What would a website be without links to other websites? That is my question! So, here I have compiled a collection of hopefully unusual websites for you to visit. Just Click the picture, and away you go.

police carHere we have a great link to Canada's Police. (Hey, why not, I had a picture of a police car.)

This is a cool site that I got off of Steve's webpage. Construct Intended for Nocturnal Destruction and Yardwork

slurpee cupThis is 7-11's official website.

Or instead of the corporate stuff, check out this site for the slurpee aficianodo slurpee love(remind me to check the spelling).
bruce on rolling stone coverThe official Sony site for Bruce.

And since we know that Bruce is the BOSS, here is the site for The Point Blank Magazine. bruce on time magazine or you can check out the Backstreets Magazine. greatest hits album cover.
Some great pictures of the Yellowknife area.
yellowknife skyline

Or visit the City's official websige.
HELP!!!! It's 1:30 in the morning and I can't think of another link to put here... I need something cool, unique and interesting... I am taking ideas.
smiley face
Sign my guestbook and give me some ideas -- please!

Return to my home page. (And I have a question, can anyone tell me what the difference between a web site and a web page is. And can anyone tell me exactly what a home page is. How come when I do a YAHOO! search I get web site matches, and then web page matches? JUST CURIOUS! Please go back to my home sign my guestbook, and tell me the answer to these mind bogeling queries. Also, if you notice any spelling or typos, please, please, please let me know. I will be honest, I did not spell check my work, just e-mail me. Thanks.

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