Accuphase E-202
This unit had the typical layers of dust... the face had some minor scratches, frame and panels were excellent,  and the unit was generally very presentable.

Accuphase has a reputation for building some of the finest gear anywhere, so I was anxious to get this running. However, I was to find that this one was not going to be an easy fix.

On my initial examination, I found that the unit would stay in protection mode.  I could see the emmitter resistors on the left channel were cracked. I could also see two other suspect resistors on this board.

On a closer look, I discover that this channel had suffered a catastrophic failure. Once I had the unit apart and started checking components, I found the amout of damage was extensive:
1) Six bad resistors
2) Two bad driver transistors
3) Two cracked emitter resistors
4) three (of the four) bad output transistors

I also discovered that the output transistors had been soldered into the sockets on both channels!!! Impossible to remove without destroying the socket/transistor. Some hack had been working on this... Bad Karma. I hate getting units that have had questionable repairs. but I found no further "damage" beyond this.

I found a transistor and resistor substitutions in the protection circuit that were not right, and a substitution in the the rectifier (I remedied these).  
I had a brand new set of TO-3 sockets to put into this, so nothing lost here. 

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