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c.d.anilkumar's web page



 PPT for WAVELET and MRA can be downloaded

I'm anilkumar C.D.
My +ves;free,,flexible thinking(piscean chara.),try to be philosophic on issues, willing to work hard (at times only),believes in present and past but not so sure about future.
Communication Engineer(electronic) , basically, but not fully dedicated to technology.
Alumni of IIT Kharagpur,West Bengal(M.Tech) and TKMCE ,kollam,kerala(93'batch).
         Poster designing, Cartooning, Painting,music (of any type) are art-hobbies
Cricket is my passion; leaves anything and lives for cricket, Sachin Tendulkar can decide my mood,feel motivated when he is on song and feel lost when he loses,
 The story of a ship-wrecked sailor,Lady Chatterley's Lover ,Tell me ur dreams, Bloodline, The davici code,Angles and Demons are some of the finished favourite books
Contact me:
 [email protected], [email protected]









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