[Convenient Design]


Web Design
Route 85 Mobil
Worcester WAM

Best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0 OR Netscape Navigator 4.0, or better.

Welcome to Convenient Design and our home on the web.  We are a web-design company targeted towards the "smaller person" in business.

Our Mission

To provide top-quality web pages for the small business community.  Our goal is to help the small business, family-run business, and non-profit organization develop a unique presence on the web without the high-end cost commonly associated with the Internet.

Contact Information

More than 101 million people access the Internet each day.  However, 3 out of every 4 businesses do not have any presence on the web.  If you have questions about our design and consultation services, please contact us in any of the many ways below.  Your message will be answered within the next 24 hours.

Electronic mail : [email protected]


[ Home ]  [ Web Design ] [ Route 85 Mobil ] [ Worcester WAM ]

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