Philips AH-572
This was an ebay purachase. It was supposed to be in excellent working condition... but as too often is the case, it had a multitude of little issues which prevented correct operation.

1. All of the rotary controls were dirty, and cuased intermittant output.
2. All the incandesent indicator lamps were out (16 of them!!!)
3. The red indicators on the touch controls were very dim
4. Borken AC outlet on rear
5. Bad shaft coupler on mode selector switch

I purached this becuase I read good things about the high-end Philps' equipment, and my curiosity got the better of me.
You can see that none of the lamp are lit. The red touch indicators are dim (yes... the power is on...). as it turns out, the dirty contacts of the rotary controls caused this. 
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