June 2004: Getting "serious".

l/r: left/right
BF: back flip
FF: forward flip
BS: back spin
FS: forward spin
0.5 .. n.5 : number of turns
b: blind
=: simultaneous
a: air-drumming/pillow-drumming
j: juggling
rjl: r2lBF1, ljrn: l2lBFn
Cymbals: HH, CR, RD, SP,CH (hi-hat, crash, ride, splash, china)
Toms: HT, LT, SN (high tom, low tom, snare drum)
tg traditional grip
db double bass

June 8: First really good round. BF1 ok, BF2 turns out BF1.5 often. BF1b trials. Extra: BF1a..BF3a and BF1ab.
Some FF1.

June 9: Left hand hurts. First rBF3. BF0.5 on off-beats r/l. FF1 and FF1.5
Trying lBF1=rBF1.5 - complicated.
Idea: on verse>chorus, throw snare stick up, pass HH-stick over, and catch stick with other hand. First juggling trails: possible... Internet research.

June 10: Juggling r on crash/ride to l BF1 - l on HH/crash to r BF1. First rBF3 while playing.

June 11: Moved kit to living room - ceiling is up at 4m there. Pretty nice. FF2cr/sp/rd etc. "on time".
Wondering about stick-clicking.

June 12: Playing with one hand and spinning with the other. Obviously slept too much. "Juggling", that is, just throwing up sticks l-r-l-r-...
How about three sticks? Must be hard...

June 13: Sunday

June 14: tg (traditional grip). Cymbal/Snare-shower-juggling in reverse. Playing one-handed while throwing the other stick - not easy! Some lFF2, occasional rFF3, playing with mirror. First air-juggling.
Linkin Park.

June 15: Playing CB style (Christian Blome), meaning that I play one-handed and the other hand (usually l) fills in the HH-beat when r hits the snare. That leaves a lot of time for l to spin/spend.
Alternate sticking (something like off-beat r with every 2nd off-beat l on HH... To be continued!) - good idea: l plays 2nd off-beat, r plays off-beat on ride and snare with BF1 in between.
Ska Ska Club: "Twelve Ways to Go"

June 16: Throwing against the wall - prohibitive due to neighbors. HH from below to FF (usually left). Counter-rotate: lFF1=rFF1. First juggling on set (not yet...).
Juggling: BF1 r-l-l-r for one round. Several rounds "chaotic". 2BC...
Tried some balancing.
deftones "around the fur"

June 17: LOTS of ideas.
- Horizontal (helicopter)
- Horizontal spin (Tina)
- first juggling @ kit, juggling w/ one beatt (HHljrSNrjl & reverse, rLTrjlSNljr &reverse - one each at least!!!)
- r: LT-BF1-SN-BF1..   l: SN-BF1-HH-BF1.. (to practice juggling)
- db (the feet have plenty of time)
- making fun of NOT catching ("Ozzy")
- 3 sticks (two in one hand, spinning the 3rrd, end: just throw it off...)
- stick-clicking (on off-beat eg.)
- butt-playing
- count along
- catch w/ mouth (fox)
    r    l     l    r     r    l     l     r
- juggling two sticks in one hand (way to goo)
- juggling 2 sticks on the left side, one onn the right...
lBF2 goes pretty well, some BF1b, just playing.
Yes:90125, Lacuna coil (played two sets)

June 22: Only one new idea: Catch between fingers after BF3/4 or the like, balance. Not easy.
Playing off-beat r and spinning l.
4-stroke HH start blind. Hard.
First juggling incorporation.
Biohazard/"Mata Leao", Green Day/"Dookie"

June 25-27: Southside festival, Tuttlingen, Germany. Gluecifer had a stick-spinner.

June 29: Eschwege, that is: Flat ceiling. Pretty well. Throw stick, catch or redirect it w/ other stick. Rebound from real drums. Great snare.
Stuck Mojo.

June 30: Off-beat on Ride, throwing r between and l on snare hits. Requires semi-blind spinning. Some juggling.

June 31: Pretty cool playing, actually juggled once w/ 2 beats. I'm probably better than I think.
1st try to catch behind back. Gotta work it out. Snapping fingers, licking.
- shouting, screaming, burbing, yelling, plllll, whatever
- caught stick from below after a little morre than BF1, to hit cymbal etc.
- Off-beat on HH gives a lot of time to spinn.
- Third plane (Propeller)
ratm: "evil empire" - excellent material.

July 1: Only new idea: Doing nothing.

July 4: Sunday, back in B. Started using other body parts (head&shoulder) for 5min.

July 5: Left hand problematic. But: Real juggling incorporation in drumming, one at a time. Surprisingly good.
Tried catching behind back - gotta work at it.
Could use other 3rd item, like eating an apple. Far out...
Molotov: "donde jugaran las ninias"

July 6: Playing and juggling, l always behind. Start j: Two simultaneous strokes, throw r, throw l.
Lotsa db.
Idea: Off-beat on HH, throw l, throw r after snare. Hard.
Pantera: "Vulgar Display of Power"

July 7: Some good throwing, lBF2 getting better. Trying to juggle all over. Creative mixing all over the kit. Fun.
Off-kit juggling: Incorporating BF1.5 and BF2, juggling with rhythm - feels great! Counting along. Then shifting slightly off-beat to make strokes possible. Way to go.
Some nice propeller throws.
"bloodlines" sampler.

July 8: Creative: lHH - rHH - rSN - lHH as an "easily" playable pattern.
Catch on/off beat.
ternary rhythm: rl-lr-rl..

July 9: Pause. Juggled hacky-sack, scotch tape and sock once (rlr and catch lrl)

July 10: Just playing, too tired. rSN, throw high to l, another lHH and throw quickly l2r.
kyuss: "and the circus leaves town"

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