that you are encouraged to keep the materials handy for ease of finding the correct answers ... and picking up additional information along the way.

44. Answer the quiz. Click on the link that best fits the correct answer you have in mind. If you make a incorrect choice, use you back button on your browser and try another response. Once you find the correct answer, read the background information that gives further insight on why that answer is correct.

45. Continue to the next question.  You can continue to the next question by clicking the forward arrow at the bottom of the page.

Ready? Let's begin!next page


Last modified: 11/08/2003
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