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Exodus 21:22 has a message to doctors and research scientists.
Luke 2:21 and when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child,his name was called Jesus, which was so named of the angel, before he was conceived in the womb. <- God Knows us before physical conception!
All human life is sacred. This is what young women contemplating abortion should know!
Imagine if Issac, Jeremiah, or Jesus had been used for stem cell research! (or JFK, or MLK,
or your mother, child, or lover...)
SKP's  - Skin Derived Precursors!!! HUMAN ADULT Stem Cells from the Skin!!!! ( No Embryos required!)
Bible Lookup
Embryonic Stem Cells
Stem Cells and Cancer Adult Stem Cells
Mouse Stem Cells to Kidney Cells
Stem Cell Differentiation Stem Cell Gene Switches Adult Cells to Stem Cells
Parkinsons and Stem Cells


August 23, 2006 

New Stem Cell Lines Spare Embryo 


Human embryonic stem cells offer great medical hope, because of their ability to develop into almost any kind of adult cell. But harvesting the pluripotent cells from stored embryos has raised ethical concerns, due to the necessity of destroying potential humans to derive these cells. Now new research has shown that stem cells can be cultivated from cells split off from developing embryos without impacting the embryo itself.

In previous research, Robert Lanza and his colleagues at Advanced Cell Technology had shown that single-cell biopsies done on mouse embryos--similar to those used for genetic diagnosis prior to a human embryo's implantation--might allow for the cultivation of stem cell lines without discernible impact. The team thawed 16 human embryos that had gone unused by parents pursuing in vitro fertilization. The scientists separated single cells, known as blastomeres, from the embryos and cultivated them separately.


More than half of the blastomeres continued to divide and the researchers were able to cultivate specific target cells, such as endothelial cells. The shape, growth and abilities of these cells closely matched those of stem cells derived from other techniques. Overall, in 10 separate experiments, they created 19 embryonic stem cell-like growths as well as two cell lines capable of continuous production. "We believe the success rate can be further increased by optimizing conditions at the earliest stages of blastomere outgrowth," the researchers write in the paper presenting the finding, published online by Nature today.


If confirmed, the new technique would allow researchers to create and experiment with stem cells while avoiding ethical concerns as individual blastomeres, or their multicellular derivatives, have never been shown to be capable of generating a complete organism. And numerous studies have shown that this genetic testing technique has little impact on the survival rate of embryos. In fact, the single cells used in such testing routinely today could, in the future, grow stem cells for the resulting children, and humanity. --David Biello 



June 21, 2002 

Studies Provide Additional Insight into Abilities of Stem Cells 


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The controversy surrounding stem cell research—in particular whether the cells should come from embryonic sources or adult ones—hinges on what, exactly, cells from the two sources are capable of. Embryonic stem cells, which are more politically contentious because they must be harvested from human embryos, can differentiate into any tissue in the human body. Adult stem cells, although available from less controversial sources, have so far shown less plasticity than their embryonic counterparts. Now the results of two studies published online by the journal Nature provide additional insight into the abilities of both classes of stem cells. The findings further suggest that only by investigating the two kinds of stem cells will it be possible to determine which source will prove most useful in treating a particular disease.

Catherine Verfaillie and of the University of Minnesota Stem Cell Institute and her colleagues report that a particular kind of adult stem cell, derived from bone marrow and dubbed a multipotent adult progenitor cell (MAPC), can differentiate into nearly all types of mouse tissue. The scientists injected MAPCs into mice blastocysts (embryos comprised of approximately 100 cells), which were then transferred to foster mothers for gestation. The resultant animals exhibited multiple tissue types, including brain, lung, retina, spleen and skin, attributable to the MAPCs. "Some of the animals are 40 percent derived from the bone marrow stem cells, suggesting that the cells contribute functionally to a number of organs," Verfaillie notes. "This is similar to what one would expect of [embryonic stem] cells." The team next injected MAPCs into a living animal and found that the cells still differentiated into liver, intestine and lung tissue, but overall MAPCs were detected in fewer tissue types than in the blastocyst-injected mice.


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Contrary to some recent study results that indicate adult stem cells may merely be fusing with cells already present in the body instead of fully differentiating, the researchers report that they did not co-culture the bone marrow cells with other cell types, thereby ruling out fusion in vitro. Verfaille cautions, however, that the in vivo experiments are not conclusive with regard to the fusion problem. But so far the MAPCs also have not demonstrated a potential problem of embryonic stem cells: growth of tumors known as teratomas, which contain multiple tissue types.


In the second published paper, Ronald McKay of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and his colleagues report having successfully cultured embryonic stem cells into dopamine-producing neurons, the type lost in Parkinson's disease. By adding a gene called Nurr1 to stem cells from mice, the scientists made an abundance of dopamine neurons, nearly 80 percent of the cells produced the neurotransmitter. When implanted into rats missing dopamine-producing cells on one side of their brains, the stem cell-derived neurons made functional connections with surrounding cells. And animals that received neurons containing Nurr1 showed more improvement in their Parkinsonian symptoms than did animals that received embryonic stem cells lacking the gene. Although some Parkinson's patients have shown improvements after receiving experimental transplants of fetal tissue cells into their brains, McKay suggests that treatments based on the new findings could hold even greater promise. Because this technique enables routine access to dopamine-producing neurons, researchers will be able to investigate in a systematic way new ways to make using them safe for future patients, he says.

Both groups advise that potential applications of their recent work remain a long way off and that research studies involving the two stem cell types are not mutually exclusive. According to Verfaille, studies of adult and embryonic stem cells should proceed in parallel because what is learned about one cell type can help advance research into the other. Natalie DeWitt, a senior editor at Nature, concurs. "While the two papers will no doubt rekindle the debate on the relative merits of embryonic versus adult stem cells," she says, "together they emphasize the outstanding potential of stem cells and the need for continued research in all areas of stem biology." --Sarah Graham


November 13, 2001 

Scientists Coax Neurons from Bone Marrow Stem Cells 


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As part of their continuing effort to skip over the ethical and political hurdles surrounding embryonic stem cells, researchers have unlocked even more potential from the adult kind. New findings suggest that a biochemical cocktail can coax adult bone marrow stem cells to become neurons, according to a report presented yesterday at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego. But although the ability to effect such a metamorphosis may someday hold promise for treating neurodegenerative ailments such as Parkinson's disease, the transformed cells currently revert back to their primordial state within two to three days.

Stem cells from adult bone marrow normally generate bone, muscle, cartilage and fat cells—a limited set compared with embryonic stem cells, which can spawn the full spectrum of adult tissues. Prior research with cultured tissue had shown that a mix of chemicals could change bone marrow stem cells from mice to those resembling brain cells, but when a team led by neurologist Lorraine Iacovitti of Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia tried the same brew on human cells, the number altered was modest. After experimenting with several different cocktails, the researchers hit on a mix that transformed 100 percent of cultured stem cells into those that looked like neurons in under an hour. "It's really the most dramatic thing we've ever witnessed in the lab," Iacovitti says.


She doesn't know yet whether they will act like neurons, but the changed cells seem to produce the neurotransmitter known as GABA. Cells that make GABA deteriorate in Huntington's disease, Iacovitti notes. She hopes to find dopamine-producing neurons to replace those lost in Parkinson's disease. Generating neurons from adult stem cells "would be a huge leap forward and put to rest a lot of the ethical issues we've been grappling with for years," she explains. People are also less likely to reject transplanted cells from their own bodies. Iacovitti says she has to tackle the problem of keeping the cells differentiated before she can do anything else, however. "We're a long way off from thinking about the clinic. But the fact that we can get it to happen is still extremely hopeful." --JR Minkel 



October 27, 2006   





August 14, 2001 

Researchers Find Adult Stem Cells in Skin 


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In the wake of the federal government’s recent decision to limit embryonic stem cell research to existing cell lines, Canadian scientists announced they have discovered a new, noncontroversial source of stem cells. Researchers at McGill University isolated adult stem cells able to differentiate into a number of cell types from the skin of mice. Their results appear in the September issue of the journal Nature Cell Biology.


The researchers isolated cells from the deeper layers of skin, or dermis, of juvenile and adult mice. When cultured, the cells—termed SKPs, for skin-derived precursors—generated a variety of different cell types, including neurons, muscle cells and fat cells. "We believe our discovery is important as we have identified an exciting new stem cell from a noncontroversial source that holds considerable promise for scientific and therapeutic research," says co-author Freda Miller.


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The newly discovered cells are distinct from other adult-derived stem cells, such as those originating from bone marrow, and retain their ability to morph into diverse cell types for up to a year, the scientists report. The team tested human skin to determine if it could generate SKPs and concluded that "similar precursors may be present within adult human skin." If human cells can be exploited for therapeutic treatments, Miller says, "complications seen in donor transplantations are avoided as the patient's own cells are being transplanted." --Sarah Graham




Titre du document / Document title

Isolation and characterization of multipotent skin-derived precursors from human skin

Auteur(s) / Author(s)

TOMA Jean G. ; MCKENZIE Ian A. ; BAGLI Darius ; MILLER Freda D. ;

Résumé / Abstract

We have previously isolated, expanded, and characterized a multipotent precursor cell from mammalian dermis (termed skin-derived precursors [SKPs]) that can differentiate into both neural and mesodermal progeny. In this study, we report the isolation, expansion, and characterization of a similar precursor cell from neonatal human foreskin tissue. Like their rodent counterparts, human SKPs grew in suspension as spheres in the presence of the mitogens fibroblast growth factor 2 and epidermal growth factor and expressed nestin, fibronectin, vimentin, and characteristic embryonic transcription factors. Human SKPs could be maintained in culture for long periods of time and would still differentiate into neurons, glia, and smooth muscle cells, including cells with the phenotype of peripheral neurons and Schwann cells. Clonal analysis indicated that single SKP cells were multipotent and could give rise to all of these progeny. Moreover, human SKPs apparently derive from an endogenous precursor within human foreskin; a subpopulation of dissociated primary foreskin cells could differentiate into neurons, a cell type never seen in skin, and the initial spheres to develop from skin expressed the same markers and had the same potential as do passaged SKPs. Together, these data indicate that SKPs are an endogenous multipotent precursor cell present in human skin that can be isolated and expanded and differentiate into both neural and mesodermal cell types.

Revue / Journal Title

Stem cells  (Stem cells)  ISSN 1066-5099  CODEN STCEEJ

Source / Source

2005, vol. 23, no6, pp. 727-737 [11 page(s) (article)]

Langue / Language



Editeur / Publisher

AlphaMed, Miamisburg, OH, ETATS-UNIS (1993) (Revue)




Mots-clés d'auteur / Author Keywords

Neural stem cells ; Neural crest ; Neurons ; Schwann cells Smooth muscle cells ; Foreskin ; Stem cells ; Dermis ;

Localisation / Location

INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 20135, 35400013813275.0030



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Nature Cell Biology  6, 1082 - 1093 (2004)



There is an Addendum (May 2005) associated with this Article.

A dermal niche for multipotent adult skin-derived precursor cells

Karl J. L. Fernandes1, 2, 8, Ian A. McKenzie2, 5, 8, Pleasantine Mill2, 3, Kristen M. Smith1, 2, Mahnaz Akhavan2, Fanie Barnabé-Heider2, 5, Jeff Biernaskie2, Adrienne Junek7, Nao R. Kobayashi2, Jean G. Toma2, David R. Kaplan1, 2, 3, Patricia A. Labosky6, Victor Rafuse7, Chi-Chung Hui2, 3 & Freda D. Miller2, 3, 4

1 Department of Cancer Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada.


2 Department of Developmental Biology, Hospital For Sick Children Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada.


3 Departments of Medical and Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada.


4 Department of Physiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8, Canada.


5 Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B4, Canada.


6 Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6058, USA.


7 Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 1X5, Canada.


8 These authors contributed equally to this work.


Correspondence should be addressed to Freda D. Miller [email protected]



A fundamental question in stem cell research is whether cultured multipotent adult stem cells represent endogenous multipotent precursor cells. Here we address this question, focusing on SKPs, a cultured adult stem cell from the dermis that generates both neural and mesodermal progeny. We show that SKPs derive from endogenous adult dermal precursors that exhibit properties similar to embryonic neural-crest stem cells. We demonstrate that these endogenous SKPs can first be isolated from skin during embryogenesis and that they persist into adulthood, with a niche in the papillae of hair and whisker follicles. Furthermore, lineage analysis indicates that both hair and whisker follicle dermal papillae contain neural-crest-derived cells, and that SKPs from the whisker pad are of neural-crest origin. We propose that SKPs represent an endogenous embryonic precursor cell that arises in peripheral tissues such as skin during development and maintains multipotency into adulthood.



Although adult mammalian stem cells were previously thought to differentiate solely into cells of their tissue of origin, a number of recent reports have identified cultured adult stem cells that show a surprisingly diverse differentiation repertoire1. Although some reported cases of multipotency are due to unanticipated cellular fusion events2, 3, 4, compelling evidence still exists for the multipotency of a number of cultured adult stem cell populations. For example, blastocyst injection studies show that both multipotent adult progenitor cells (MAPC) bone marrow cells5 and neural stem cells from the central nervous system (CNS)6 contribute to many different developing tissues. One caveat to these studies is that multipotency was demonstrated only after these stem cells were expanded in culture, raising the possibility that it was a consequence of culture-induced de-differentiation and/or reprogramming1.


We have previously described a multipotent precursor cell population from adult mammalian dermis7. These cells — termed SKPs, for skin-derived precursors — were isolated and expanded from rodent and human skin and differentiated into both neural and mesodermal progeny, including cell types never found in skin, such as neurons7, 8. One endogenous embryonic stem cell population that contributes to dermis and has a similar broad differentiation potential is neural-crest stem cells (NCSCs)9. We therefore proposed that SKPs represent a multipotent neural-crest-like precursor that arises in embryonic mammalian tissues, and is maintained into adulthood. Here we provide evidence supporting this hypothesis and identify a dermal niche for these precursors.



SKPs share characteristics with, and have multipotentiality similar to, embryonic NCSCs

To characterize the origin of SKPs, we first compared them to stem cell populations that generate neural and/or mesodermal progeny. Because we previously demonstrated that SKPs are distinct from mesenchymal stem cells7, we focused on CNS neural stem cells and embryonic NCSCs. Immunocytochemical comparison of SKPs and embryonic CNS neurospheres revealed that the two populations were distinct: both expressed nestin and vimentin, but only SKPs expressed fibronectin and the precursor cell marker Sca-1 (refs 10,11), whereas only neurospheres contained cells expressing p75NTR (see Supplementary Information, Fig. S1a). We then analysed SKPs for expression of genes associated with embryonic NCSCs. RT-PCR analysis (Fig. 1a) showed that SKPs expressed the transcription factor genes slug12, snail13, twist14, Pax3 (ref. 15) and Sox9 (ref. 16), expressed in various populations of embryonic NCSCs17 in vivo. Except for Sox9, all of these genes were expressed at lower or undetectable levels in embryonic CNS neurospheres (Fig. 1a). SKPs also express the transcription factors Dermo-1 (ref. 18) and SHOX2 (ref. 19; see Supplementary Information, Fig. S1b), which are expressed in embryonic dermis and craniofacial regions. A similar pattern of gene expression was observed in embryonic, neonatal and adult SKPs passaged from 1-15 times. Thus, SKPs express genes characteristic of embryonic NCSCs and/or their embryonic derivatives.



Figure 1. SKPs express markers of embryonic neural crest and differentiate into peripheral neurons and Schwann cells.


 (a) RT-PCR for genes involved in embryonic neural crest determination and migration in total RNA isolated from SKP spheres compared with embryonic telencephalic neurospheres (CNS), both of which were cultured in the presence of FGF2 and EGF. RNA from an E12 neural tube functioned as a positive control (+), RT-PCR for GAPDH was used as a loading control and reaction with no input nucleic acid was run in the last lane as a negative control (-). (b) RT-PCR for two markers of peripheral catecholaminergic neurons, dopamine--hydroxylase (DH) and peripherin, in murine SKPs differentiated for one week in 10% serum (Diff. SKPs). SKP spheres and dissociated SKPs plated in proliferation medium (PM) do not express these mRNAs. (c) Western blot analysis for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in murine SKP spheres compared with SKPs differentiated for 14 days in 10% serum supplemented with neurotrophins. The positive control was protein isolated from cultured sympathetic neurons of the superior cervical ganglion (SCGs). (d) RT-PCR for three markers of peripheral Schwann cells, p75NTR, myelin basic protein (MBP) and P0 peripheral myelin protein (P0), in total RNA from undifferentiated and differentiated rat SKPs. (e) Immunocytochemical analysis of differentiated murine SKPs for markers of peripheral neurons. Left, morphologically complex differentiated cells co-express the neuronal markers III-tubulin and NFM (yellow cells in the merged image). Right, differentiated cells co-express III-tubulin (red; bottom inset) and p75NTR (green; top inset), proteins expressed by virtually all peripheral neurons. (f) Immunocytochemical analysis of differentiated SKPs, showing that a subset of bipolar cells co-express: left, S100 (red) and M

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