Mobile SAM
The objectives to be met with the system I have in mind is the following:

Mobile Short Range Air Defence attached at the battalion level
All-weather day/night capability
Ability to detect/engage attacking aircraft before they can be visually spotted
Intercept/engage targets out to 8km
Ability to either fire while on the move or able to immediately stop and fire
Multiple target tracking/queue system
Ability to send/receive tracking information from other vehicles/sources
Protected against large caliber small arms, anti-personnel weapons and artillery splinters
Use equipment that shares components already in use by Australia
Be fitted in such a way as to not substantially increase the profile of the vehicle
Complete system able to be fitted into one vehicle covering Radar/IR and missles

The principle area I envision the vehicle operating is within 1 km of the main line of resistance.  It would operate out of the direct line of fire of anti-vehicle weapons as much as possible. It would be armored enough to at least survive some hits from either 155mm shell fragments or heavy small arms, and able to move out immediately.

Primary targets of the SAM system would be close-range, low-level aircraft.  Basically attack and support helicopters, as well as UAV and aircraft on recon/close-support of ground attack missions.

One possible feature to include would be CEAFAR 3D Phased Radar Array from CEA Technologies, since the system is scalable to be vehicle mounted.  This might be able reduce the effectiveness of nap of the earth flight by helicopters and ground attack aircraft, since the phased radar array could have a better chance of filtering out the radar returns from the ground clutter than a traditional radar array.
ASRAD-R on M113, courtesy of Saab Bofors
Army proposals
Project Land 19 Short Range Air Defence Weapon System
Saab Bofors ASRAD-R
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