 If you’re like me, you love music. I began collecting albums and cassettes years ago, and unfortunately, some of my favorite recordings are not available on CD. And until they invent a turntable for the car or a portable record player to take to the beach, those great tunes had to stay on the shelves. Well I wasn’t okay with that, and if you aren’t either, then you’ve come to the right place.

CD Architect will take your albums and cassettes (no 8 tracks – sorry!) and breath new life into those recordings. Using professional grade cassette players and hi-end turntables, your music will be transferred, cleaned up and placed onto a CD for you to enjoy anywhere…even convert those tracks into MP3’s or WMA’s.

And music is just the beginning. We have also converted speeches, graduations, lectures, childhood recordings, live concert recordings…the possibilities are endless.

If you intend to listen to those old recordings over the years, consider using CD Architect. Remember, vinyl and cassettes dull with age…CD’s last a lifetime.   Enjoy!

-- James, 2004

This site is long dead.  James, 2014