Here are staff of the NWWL...


-Steven Philips: C.E.O.

-Joe Brown: V.P.

-?: Commisioner(looking for commisioner!!!)


-Bill Potmen: Bill used to be a wrestler by the anme of Pothead Bill. He wasn't very good at all. He turned to announcing to highlight matches. He provides color commentary, and usually disagrees with Greg.

-Greg Sonner: Greg takes his announcing job VERY SERIOUSLY!!! He tells you the fact, and on most cases disagrees with Bill.

-Rampway Announcer: Nick Frederickson. Wears regular tux. Calls wrestlers as they make there way to the ring.

-Biggie Smalls. NWWL main security.

-Arena gaurds: Whatever gaurds at the arena currently at.

-Senior Referee: Kevin Proone. Has been a referee for about 25 years. More than any other referee on the staff. Every decision he makes, is his final desicion.

-Secondary Referee: Jeff Larden. 15 years behind his back. Referee's much like Kevin.

-Other Ref's: Jessie Larden. Jeff's son. Been refereeing for about 1.5 years. Calls some odd shots.

Sam Douglas. Refereeing for 5 years. Make's the match fair and sqaure to the best of his abilities.

Karen Lyles. One of the only women refereeing in a professional wrestling company. Has 3 years of refereeing skills in her pocket. She does her job well. Not as good as the men, and beutiful, but not as good.


-David Craig: Most of the faces backstage get along with David. He keeps it all straight. Does his job finely.

-Michelle Twin: Beutiful. Most of the heel wrestlers make fun of her scandally clad self. She tries her hardest to make a good interview.

-Bill Goodman: New at interviewing. Worked on KCRA 3 in Sacramento, and met Peter. Now an interviewer for the NWWL.


-Time Keeper: Fred Gall. Makes sure time doesn't run out on anybody's match. Let's Peter know how long the match was.

-Doctor: Dr. Jeff Gorment. He was born in India, and while still a child, his parents moved to America. He has a PhD. in medicine, and anthropology. He helps, and sooths the wrestlers needs.

If you ever feel like you need to send an e-mail to the main staff members of the NWWL, please do not hesitate to e-mail them at [email protected]!!!
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