Air Warfare Destroyer
The SEA 4000 Air Warfare Destroyer project is to replace the Adelaide class Guided Missle Frigate with a modern vessel starting in 2013.  Final design has not been selected as yet, but the new class will make use of the Aegis SPY-1D radar, and a primary role of the larger vessel will be Area Air Defence.  ASC AWD Pty Ltd, a wholely-owned subsidiary of ASC, has been selected as the Prime Contractor.

Currently, Canada is looking at replacing the 4 ship (only 3 are active) Iroquois class Guided Missle Destroyer commissioned between 1970-1972.  After a refit in the 1990s the Iroquois was tasked with Air Defence.

Depending on the design selected, Canada might be interested in the Air Warfare Destroyer for their Maritime Service.  If Canada can be induced to order Air Warfare Destroyers from Australia, or at least major sections of the Air Warfare Destroyer, that can assist in reducing the price per vessel.  Equally important it would help maintain construction skills by increasing the overall amount of time spent building the vessels.
Artistic impression of a future AWD (Produced by NAVSYS Computer Modelling Group)
Air Warfare Destroyer
SEA 4000 Project
ASC Air Warfare Destroyer
Canadian Iroquois class DDG
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